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Well, then, let's make an arrangement. (では 手合わせ願おう)

Adelheid Bernstein (アーデルハイド・バーンシュタイン, Āderuhaido Bānshutain), also known simply as Adel (アーデル, Āderu), is a major character in The King of Fighters series, first appearing in The King of Fighters 2003 as the alternative final boss.

He and his younger sister, Rose Bernstein, are the only known children of the infamous crime mogul, Rugal Bernstein. As such, he is exceptionally gifted in the art of fighting and, while still young, is introduced as a very powerful and talented fighter. Together with Rose, Adel commands the flying fortress SKY-NOAH, where he confronts the winners of the 2003 King of Fighters tournament.

When Rose falls under the control of an impending esoteric inhuman threat known only as "Those From The Distant Land," Adel coordinates with Colonel Heidern, his father's mortal enemy, to stop them from releasing the ancient snake demon god, Orochi, and save his sister.


Adelheid is established as a tall, handsome young man, standing at 183 cm (6 ft 0 in),[1][2][3] with an extremely muscular, well-proportioned physique and a gentleman’s poise. He has silver hair, deep scarlet-colored eyes, and pale, albino-like skin,[a] with his general appearance being reminiscent of that of a nobleman.[4] Additionally, he wears ruby-colored earrings shaped like small rounded rectangles, and while his facial features are generally neutral, he is often depicted with a somewhat androgynous face, complemented by slightly long, dark pink-colored fingernails and purple lips, the latter detail being particularly prominent in his in-game sprite, though they are colored dark red.

He is almost always seen wearing a combat uniform with a dark grayish-green color scheme. This uniform consists of a sleeveless turtleneck, wide-legged pants tucked into his combat boots and secured by two thin green belts and a gold belt, and long fingerless gloves adorned with gold studs on the back and knuckles. Additionally, his gloves feature two gold stripes and an emblem with a golden symbol made to resemble an "R" on a dark background framed by a gold border. He also sports black suspenders secured by gold clips attached to his belt, which wrap around his back and are hoisted parallel to each other, just like the front. Two gold chains are clipped onto his belt loops, which hang down at his sides.

Adelheid's new look in XIII

In The King of Fighters XIII, Adel returns with a slightly updated look. He now wears thicker, pink-colored belts, a dark blue/black sleeveless turtleneck, dark grayish-blue boots and pants, and black gloves that mostly maintain their original design. Additionally, his suspenders now attach to his belt loops; his hair takes on a more traditional blond color and his usually pale skin appears less so, though his KOF XIII trading card sprite maintains his ghostly pale complexion and, strangely, major alterations to his new outfit's color scheme.[10] Other material for KOF XIII depict his boots and pants as being a lime green color.[11]

Color Schemes

The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Hair(Light Blond)
Eyes(Dark Red)
(Dark grayish green turtleneck, pants, gloves, belts, and boots, with black suspenders, gold accessories, and dark red earrings.)
Eyes(Dark Pink)
(Dark grayish blue turtleneck and gloves, with dark grayish lime green suspenders and belts, dark grayish cyan/lime green pants, dark blue boots, gold accessories, and pink earrings.)


Defeat, huh...? I'm sure it will happen to me, too, someday... (敗北、か...... 私の頭上にも、それはいつか必ず......)
—Adelheid to his defeated opponent, The King of Fighters XI

Adelheid is an aristocratic young man who, despite sharing several traits with his father Rugal, is a polite, sensible, calm, self-disciplined young man and an honorable fighter who exhibits good sportsmanship. This is demonstrated when he is defeated at the end The King of Fighters 2003.[12] When referring to himself, he generally uses the pronoun watashi (私), but sometimes switches to ore (俺). His winning lines and the ending of XI show a side of him that is polite and always respectful to his opponents. There is also a side of him that is hard on himself, thinking that even if he is a winner now, he might lose someday.

His politeness is also complimented by his humble nature, which upsets Rose, who does not like how her brother tries to see things from a commoner's point of view. A studious and cool-headed man, Adelheid doesn't always match his father's perspective, and while deviation from the ideal is not a positive experience in the Bernstein household, Adelheid also shares his father's stubborn will. While he does not like his father, he loves and dotes on his younger sister but is troubled by her arrogance and hot temper, which are very similar to their father's, and sometimes has doubts about her sincerity. Even so, upon realizing something is wrong with her in KOF XIII, he cooperated with one of his father's victims, Heidern, to get to the bottom of Those From The Distant Land's plot, and at the then-strange behavior of his sister.

He does not exhibit his father's evil ways, even going as far as rebuking his ambitions, and has assisted those Rugal has wronged on many occasions, namely Heidern. He also has developed a complex about his feminine name,[13] being noticeably embarrassed by it when introducing himself to Heidern for the first time.[4]



Adelheid is the only son of Rugal Bernstein, one of the deadliest men of the modern era. According to Adelheid, Rugal, who wanted a daughter, had a name prepared in advance, but despite siring a son instead, he still gave him the name he had picked out. Because of this, Adelheid was often mistaken for a sister and thus developed a complex about the name. Nonetheless, he stuck with it despite causing social misunderstandings.[4] Growing up, Adelheid displayed exceptional raw, innate talent, fitting his father's mold quite admirably. He went on to master many fighting disciplines at a very young age, even learning the same hybrid style presumably on his own. Adapting Rugal's diverse fighting style to his own strengths, Adelheid became a new face as far as the public was concerned, but one that seemed poised to make an impression.

When Rugal was killed during the 1995 King of Fighters tournament against Team Japan,[b] Adelheid and Rose inherited his tremendous fortune, the former ceasing all criminal activities. Unfortunately, Adelheid never enjoyed a normal, happy childhood due to his father's career and absence, and was forced to care for Rose nearly alone. At some point, also learned of the all-powerful Orochi and the Eight Excellent Masses.[14]

Pre-Tales of Ash

Adel decided to use his fortune to build an airship in Warsaw, Poland, dubbed "SKY-NOAH." While heading towards the city center, Adelheid ended up getting lost, being that it was his first time in Warsaw, though this only made him feel more cheerful. Suddenly, he encountered a man named "Bechstein" by chance and introduced himself, embarrassed by his feminine name; however, he became unusually chatty without realizing it. During their brief conversation, the two talked about family and blood ties; Adelheid discussed how he wanted to escape the obligations of his bloodline but felt resigned to them despite not understanding or liking his father and expressed doubt about his sister's admiration for him, believing that, deep down, she thinks less of him.

Bechstein taught him about Chopin and how the "Revolutionary Étude" — a song his daughter Clara used to play — was about Poland's failed revolution attempt and how distressed it made Chopin himself. Before leaving, Bechstein revealed his real name as Heidern and bid him farewell. Adelheid got on the tram and sat down in an empty seat. He looked for Heidern through the window, but he had already disappeared. As he returned to the dock where SKY-NOAH was being built, Rose noticed his presence, questioning why he had not contacted her upon getting lost and why he had spoken to a "low-class person" such as a "military man." Adel, not having the courage to contradict her pride, apologized and quickly changed the subject to avoid her finding out his method of travel.

When Rose asked him if he wanted her to play any particular song, Adelheid had already decided but still feigned thinking about it out of habit and requested the "Revolutionary Étude."[4]

Tales of Ash

The King of Fighters 2003

Rose presents Adelheid to the tournament winners

Two years after the fall of the NESTS syndicate,[c] shortly after SKY-NOAH is finished and launched, Heidern sends his team on a recon mission, where they inadvertently witness the giant airship floating in the sky. The airship detects their bio-signatures, but it is brushed aside, and Adel is left uninformed.[15] Adelheid and Rose decide to co-host the 2003 King of Fighters tournament in association with Chizuru Kagura — keeper of the Yata Mirror and one of the Three Sacred Treasures — as an unknown patron and begin handing out invitations. In due time, their identity becomes a matter of public interest in the country as a result of their secrecy, and the mysterious "R" emblem attached to the invitations. Unbeknownst to them, this was orchestrated by "Those From The Distant Land," a group of eldritch entities hailing from the past who manipulate events through mortal forms, seeking to unleash the ancient Orochi for their own nefarious purposes.

Adelheid admits defeat amidst Rose's pleas

Upon making it through the tournament finals, Team Ikari — consisting of Heidern's top agents: Ralf Jones, Clark Steel, and Leona — is transported aboard SKY-NOAH after briefly encountering the possessed Chizuru Kagura and welcomed by Rose, who presents Adelheid as their final challenge. The elder brother silently emerges from the shadows, introduces himself, and apologizes for his little sister's insolence. At the behest of his little sister, Adel challenges the winners to a final fight for the crown, sure in his ability to fight an entire team by himself, but is eventually defeated after a well-fought battle. Upon his defeat, Rose threatens to kill the Ikari Team, but Adelheid stops her, graciously admitting defeat despite her pleas to continue fighting and orders her to return the winners to Earth and land SKY-NOAH.

Following this, Heidern begins investigating both the Bernstein siblings and Those From The Distant Land.

The King of Fighters XI

After a year of sightseeing flights, SKY-NOAH once again lies back on the dock in Warsaw, where it was built. Adelheid quickly reads and signs the various documents handed to him, before walking out of the dock. Just as he is about to run to a nearby store, he notices a man dressed from head to toe in a neat military uniform standing there, quickly recognizing him as Heidern. The two begin walking through the city together and engaging in awkward small talk. At one point, they reach a bridge over one of the tributaries of the Vistula River, where they hear a child struggling to reel in a large fish as his father stands back and encourages them, confusing Adelheid as to why the father did not help, all the while envying the bond between the child and father, failing to produce a single memory of spending quality time like that with his own father.

Adelheid reprimands Rose for being disrespectful

After a brief exchange related to fishing, Heidern's voice becomes drowned out by the roar of an approaching military helicopter, which stops and hovers directly above them. Amid the roar and fierce wind, Heidern, now aware of the youth's identity, warns him that he will consider him an enemy the next time they meet and departs.[16] In addition to sponsoring the upcoming King of Fighters tournament, Adelheid decides to participate as a single-entry contestant for unclear reasons yet remains confident in his ability to take on entire teams by himself, all the while being investigated by Heidern until finally assuring the colonel he is a different person from his father.

Despite Those From The Distant Land's low profile, it is during this tournament that Adel becomes suspicious and slowly begins discovering something amiss with the event. At the end of the tournament, Adelheid and Rose return to SKY-NOAH to continue their mundane activites, the elder brother taking in the view of the sky as his sister celebrates him and the tournament's success. However, when Rose begins insulting his defeated opponents, he berates her for doing so before leaving to rest, upsetting Rose. Unfortunately, she is spotted by Botan, a member of Those From The Distant Land who acted as Mukai's co-conspirator in sabotaging the Orochi seal during the previous tournament, and becomes her puppet.

The King of Fighters XIII

"Rose... You seem totally distracted. What do I do?"

As Botan's puppet, Rose organizes a new King of Fighters tournament without consulting or even informing her brother at all. After some time looking, Adelheid finds Rose in her dressing room as she prepares for the new tournament's commencement, and questions her about why she organized a new tournament without telling him. Rose, now a blank slate due to Botan's influence, ignores all of his questions and excuses herself out of the room, leaving him puzzled, worried, and unsure of what to do. During the first bout of the tournament, Adelheid is suddenly visited by Ash Crimson aboard SKY-NOAH and angrily approaches the Frenchman, demanding to know what Those From The Distant Land did with Rose and their purpose for holding the tournament. Ash instead taunts him and advises him to ask his "friend" for help before swiftly leaving. With this, Adelheid contacts Heidern and the two begin to work together. Down in SKY-NOAH's computer control room, Adelheid locates the KOF stadium blueprints, confirms that they are different from the ones he had received, and informs Heidern about a large underground facility hidden beneath the stadium. Based on data surrounding a pattern used in past rituals, the two conclude that it has to do with Orochi.

Adelheid, now working together with Heidern

After receiving this data, Heidern sends his agents to investigate. They eventually stumble upon the underground facility and find energy-gathering equipment at its center. Saiki, the leader of Those From The Distant Land and Ash's ancestor, discovers Adelheid's involvement in locating their underground facility and berates his subordinates for their "half-assed" work. At the tournament's conclusion, Saiki stops time and arrives to kill the winners but is betrayed by Ash, who reveals his true motives as he deprives his ancestor of his power. Unfortunately, Saiki's essence overwhelms Ash and possesses him, becoming "Ash Crazed by the Spiral of Blood" until the latter regains control of his body and allows the Time Gate to close, preventing Saiki from returning to his place in the past and thus erasing the two of them from existence.

Adelheid catches Rose after Botan's strings snap

Time resumes, and Rose finishes her closing speech when Botan releases her from her influence, and her "strings" suddenly snap. Rose loses all strength in her body and collapses, but Adelheid manages to catch her in his arms before she can hit the floor. He realizes this was not just a reflex and that he somehow knew Rose would collapse at that precise moment. The elder brother remembers that something was about to happen, and Rose was involved, having been turned into someone's puppet. As he frantically attempts to recall, a feeling of dread begins growing and gnawing at him, with blanks in his memory materializing as he begins to forget what he was attempting to remember. Feeling dizzy, with his consciousness fading away, Adelheid realizes that this was why Rose had collapsed and focuses his efforts on holding her, remembering that his role as her brother is to protect her.

Ultimately, his memory of the event disappears entirely, but a strong sense of fulfillment in being able to protect Rose remains. When she finally comes to, Adelheid tells her that it was all a bad dream.



What tremendous natural talent... (凄まじい天賦の才...)
—Magaki about Adelheid, The King of Fighters XI

Adelheid is particularly noted for possessing an innate talent for fighting, so much so that even Magaki, a member of Those From The Distant Land known for his sarcastic, nasty, and especially spiteful behavior towards humans, highly values his abilities and praises him quite frankly. While still relatively young and lacking experience, his talent as a fighter is no less than his father's, showing impressive progress for his age. Adelheid fights using a self-taught composite combat technique that masters all combat arts,[1][2] and his talent is further shown by Adelheid's ability to mimic Rugal's techniques nearly perfectly and even chain them together with greater speed and efficiency.

As a mid-boss in KOF XI, Adelheid demonstrates incredible durability in being able to take Super Special and Leader Super Special Moves head on with minimal damage. He has also performed impressive feats of strength, such as forcefully turning someone multiple times bigger than himself around and punching them to the ground, or easily drag them across an arena. His strength extends to his legs, as he can kick opponents into the air with minimal effort, slide across the ground, kick with such force that he can create projectiles made of wind, and leap through the air easily and gracefully. Adel also demonstrates incredible flexibility, able to swing his leg upward to his face.

The King of Fighters 2003 manhua depicts Adelheid's strength being powered by Rose's piano playing.


Adelheid has a relatively small arsenal of fighting techniques, most inherited from Rugal but with weaker priority, suggesting that his mastery of his father's skills still has a long way to go. Some are his own original creations, starting with "A," likely taken from his own name, whilst his borrowed techniques begin with "G", which is short for "grosse," an alternate form of "groß," the German word for "great" or "grand."

G. Kicken(G・キッケン G Kikken) Link to this section

Adelheid's primary method of attack. He throws a swift kick that launches a forward-moving wind projectile that travels along the ground. First used by Geese Howard as the "Gale Fist" (烈風, Reppū Ken), the attack involves swiping a limb forward and upwards (in Adelheid's case, the leg) to create a wave of wind that targets the opponent. Adelheid can also perform this in the air while incorporating a jumping kick.

G. Wand(G・ワンド G Wando) Link to this section
Debut: The King of Fighters 2003

Adelheid possesses the ability to utilize energy to create a barrier strong enough to reflect most projectiles while also functioning as an attack.

G. Kreis(G・クレイス G Kureisu) Link to this section
Debut: The King of Fighters 2003

Adelheid swings his leg in a circle, performing an overhead outward-crescent kick and emitting a "cutting aura." He can also slide along the ground towards his target first to close the gap between them if necessary.

G. Sklaven(G・スクラーゲン G Sukurāgen) Link to this section
Debut: The King of Fighters 2003

Adelheid's most powerful attack. Similar to his father's Gigantic Pressure, Adelheid rushes forward to grab the opponent and slam them into the nearest wall, creating a pillar of energy that engulfs the opponent. The energy produced by this technique can flow straight through victims, mimicking the energy produced by the Orochi power.

G. Kronprinz(G・クローンプリンツ G Kurōnpurintsu) Link to this section

A new technique used by Adelheid during the 11th tournament. First used by Wolfgang Krauser as the "Kaiser Wave" (カイザーウェーブ, Kaizā Wēbu), Adelheid charges energy into both of his hands and fires a large, powerful projectile.


Due to his personality, Adelheid's relationships with people are usually straightforward, and he tends to keep his emotions to himself.


  • Rose Bernstein: Adelheid's younger sister. Although she has a sibling complex and always follows him around, her personality is similar to her father's. As mentioned before, she also seems to look down on her brother and disrespects him (perhaps without realizing it). When he snapped back at her for the first time in KOF XI, she lost her temper.


  • Heidern: Rugal's victim and mortal enemy. Before the 2003 tournament, the two met by chance and had a friendly conversation without knowing each other's identities. Although they were friends with a large age gap, their positions forced them to become enemies, and in the events leading up to KOF XI, Heidern declared them as such. However, in KOF XIII, when Adelheid realized the purpose of Rose's brainwashing through Ash's hints, he contacted Heidern and asked for his cooperation.


  • Kyo Kusanagi: The legitimate heir of the Kusanagi clan, one of the three clans that sealed the legendary Orochi 1800 years prior; the leader of Team Japan; and the current keeper of the Kusanagi Sword, one of the Three Sacred Treasures. Adelheid recognizes him as the man who defeated his father,[d] but as mentioned above, he never liked him to begin with, so he has no desire for revenge. Adel appears to value Kyo's power and reputation, as seen in one of his win quotes in KOF XI, where he comes to understand how Rugal was defeated.
  • Ash Crimson: In The King of Fighters 2003, Adelheid recognizes Ash's power and skills based on his unique dialogue. However, in XIII, when Ash appears aboard SKY-NOAH, Adelheid approaches him with aggression spurred on by his sister's bizarre behavior and his knowledge of Those From The Distant Land's actions in the previous tournaments. Ash does not reciprocate Adel's aggression and instead gives him advice on figuring out Those From The Distant Land's plans, which Adel heeds.


Tales of AshALLSTAR'98 UM OL
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • I am Adelheid. Was this ungrateful little sister of mine being rude? (私はアーデルハイド。この不肖の妹が失礼したかな?)
    —Adelheid's first line, KOF 2003
  • Leave it to me. (任せておけ。)
    —Battle Intro, KOF 2003 & KOF XI
  • If wonder... if I'll be able to win... (勝てるだろうか... 俺が...)
    —Battle Intro vs. Ash Crimson, Shen Woo, Iori Yagami, K', Kyo Kusanagi, Terry Bogard, Ryo Sakazaki, Shion, Magaki, Geese Howard, Silber, Jyazu, KOF 2003 & KOF XI
  • This man is Kusanagi? (この男が草薙か?)
    —Battle intro vs. Kyo Kusanagi, KOF 2003
  • It's a natural result. (当然の結果だ。)
    —Win, KOF 2003 & KOF XI
  • Results are everything, the process doesn't matter. (結果がすべてだ、その過程はなにも意味をなすまい)
    —Win, KOF 2003
  • Stop! Rose, let's get them back to Earth. ...Land SKY-NOAH. (よせ!ローズ 彼らを地上に戻してやるのだ。......スカイノアを着陸させろ)
    —Adelheid to Rose, KOF 2003
  • Rose, a loss is a loss. What's the point in fighting over and over again until winning...? (ローズ、負けは負けだ 勝つまで戦いを繰り返すことに何の意味がある......)
    —Adelheid lecturing Rose, KOF 2003
  • Defeat, huh...? I'm sure it will happen to me someday, too... (敗北、か...... 私の頭上にも、それはいつか必ず......)
    —Adelheid to his defeated opponent, KOF XI
  • I'd like you to give it your all. If you're only joking around, please leave! (全力を出していただきたいな。 もしふざけているなら、お引き取り願おう!)
    —Adelheid to his defeated opponent, KOF XI
  • There's no need to push yourself. The fight is over and you fought well. (無理をすることはない。勝負はついたし、君はよく闘った。)
    —Adelheid to his defeated opponent, KOF XI
  • Victory, huh? But, this emptiness... (勝利、か。だが、この虚しさは...)
    —Adelheid to his defeated opponent, KOF XI
  • I will not be fooled! I am... what I am! (騙されはしない! 私は......私だ!)
    —Win vs. himself, KOF XI
  • Is this man... this good? Father fell, too... (この男...... この程度ですの? 父様も落ちたものですわ......)
    —Win vs. Kyo Kusanagi, KOF XI
  • I see... a wolf, huh? So the fangs and claws are real. (なるほど、狼か...... 牙と爪は本物という訳だな。)
    —Win vs. Terry Bogard, KOF XI
  • Explain yourself. Who are you? And what are you planning on doing? (説明してもらおうか。誰だ。そして何のつもりだ)
    —Adelheid to Shion, KOF XI
  • You said Orochi. I can't ignore that name. (オロチといったな。その名、聞き捨てにできない)
    —Adelheid to Shion after defeating him, KOF XI
  • Run away. I won't stop you. (逃げるか...... 止めはしない)
    —Adelheid to Magaki after defeating him, KOF XI
  • Is it over...? But what on Earth could this be...? (終わったのか...? だが、これは一体...)
    —Adelheid after witnessing Shion kill Magaki, KOF XI
  • Stop that! Rose! (やめないか! ローズ!)
    —Adelheid to Rose, KOF XI
  • They and I fought hard. They were all opponents worthy of respect. (彼らも私も懸命に闘った。尊敬すべき相手ばかりだ)
    —Adelheid reprimanding Rose, KOF XI
  • Sorry. I suppose I yelled too loud. (すまない。大声を出してしまったな)
    —Adelheid apologizing for shouting, KOF XI
  • I'm tired... I need a little rest. (疲れた...... 少し休む)
    —Adelheid to Rose, KOF XI
  • Rose... You seem totally distracted. What do I do? (ローズ......まるで上の空だ 私はどうしたら......)
    —Adelheid, confused and horrified at Rose's behavior, KOF XIII
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • I don't understand... why you desire power so badly... (こうまでして力が欲しいというのが... 解らない...)
    —Vs. Omega Rugal

Creation and Development

In order to broaden the world of KOF, developers sought to create a side story independent of the main story, thus leading to Adelheid and Rose's addition to the series.[2] He was deliberately crafted as a character who exists one step apart from the main story; in contrast to Ash, who is depicted as an antihero, Adel is the "hidden protagonist" of the Tales of Ash story arc. As such, in 2003 and XI, there is a dense storyline about the blood ties between him and his father. However, it has no bearing on the main storyline. Curiously, concept artwork in the art gallery found in the PlayStation port of The King of Fighters '99 depict characters strongly resembling Adel, Rose, and their panther mascot Gwan,[17] indicating that they were saved for later usage.

The background music for Adelheid's stage in KOF 2003 begins with Chopin's "Revolutionary Étude," but trying to make this piano sound realistic on the Neo Geo required an enormous amount of data, which ended up taking up space on the voice data for other characters.[2] In The King of Fighters ALLSTAR, this theme was remixed for his KOF 2003 version, adding more elements from the "Revolutionary Étude."


In all of his voiced appearances, Adelheid has been voiced by Tetsuya Tanaka. His lines in KOF ALLSTAR are reused from KOF 2003. However, on December 28, 2023, the KOF XI version of Adelheid was added as a UE fighter, with old voice lines being re-recorded, and entirely new ones being added as well.[18]


  • Based on unused artwork in KOF XIII, Adelheid was meant to be a playable character, with fully drawn character select and victory screen poses, but this idea was scrapped at some point during development, possibly due to time constraints or changes to the storyline.
  • The name "Adelheid" is a modern Dutch and German form of the Old High German female given name Adalheidis, and is a female name found in Germany and Switzerland meaning "nobility" or "noble-ness," commonly referred to as "Heidi."
  • Adelheid's nationality and heritage are currently unconfirmed. However, his family is strongly hinted to be of German descent; unlike his father's moves, the names of Adel's techniques are all based on German (e.g., "G. Wand" and "G. Kreis"), though they are read and pronounced in English (e.g., Vier (ヴァイア, vaia) should be written as "フィアー" (fiā) in katakana, which would be faithful to the actual German pronunciation).
  • According to the German pronunciation of Adelheid, the kana spelling "アーデルハイト" (Āderuhaito) is more faithful to the original language.
  • The identity and whereabouts of his and Rose's mother have remained hidden. Due to the fact his Leader Super Special Move, G. Slaven, has an effect reminiscent of the power of the Orochi clan — the Eight Excellent Masses — it is possible that Rugal, who obtained the power of Orochi through a past encounter with a young Goenitz, passed on his dark powers to Adelheid. It has also been speculated that the identity of Adel and Rose's mother is Rugal's former secretary, Mature, a member of the Eight Excellent Masses of Orochi possessing a similar move to Rugal's Gigantic Pressure and Adelheid's G. Slaven.
  • His reasons for hosting and participating in the King of Fighters tournaments are unclear. However, they are vaguely implied to be fueled by a desire to test his strength against powerful, renowned opponents.


  1. According to concept art for KOF 2003, which also describes his eyes as being ruby-colored.
  2. As depicted in The King of Fighters '95 (1995).
  3. As depicted in The King of Fighters 2001 (2001).
  4. As depicted in The King of Fighters '94 (1994) and The King of Fighters '95 (1995).


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 "THE KING OF FIGHTERS 2003【アーデルハイド&ローズ】", SNK, Accessed on 2024, November 13.
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 "アーデルハイド - KOFキャラクター:THE KING OF FIGHTERS OFFICIAL WEB SITE" (Archived), SNK, Accessed on 2017, October 12.
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 "KOF Portal", SNK, Accessed on 2024, December 02.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 The King of Fighters 2003 Flame of Nova, Arcadia Extra Mook Vol. 14. Japan: Enterbrain, February 2004. ISBN 4-7577-1820-9. (p. 178)
  5. ALL ABOUTシリーズ Vol.7 ALL ABOUT ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ'94. Japan: Denpa Shinbunsha, 17, November 1994. (p. 86)
  6. A.A.GAME HISTORY SERIES VOL.2 ALL ABOUT SNK対戦格闘ゲーム 1991-2000. Japan: Denpa Shinbunsha, 08 December 2000. ISBN 4-88554-677-X. (p. 388)
  7. "KOF Year-end Party 2005 Ainori Bus Tour Group Report (in Japanese)" (Archived), geocities, Accessed on 2018, October 08.
  8. "The King of Fighters 2003", Behind The Voice Actors.
  9. Netmarble [@KOF_ALLSTAR] (2020, April 27), "Adelheid Reveal Trailer", on Twitter.
  10. "Adelheid's KOF XIII Trading Card sprite".
  11. "Rose and Adelheid's KOF XIII Trading Card illustration".
  12. SNK Playmore (2003-12-12). The King of Fighters 2003 (Neo Geo). SNK Playmore. Scene: Adelheid ending. Rose: ...My big brother can't be! ...! I will not let you people go! I will not let you go back alive!/Adelheid: Stop! Rose, let's get them back to Earth. ...Land SKY-NOAH./Rose: There must be some kind of mistake, big brother! One more time... just one more fight!/Adelheid: Rose, a loss is a loss. What's the point in fighting over and over again until winning...?
  13. SNK OFFICIAL [@snkplaymoreGame] (2018, August 23), "アーデルハイド:君はヒーローキャラ紹介", on Youtube.
  14. SNK Playmore (2005-10-26). The King of Fighters XI (Atomiswave). SNK Playmore. Scene: Shion defeat. Shion: Guh... cough! Dammit... That bastard Orochi hasn't woken up yet./Adelheid: You said Orochi. I can't ignore that name.
  15. "Team Ikari's story for The King of Fighters 2003 (in Japanese)", SNK Playmore, Accessed on 2024, December 01.
  16. "Adelheid & Rose's story for The King of Fighters XI (in Japanese)", SNK, Accessed on 2018, October 07.
  17. D.J. Tatsujin [@gemubaka] (2020, December 10), "The King of Fighters '99 (PS1) Unused Character Art Menu", on Youtube.
  18. The King of Fighters ALLSTAR [@TheKingofFightersALLSTAR] (2023, December 26), "KOF ALLSTAR New UE Fighters 2001 Heidern & XI Adelheid", Netmarble.