Benton Manzanera
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Benton Manzanera (ベントン・マンザネラ, Benton Manzanera) is a primary ally featured in Henry's JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Fan Fiction, Absolutely Free.
Working as a professional assassin under a gang, he is sent after Jonas Joestar and Brown Moses. He is defeated by Moses and joins the duo in their search for the trucks containing gold.
He's a skilled martial artist and a Stand user, having mastered his Stand, Badfinger. The Stand gives him the ability to postpone and release "aspects" at a much greater strength than originally intended.
Badfinger is a close-range Stand, being very strong and fast. It has the ability of postponing aspects, allowing it to release a certain aspect at a later time with more strength than originally.
Personal Skills
Manzanera is an intelligent man, knowing a lot about business and knowing how to apply his intellignce well. He and Jonas generally function as the brain of the team, while Moses is the brawn.
An experienced, seasoned assassin, Manzanera is an amazing Stand user. Knowing how to kill opponents or defeat them quickly using his stand.
Martial Arts
While his stand mostly does all the attacking, Manzanera is actually a skilled martial artist. He normally incorporates his stand to fight using martial arts while he sprints to get close to his opponent.
Physical Abilities
Manzanera can run for hours on end without struggling, being comparable to an athlete in his speed and stamina. He is also highly flexible.