User talk:Vish

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Policy on rearranged scenes?

Alexfc (talkcontribs)

So I've begun comparing Stone Ocean's third cour and something stuck out to me, what's your position on scene rearrangements? Should they be included in manga/anime differences? I get if it's major ones, like how the July 15th arc in Diamond is Unbreakable or the various character backstories in Golden Wind were handled. But i'm worried if I add every difference I see, it would create page bloat and half the pages would just be unimportant manga/anime differences. For example, Bohemian Rhapsody Part 1, episode 25, first showcases the interaction between Weather Report and Anasui while in prison and then follows it up with Pucci's scenes. The respective manga chapter does the opposite, beginning with Pucci's scenes and following it up with Weather Reports and Anasui interactions. What are your thoughts?

Alexfc (talkcontribs)

I just noticed it's actually mentioned in the episode page itself, oops. But I still would like to hear your opinion on it.

Vish (talkcontribs)

I think it's fine to include those, I usually add stuff like that when I write the manga/anime difference sections on other pages.

Deletion Request

Dododefender (talkcontribs)

Hi Vish, please could you delete this file? . I learnt how to scan a bit better, which made me realise that I want to upload a jpg, but I don't know how to do that since I uploaded a png, so I want to reupload the image under the same name after it's deleted. Thank you and sorry for bothering you, hope your weekend's going well. Regards.

Vish (talkcontribs)


Dododefender (talkcontribs)


Lava Rock Owner's Stand Appearance

Spoopifying (talkcontribs)

Um, I am not sure really how to suggest an edit so I am posting it here. In the page for the Stand it mentions the fact that it creates "illusions". I am curious as to if on the final page of chapter 4 would be due to him, as Dragona is shown not holding anything, but saying that they feel it in their hands.

Spoopifying (talkcontribs)

New wafer card release 2/2024

Arasmjzr (talkcontribs)

Hi Vish. Maybe you already knew this but just to let you know bandai announced new wafer card release next year on February 2024 (phantom blood, battle tendency)

Vish (talkcontribs)

Oh yeah, I tweeted about it but forgot to add it to the page. Thanks for the reminder

Arasmjzr (talkcontribs)

No problem ^^

Just a brief thanks

Jokutoh (talkcontribs)

I would just like to thank you vish this wiki is my favorite and I’ve spent hours scrolling through here so thank you vish from the bottom of my heart

Vish (talkcontribs)

I appreciate it lol, glad you like it!

Tokiwotomare666 (talkcontribs)

Hello, I really like Monster Strike's sprites. How do you extract them in such a good quality? Do you use any programs or apps? I would like to have some sprites from the game for personal use.

Yaronos (talkcontribs)

Hello, I am not familiar with editing templates. Can you please add another "Image" column to this template? Because the maximum is 3 images and I want to add the Thai release to the Jojonium page, which makes 4 images but the maximum is 3.

Vish (talkcontribs)

Yeah, I'll try to add it.

Yaronos (talkcontribs)


Speculation on vague topics

Ganyu simp (talkcontribs)

Hi Vish! As you know, I am creating a page for the Heaven Plan. I saw that the policies for editing discourage speculation when writing articles, but since much of the Plan is vague, I don't think I can avoid speculation when it comes to the history and DIO's personal reasons for creating the Plan. I was wondering if any speculation at all is acceptable on topics with vague areas like this one. Since there will most likely be an influx of new users coming to learn more about Part 6 after the anime finishes, I wanted to give the most concise explanation for the Plan as I could. If you'd rather I avoid speculation, that's totally fine. If I come to a part of my page that isn't explained well in the source material, should I just write nothing? Thanks!

Vish (talkcontribs)

Yeah, since it's speculation you shouldn't include it. Though I discussed about this page with the other mods and editors and we think that the DIO's Diary page already covers the things here. We could probably just make a redirect for Heaven Plan that goes to the diary page.

Ganyu simp (talkcontribs)

Ok, thank you for the clarification. I guess I'll stop working on the page but I'll save it somewhere just in case. What I might do is go the the DIO's Diary page and give the "Corresponding Events" section more context if that's something I can do as an alternative. I think taking the bullet points and making them into a normal paragraph would be more suitable, but what do you think?!

Alexfc (talkcontribs)

Do you know what the japanese letters plastered over F.F in episode 17 at 17:40? I wanted to add them to the manga/anime differences, but I don't really know the japanese alphabet so I was hoping you'd know. Thanks in advance!

Vish (talkcontribs)

凶 (Bad luck)

Alexfc (talkcontribs)


Jojolion 110 cover

Frash (talkcontribs)

Where is Walking Heart on the JJL 110 cover?

Vish (talkcontribs)

Underneath King Nothing on the left side. You can see the side of its head. The full face is visible in the uncropped artwork: FGIiR6f.png

Bakuzxy (talkcontribs)

what vish said