
Hello! I'm EmeraldDragon6543, but you can refer to me as Emma. I am bright and happy usually, though nervous around strangers. At school, people used to make fun of my interests, so I did the only logical thing- talk it out like a civilized individual! However, around my friends I act nowhere near "civilized", when you get to know me you'll think I'm a bit weird and maybe even crazy. I have a lot of strange ideas, which is why I find Rui Kamishiro relatable. My friends are weirdos, but so am I!
me on this wiki
on this wiki I mostly comment on forums. I'm not really good with editing stuff so I mainly chat with other users.
my profile picture is of the Vocaloid v4 Flower because I ship Floko and love her Ghost Rule too much!
i may not be on this wiki a lot for a while and then come back appearing every hour. I have a busy scedule, but I try to reply as fast as I can!
April 20- I just got leveled up to rank "Vampire" while listening to the song Vampire- Miku Cover!
Like a lot of my friend group, my interests are all over the place; I have these phases where my obsessions alternate between JJBA, Vocaloid, and recently The Owl House. I also read Wings of Fire and play some Roblox. The last time this page was updated, my dominant obsession is Project Sekai (more specifically, Wonderlands x Showtime.) I also play the violin and sing.
- food- ice cream
- anime- Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
- TV Show- The Owl House
- video game- Project Sekai
- proseka unit- either Nightcord at 25:00 or Wonderlands x Showtime
- Roblox Game- rhs2
- song- Ghost Rule
- female Vocaloids- vFlower and IA
- male vocaloids- Utatane Piko and Len Kagamine
- non-Vocaloid song- i have a lot of those
- meme- a lot of those as well
- stuffed animal- a Josuke Higashikata plushie that has been sitting in my closet untouched for months
- musical instrument- violin
- torture device- E flat mixed with E natural on the violin
- book- Wings of Fire: Darkness of Dragons
- animal- dragons
- phrase to scream- WONDERHOY!!!
- and a lot more which I will add as soon as I can
- i started watching JJBA at the age of 11
- I am still, sadly, in school
- i have a flip-open phone
- i have a lot of crushes
unfinished- come back soon for more!
My three favorite Jojos are Jolyne, Josuke and Jotaro. My three favorite JoFoes are Kars, Diego and Kira. My three favorite male JoBros are Caesar, Kakyoin and Weather Report, and my three favorite female JoBros are FF, Hot Pants, and Erina. My two favorite non-canon characters are Ryoko Kakyoin and Fujiko Fujiyama. My three favorite parts are Phantom Blood, Diamond Is Unbreakable, and The JOJOlands (previously Stone Ocean.) My three favorite openings are Chase, Stand Proud, and Heaven's Falling Down.
I got into JJBA when I was about 10 or 11. My brother kept spamming my texts with GW memes, and finally i asked him what show it was from. He told me, and said to start from part one. So I went onto Netflix and watched the whole thing. Then my hype kinda died for a few months after I got into video games. It came back during Stone Ocean's anime release. Then it died again after I got into Vocaloid. It came back again for JOJOland's release, but now I'm currently WonderlandsXShowtime obsessed.
A note on ships (and boats)
Before you continue, please note that I have opinions and think of things differently. If you have a different ship or headcanon, please refrain from mentioning it in the first place. I understand and am perfectly fine with the fact that everyone thinks differently! Also, idk all ship names
For JJBA, I am a firm believer in the shipping of:
- Jonaeri
- Josecae
- JosuRyoko
- KoichiKako
- Reimihan
- Fugonaratrish
- Giomis
- Bruabba
- Jolysui
- FF and Weather
- DinoPants
- Gyjo
For Vocaloid and UTAU, I am a firm believer in the shipping of:
- Miku x KAITO
- Len x Tei
- Rin x Mikuo
- MEIKO x Luka
- Piko x Flower
- Fukase x IA
- Daina x Dex
- Gakupo x Gumi
- maybe I missed a few, check back
For Project Sekai, I am a firm believer in the shipping of:
- Ruinene (WxS)
- Emukasa (WxS)
- Mizuena (n25)
- Akian (VBS)
- Toyhane (VBS)
- Miku x KAITO (Virtual Singer)
- MEIKO x Luka (Virtual Singer)
For my favorite animated series that isn't anime, The Owl House, I am a firm believer in the shipping of:
- Lumity
- Huntlow
- Vee x Masha
- King x Collecter
- Raeda
- Hooty x Duo
for other media I am interested in:
- Giyushino (demon slayer)
- Glorybringer (WoF)
- Clayril (WoF)
- Quinter (WoF)
- Satori x Futou (AGM)