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Showing messages 1-15 of 15 messages.
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posted 788 days ago

Hey, Thanks For responding, I will do. i will start with phantom blood, and work my way down. again, thanks. Aiden.

posted 789 days ago

hey, my name is Aiden, and i have a question. in the merchandise section, specifically the S.A.S. (Super action statue) section, wouldn't technically the stands that come with the figures count as an accessorie?. if yes, then i woudld't mind editing all the pages to have the stands put in the accessorie section

posted 865 days ago

Thank you!!

posted 1157 days ago

Sorry about the nothing page I meant it to be a page for my profile. It was an accident.

posted 1164 days ago

also i wanna say sorry for spamming it back on i didnt know that you said that bc im new to adding edits i hope you're fine with it

posted 1164 days ago

Hey so im trying to edit the weather report page with the jamiroquai reference and it says you delete it, can you tell me why because im gonna try it last time but instead of jumping to conclusions and saying its full on a reference im gonna say its just a theory and not confirmed

posted 1346 days ago

I mean i tought that it's was pretty clear that Wonder of U killed Poor Tom with a calamity and not physically by punching or kicking, we haven't even seen him do that yet. I probably misused the word anti social but what i meant is that Tooru is apathetic or at least he doesn't value the life of the others rocks humans (which is definitely true).

posted 1412 days ago

best of luck to you, im hoping it all goes well

posted 1413 days ago

im glad you have this all figured out, again good going with all this.

posted 1415 days ago

thanks for the message, ive been concerned about the image youve been using for years on end, im not saying its bad or anything, im just saying it could match up in quality and in reference in terms of DIO on the manga section of pictures on his wiki entry since he is a png, other than that, i understand and thanks again

posted 1450 days ago

thank you, sorry for my mishap here, i just wanted to upload new versions of the renders and such, my reason for replacing the images for DIO on OVA and Part 6 was because i thought that they were too old of images and needed to be updated, but i understand that there are just some things i have no right to tamper with and i completely understand, thank you though for the suggestions and im DEEPLY sorry for wasting your time with my mishap on the uploading of new images and such while the old files remain somewhere here on the site having no use.

posted 1450 days ago

Hello, if there is anyway to overwrite or to replace the old files, please just tell me, right now i am currently removing backgrounds from old uploads on this site for the video game renders of PB, GioGio PS2, ASB, EOH, JUS and etc. if there is anyways i can replace or move the old files out of the way without them just staying here or if you are displeased with them, then feel free to remove my edits all together, thank you and have a good day

posted 1459 days ago

That is because some of the pixelated screencaps I took are from the OVA on Internet Archive and during action sequences so the constant animations somehow messed with quality of the caps. I've been posting them images because it seems like no one gonna do it. Apologies, I will leave them to you.

posted 1463 days ago

Yeah, I did update the infobox images after you noticed me a week ago. I won't overwrite them again.

posted 1570 days ago

Looking through the sketch archive and art gallery I saw these, which closely resemble the "Valentino" and "Nina Ricci" poses already listed. I saw there are occasionally multiple examples for a pose, so here are the other examples: . Looking at the Art Timeline, it seems the Dio Nina Ricci pose comes before the current one listed on the Reference Page, but the other example is harder to tell due to it not having a determined date. Either way, I find the Reference Gallery pages interesting to look at, so thank you for adding to the pages so frequently.