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SWITCH SPECIAL ISSUE ソーシャルカルチャーネ申1oo The Bible[1]
Interview with Keiichi Motoyama, Ryota Sakae, Hidenori Chiba, Taeji Sawai, Yusuke Yamamoto, Hideto Azuma, and Taku Tsuboi in regards to the Google+ collab incorporating Remote Romance for the 2012 exhibition.
Sakae is also notable for being in charge of the art direction for the collaborations between Gucci and Hirohiko Araki. He later was in charge of the art direction for the Ripples of Adventure exhibition as well.[2][3]
Tsuboi's favorite manga artists are Hirohiko Araki and Jiro Taniguchi.[4]
Job Positions
- Keiichi Motoyama - Interactive Creative Director
- Ryota Sakae - Art Director
- Hidenori Chiba - Interactive Designer
- Taeji Sawai - Sound Artist
- Yusuke Yamamoto - Product Marketing Manager, Google Inc.
- Hideto Azuma - Shueisha Advertising Department
- Taku Tsuboi - Creative Director
What is the attempt at a "Remote Romance" Stand for JoJo's 25th Anniversary, as told in the impersonation hangout?
Motoyama: There are so many interesting contents in the digital field that are known by a certain class of people, but are completely unknown to most people. What is unique about "Remote Romance" is that it breaks down these barriers without any logic.
Sakae: At a glance, JOJO lovers all over the world will accept it. The details are also elaborate, and the pattern covering the whole thing looks like a skull or the initial "R". It reminds me of the character Ringo Roadagain, who had a beard in the shape of a skull.
Sawai: JoJo's unique onomatopoeia is also a good thing to hear. We are used to seeing the "gogo-go-go-go" sound of the stand in print, but we have never actually heard it before, nor have we ever imagined what it sounds like.
Motoyama: The recent trend is to fuse the digital with the physical, but this time it is a stand (ghost ripple), so it is a fusion of the digital and the ghost. This is a world first, you could say (laughs). Remote Romance is literally fusing the two by not only allowing the user to control the ghost, but also by projecting his/her face. Moreover, it is interesting that the fans can be excited by the "re" of the ghosts on-air, as if they were commentary characters.
Sawai: When it comes to the fusion of the digital and the physical, is biometric data the key?
Chiba: An obvious example would be the cat ears that were popular a while ago, which analyze and visualize biometric data such as one's muscle movements, heart rate, and breathing rate, and project them into other movements. For example, you could put sensors on your body throughout the day and synchronize them with the live broadcast, so that when you are eating a meal, you are relaxed, but when you are talking to a girl, you are nervous. This feeling will show up as an effect in the video. Then, a message would be sent to the user via the bush communication on his/her smartphone, saying, "Calm down a little! I receive a message saying, "Calm down a bit! I think it will become more and more interesting to add emotions to images like that. And if it can be enjoyed casually as entertainment, rather than as edgy artwork, I think it will be enjoyed by a much wider range of people.
Motoyama: Remote Romance is based on Google+ Hangouts, but there are still infinite possibilities for digital entertainment by combining ideas. Even if it is limited to Jojo, I think there are still many more capabilities that can be realized, such as attaching sounds, stopping time, as well as remote-controlled stands.
Huh... the culmination of the 25th anniversary! Let's participate in the Hirohiko Araki Original Art Exhibition JoJo on Google+...
Azuma: Hirohiko Araki is an artist who challenges himself in many different ways, and he never does the same thing twice. He always tries new things, even if they are difficult. Because he is such a challenging artist, I felt that it was not enough to simply display his works in an exhibition that marks the culmination of his 25th anniversary. Jojo is different from other works, isn't it? We decided to take a chance on a new experiment with Google to make people say, "JoJo is different from other works!
Tsuboi: Come to think of it, the first orientation paper we received from Azuma-san said, "JoJo is a super major in the minor world. And next to that, he handwrote, "The mood of the fans is that of hidden Christians. I thought that was an odd thing to say (laughs).
Yamamoto: Google+ is a platform that encourages "sharing," and it is a place for a (close) community of people who want to talk passionately about what they like. In that sense, it has a great affinity with JoJo, and I hear that there are many people on the Internet who are itching to talk about JoJo. I would be very happy if those people could use it as a platform.
Azuma: JoJo's appeal is that you can talk about it from anywhere, whether it's the quotes, the pictures, the stands, or whether your favorite is part 3 or part 5, and you want to talk about it.
Tsuboi: And following the official JoJo fan page "JOJO+" on Google+, a new place for sharing has emerged: "Remote Romance," a remotely controlled stand. Remote Romance's ability to allow up to 10 users to participate in a Hangout bio-chat function allows people from all over the world to visit the original exhibition in Tokyo. Fans from all over the world will be able to exchange passionate and direct opinions with each other anytime, anywhere while viewing the exhibition.
Azuma: Does that mean that the entire exhibition will be shown for free? That would be heart-stopping for a content holder.
Yamamoto: But in fact, knowing about and checking out the exhibition online will be a strong incentive to visit, and I wonder what will come out of JoJo fans from all over the world gathering at the Tokyo exhibition via Remote Romance. I'm really looking forward to it!なりきりハングアウトで語る、ジョジョ25周年記念 スタンド「リモートロマンス」の試みとは?
本山 デジタルの分野で面白いとされるコンテンツって、特定のクラスタはみんな知ってるけど、ほとんどの人はまったく知らないってことがすごく多いよね。その中で「リモートロマンス」がユニークなのは、理屈抜きにその垣根をとっ払ってしまってるところなんじゃないかなと思うんだけど。
榮 ひと目で世界中のJOJO好きが受け入れてくれますよね。細部も凝っていて、全体を覆う柄は髑髏にも、頭文字の「R」にも見えたり。リンゴォ・ロードアゲインってキャラクターがいたけど、あの髑髏の形の髭を彷彿とさせもしたり。
澤井 ジョジョ特有の擬音も聴き所だよね。スタンドの「ゴゴゴゴ」って音も活字では見慣れているけど、実際には聞いたことないわけだし、そもそもどんな音か想像したこともないよね。
本山 最近の流れは、デジタルとフィジカルの融合なんだけど、今回はスタンド(幽波紋)だから、デジタルとゴーストの融合だよね。これは世界初といえなくもない(笑)。リモートロマンスは、ユーザーがゴーストを操作するだけでなく、顔を映すことで文字通り融合している。しかもその模様をオンエアすることファンたちが解説キャラみたいなノで、リで盛り上がれるのも面白いよね。
澤井 デジタルとフィジカルの融合となると、生体データがやっぱり鍵なのかな。
千葉 わかりやすいのはちょっと前に流行った猫耳だろうけど、自分の筋肉の動きや心拍数や呼吸数といった生体データを解析して可視化したり、別な動きに投影したり。たとえば、一日中からだにセンサーをつけて生中継とシンクロさせて、ご飯たべてるときはリラックスしてるけど女の子と話しているときはドキドキする。その感じが映像のエフェクトとして表れる。するとスマホのブッシュ通信で「ちょっと落ち着け!」なんてメッセージが届いたり。たしかに、そんな具合に映像に感情をのっけることってこれからどんどん面白くなっていくと思う。しかもそれがエッジの効いたアート作品じゃなくて、エンターテインメントとして気軽に楽しめるとなると、楽しんでくれる層もぐっと広がると思うんだけど。
本山 リモートロマンスは、Google+のハングアウトがベースになっているんだけど、デジタルを使ったエンターテイメントって、アイデアの組み合わせで、まだまだ無限の可能性があるよね。ジョジョに限っても、遠隔操作型のスタンドだけでなく、音を貼りつけたり、時間を止めたり、まだまだ実現できる能力があるんじゃないかなぁ。
フフ…25周年の集大成! 荒木飛呂彦原画展ジョジョ展にGoogle+で参戦するとしよう・・・
東 荒木先生はいろいろなことに挑戦していく作家さんで、同じことは2回とやならい。つねに新しいこと、それもあえて困難な方に立ち向かっていく。そういう挑戦的な作家なので、やはり25周年の集大成を飾る原画展もただ並べるだけじゃダメなんじゃないか。やっぱジョジョは他の作品とは違うよなあ!と言ってもらうためにも、僕らとしてはグーグルさんとの新しい試みに賭けてみようと。
坪井 そういえば、東さんからもらった最初のオリエンペーパーに「ジョジョはマイナー界の超メジャー」って書いてありましたよね。しかもその横に手書きで「ファンの気分は隠れキリシタン」って。あれ、言い得て妙だなあと(笑)。
山本 Google+というのは「共有」を促すプラットフォームで、とにかく自分の好きなことについて熱く語り合いたいというデンス(密な)コミュニティの場なんですね。その意味でジョジョとの親和性はすごく高くて、ネット上にはジョジョについて語りたくてうずうずしている人たちがたくさんいると聞いている。その人たちにプラットフォームとして使ってもらえたらすごくうれしいですね。
東 名言でも絵でもスタンドでも、お気に入りは3部か5部かなど、どこからでも語れるし、語りたくなるのがジョジョの魅力だからね。
坪井 そして、Google+内にできたジョジョ公式ファンページ「JOJO+」に続く、新たな共有の場として発現したのが「リモートロマンス」という遠隔操作型のスタンド。リモートロマンスの能力は最大10人のユーザーが参加できるビオチャット機能のハングアウトを使いがら、世界中から東京の原画展を見にれるというもの。これで世界中のファンたちが原画展を見ながら、いつでもどこにいても熱く持論を直接交わし合うことができるようになる。
東 それって無料で原画展の全部を見せることになっちゃうってこと?!?コンテンツホルダーとしては心臓が止まりそうな話だなあ(苦笑)。
山本 でも実際には、ネットで知ってチェックすることが足を運ぶ強い動機付けにもなっていくし、世界中のジョジョファンたちがリモートロマンスを介して東京展に集結することから何が生まれるのか。すごく楽しみですよね!