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Stardust Crusaders (Departure)
Stardust Crusaders 「Departure」 is the first Original Soundtrack released for the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders Anime. The entirety of the music in the soundtrack was composed by Yugo Kanno.
Release Date
- July 30, 2014
- 旅立ち (Setting Off)
- 紫の茨 (Purple Thorns)
- 銀のツイスト (Silver Twist)
- 炎の呪術師 (Fire Shaman)
- 憩い (Rest)
- 予兆 (Omen)
- 忍び寄る敵 (Danger Draws Near)
- 闇の蘇生 (Dark Rebirth)
- 高潔なる教皇 (Noble Pope)
- 緊迫 (Tension)
- 秘めた思い (Hidden Thoughts)
- 接近 (Approach)
- 哀情 (Sadness)
- 急迫 (Imminence)
- 悠然遊覧 (Calm Sightseeing)
- 忠義の従者 (Loyal Follower)
- 迷い (Hesitation)
- 荒野に吹く風 (Wind In The Wilderness)
- 激突 (Clash)
- 鎮魂 (Repose Of Souls)
- 暗闇の進撃 (Charge Of Darkness)
- 決戦の時 (Decisive Battle)
- スターダストクルセイダース (Stardust Crusaders)