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m Text replacement - "Category:Season 2 Episodes" to "{{StardustCrusaders}}Category:Season 2 Episodes" Tags: Mobile edit Mobile web edit |
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|title = Judgement, Part 2
|colors = StardustCrusaders
|image =
[[File:Episode 48.png|{{ImageSize}}]]
|Title Card|
[[File:Episode 48 Title Card.png|{{ImageSize}}]]
|episode = 22 (48)
|season = 2
|ja_kanji = {{Ruby|審判|ジャッジメント}} その2
|ja_romaji = Jajjimento Sono 2
|crtitle = Judgment, Part 2 {{S|[[Crunchyroll]], [[VIZ Media|VIZ]] Digital}}
|chapters = {{Ch5|SC|63}} {{S|Pg. 17-19}}<br/>{{Ch5|SC|64|65}}<br/>{{Ch5|SC|66}} {{S|Pg. 1-8}}
|runtime = 23:44
|eyecatch2 = [[Judgement]]<br />[[Magician's Red]]
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|next = {{Ep2|SC Episode 23}}
|endate = January 28, 2018}}
{{Quote|{{Nihongo|YES I AM!|type1=J}}|[[Muhammad Avdol]]|[[SC Volume 6 (Anime)|''Stardust Crusaders'' BD/DVD Volume 6]]}}
{{Nihongo|'''Judgement, Part 2'''|{{Ruby|審判|ジャッジメント}} その2|Jajjimento Sono 2}}<ref name="SC">[ STORY | TVアニメ2nd Season「ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 スターダストクルセイダース」 | ANIME | 「ジョジョの奇妙な冒険」公式ポータルサイト]</ref> is the
[[Judgement]] the genie has shown his true colors and summoned man-eating copies of [[Jean Pierre Polnareff|Polnareff]]'s sister and [[Muhammad Avdol|Avdol]]. Unable to attack the images of his loved ones, Polnareff is cornered and in dire need of help.
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{{Char|Name=Jean Pierre Polnareff|Av=PolnareffAvAnim3.png|Color=SDC|Color2=SDC2}}
{{Char|Name=Fake Avdol|Av=Clone_Avdol_Anime_AV.png|Status={{1st}}{{Death}}|Color=SDC|Color2=SDC2}}
{{Char|Name=Sherry Polnareff|Av=SherryAvAnim.png|Status={{Mo}}|Color=SDC|Color2=SDC2}}
{{Char|Name=Fake Sherry|Av=Clone_Sherry_Anime_AV.png|Status={{Death}}|Color=SDC|Color2=SDC2}}
{{Char|Name=Muhammad Avdol|Av=AvdolAvAnim.png|Color=SDC|Color2=SDC2}}
{{Char|Name=Cameo|Av=CameoAvAnim.png|Status={{1st}} {{Retired}}|Color=SDC|Color2=SDC2}}
{{Char|Name=Joseph Joestar|Av=JosephAvAnim3.png|Color=SDC|Color2=SDC2}}
{{Char|Name=Noriaki Kakyoin|Av=KakyoinAvAnim.png|Color=SDC|Color2=SDC2}}
{{Char|Name=Jotaro Kujo|Av=JotaroAvAnim3.png|Color=SDC|Color2=SDC2}}
{{Char|Name=Silver Chariot|Av=SilverChariotAvAnim.png|Color=SDC|Color2=SDC2}}
{{Char|Name=Magician's Red|Av=MagicianRedAvAnim.png|Color=SDC|Color2=SDC2}}
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|assistaction = {{Col|[[Kenta Mimuro]]|三室 健太}}
|key = {{Col|Yuji Tsuchiya<br>[[Yuichi Nakazawa]]<br /> Takenori Tsukuma <br />Koichi Takai<br />Masafumi Tayori <br />Daisuke Agata<br />Yu Min Zi<br />Rie Aoki<br />Yuka Koichi<br />Nanako Ninomaya<br />Reina Kawasaki<br />Yukie Yoshioka<br />Miho Kaneshiro<br />Shuuichiro Manabe<br />Masato Ikeda<br />Mariko Fukita<br />Yuuichi Namiki<br />Akira Koremoto<br />Hirokatsu Maruyama|土屋 友次 {{S|Key}}<br>中澤 勇一<br>津熊 健徳<br>高井 浩一<br>田寄 雅郁<br>阿形 大輔<br>Yu Min Zi<br>青木 里枝<br>小市 由佳<br>二宮 奈那子<br>川崎 玲奈<br>吉岡 幸恵<br>金城 美保<br>眞部 周一郎<br>池田 雅人<br>吹田 真理<br>並木 祐一<br>是本 晶<br>丸山 大勝}}
|2ndkey = {{Col|Ayumi Kurokawa <br />Shao Wei Zhang<br />Sae Akama <br />Takahiro Okawa<br />[[Shuhei Fukuda]]<br />Hitomi Shiroki<br />Arata Kawabata<br />Takayoshi Hayashi<br />Sho Hamada<br />[[Aya Nishimura]]<br />Kimitaka Ito<br />[[Kenta Mimuro]]<br />[[Yukitoshi Houtani]]<br />[[Megumi Itoi]]<br />[[Kohei Ashiya]]<br />[[Masahiko Komino]]<br /> '''Ace Company''' <br /> '''Sunlight'''<br /> '''Jingumi''' <br />'''Core'''|黒川 あゆみ<br>張 紹偉<br>赤間 紗枝<br>大川 貴大<br>福田 周平<br>白木 仁美<br>川端 新<br>林 隆祥<br>濱田 翔<br>西村 彩<br>伊藤 公崇<br>三室 健太<br>宝谷 幸稔<br>糸井 恵<br>芦谷 耕平<br>小美野 雅彦<br>
|tweencheck = {{Col|Kayoko Nishimori|西森 佳代子}}
|tween = '''Digital In-Between Animation'''<br>'''David Production'''
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|{{Flag|Japan}} Japanese||{{Ruby|審判|ジャッジメント}} その2||Judgement, Part 2
|{{Flag|USA}} English||Judgment, Part 2<br>Judgement, Part 2 {{S|[[Netflix]]}}
|{{Flag|Spain}} Spanish||El Juicio - Segunda Parte||Judgment - Part 2
|{{Flag|Brazil}} Portuguese||Julgamento - Parte 2 {{S|[[Crunchyroll]]}}<br>O Julgamento – Parte 2 {{S|
|{{Flag|France}} French||Judgement, Partie 2||Judgement, Part 2
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Polnareff is really cool when he skewers Sherry. He hasn't always been this imposing during these two episodes, but he's reached an impotant step and manages to say goodbye. It's as if he's suddenly grown. However, some things never change and we see him flabbergasted to learn that everyone already knew of Avdol. Kakyoin sympathizes a little with him, but it's already time to leave...
The submarine appears in the very last scene. A normal submersible must surely cost several hundreds of millions of yen; this is really a luxurious journey. Seeing the size of this machine, it must cost into the tens of billions.|[[Naokatsu Tsuda]], Blu-
File:JudgmentAnime.png|[[Judgement]] Eyecatch
File:Magician's Red.png|[[Magician's Red]] Eyecatch
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==Site Navigation==
{{Part 3 Chapters}}