Dolos Valentine

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Hmm. It looks like my time to shiiii~ne is gettin' clooo~se! HIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI~
—Dolos Valentine, Chapter 15: Geomety and Eros, Part 4

Dolos Valentine (ドーローズ・ヴァレンタイン, Dōrōzu Varentain) is a primary antagonist featured in the comic Pink among Blood Red Roses.

The leader of the group colloquially known as the Red Valley Trio as well as the person responsible for the "Bell Hill Massacare". He arrives at Greenville to settle his score with Rose Paisley as well as obtain a valuable asset from within the latter's memories.

Dolos is a Talent user and wields "Deforme Deja Vu". While the full capabilities of this ability are currently unknown, Deforme Deja Vu gives Dolos substantial control over a person's memories, including their extraction given the proper conditions are met.


Dolos is a young man with a tall, muscular and well-defined build, standing at exactly 200 cm (6 ft 7 in) tall. He has short blue fur and long, floppy ears which can move depending on his current expression (For example: Stand when he's thinking). Each of his eyes is differently shaped and featured, with the right one lacking eyelashes and round while the left eye has long lashes and more elliptical. His eyebrows are short and U-shaped. In addition, Dolos is nearly blind in his left eye after stabbing it out of boredom. This stabbing left a scar in the middle of his eyeball which moves depending on where he looks. Below his eyes are "⧖" marks, shaped like an hourglass, which likely appeared when he awakened his ability. Dolos's chin has a tattoo made of two dark lines running down his face starting at his mouth, making him look similarly to a puppet used by a ventriloquist.

Dolos's signature outfit consists of a long blue coat adorned with dark stripes as well as three non-functioning clocks that all display the time "2:05". These clocks are connected with small black beads. The end of the coat's sleeves contains the term "DEJA VU". He also wears dark gloves, a pair of dark low-rise pants exposing his pubic hair and large dark boots made to look like a normal rabbit's paws. He does not wear a shirt under his coat.


Dolos is a manipulative, sadistic individual with homicidal tendencies and a total lack of empathy or care for any person. Described both by Rose Paisley and himself as lacking a soul and being a "heartless monster".

Before Dolos was born, his parents had trouble having any kids, causing the two to be extremely overprotective of their only child. Because of this, Dolos lived a sheltered and lonely childhood. Despite this, Dolos was very happy with the life he had, not particularly caring to make friends or leaving his home. However, at the age of 8 he wished to go to summer camp and when he was refused, he manipulated his parents into agreeing by crying for the first time in his life. The reason Dolos was so excited to go to camp wasn't to make friends, but rather to murder someone to satiate his own homicidal tendencies. After massacring at least six people, Dolos covered up his own actions by hiding in a nearby tree and pretending to be shaken up and panicking.

After the massacre, something in Dolos seemingly changed, causing him to become much quieter and unemotive, staring blankly into space. Gradually this behavior became more concerning as he was found drawing violent scenes, torturing insects, ripping apart dolls and cutting himself. Shortly after this, Dolos went to public school and met with Nephele Vetti and Peitho Branford. When Dolos and Nephele wish to punish Holly Chevron, Dolos comes up with a brutal method to do so which resulted in the death of Holly. This event revealed the true nature of Dolos: Rather than changing into a darker person due to his exposure to the Bell Hill Massacre, he simply showed the world more of his twisted desires. In order to save their son one last time, His parents used all their money to prove Dolos was mentally ill to prevent him from going to jail for life. This was successful and Dolos was sent to a low-level security facility instead, free to leave at any time. After this, Gea and Ethro committed suicide, holding a photo of a younger, "innocent" Dolos.

Dolos remained in the facility for several years, with no one hearing from him at all until Peitho visited him following Nephele's death. During this time, it seems he worked out, changing from the frail, thin boy he once was to a muscular man. The matured Dolos retains the same apathy towards other people's lives and speaks in a joyful but nefarious tone, akin to that of Chucky the doll.

When Dolos makes his grand appearance, he does so right where he murdered Holly Chevron nearly a decade before, in front of the girl's best friend, Rose. The woman is immediately threatened by his appearance, while the rabbit simply talks in a nonchalant and humorous tone, explaining the reasons for his peculiar appearance. After this, Dolos reveals the first act of his true reason for being there, when a seemingly reanimated Holly Chevron appears and Rose screams in terror while the mad rabbit laughs manically. Rose is swiftly defeated and Dolos maintains his happy facade, giggling at Rose's injured state but very slightly revealing his true colors by calling Rose a "filthy cockroach" for surviving Holly's assault. When Dolos reveals the next step for his plan, he simply orders Holly to "do the honors" and rip off Rose's arm, causing the latter to scream in absolute terror, pain and suffering, entering a state of complete panic.

Inside of Rose's mind, Dolos maintains his demeanor and finds the world's lack of care for Holly incredibly amusing, and especially how Rose forgot Holly's face as well. This is followed by Dolos mentally tormenting Rose, saying she's even worse than him and that she never cared for Holly, causing Rose's sanity to completely shatter.

While Dolos has no care for the lives of others, this doesn't mean he lacks sexual desire, with the rabbit being Bisexual, committing intercourse with both men and women.



Dolos's talent is called Deforme Deja Vu. Its full capabilities are currently unknown as Dolos has seemingly not utilized it to its full extent. From what was shown thus far, Dolos's ability seems to revolve around manipulation and viewing of memories. This is first shown when Dolos views Rose's memories in a manner similar to watching a movie.

While not confirmed as of now, it also seems that Dolos has the ability to reanimate the dead, as he commands an obedient but furious Holly to attack and dismember Rose. This does not seem to be a full revival akin to that of resurrection, but rather manipulation of the remnants of one's soul.

Deforme Deja Vu (デフォーム・ディージャー・ブー)Link to this section
Chapter 19
Memory viewing and manipulation. Reanimating the dead.



  • Gea and Ethro Valentine: Dolos was spoiled by his parents and kept inside their home for most of his childhood due to their overprotectiveness. While outwardly Dolos did love his parents, the fact he manipulated their emotions just to satiate his own murderous intents puts to question just how genuine this "love" was.


  • Nephele Vetti: Nephele was Dolos's first friend at school, due to his "weird appearance" the other students didn't like Dolos. Nephele saw this and approached him due to the two of them being outcasts. After befriending Peitho, the three of them found joy in bullying other students. Dolos usually came up with insults and people's weaknesses and told them to Nephele in order for her to use them to bully. Their relationship isn't explored further, but it's likely Dolos didn't harbor any genuine feelings of care towards Nephele, seeing her as another tool to execute his vile plans through.
  • Peitho E. Branford: Peitho was befriended by Dolos and Nephele when they saw her being an outcast like them. While she was always around the two, she never actively participated in their acts of bullying, only staring from the sidelines at the actions of her friends. Peitho and Dolos didn't share many interactions and Peitho mostly stuck around due to liking Nephele. Like with Nephele, Dolos likely didn't care much for Peitho.


  • Rose Paisley: The younger Dolos simply saw Rose as another target for his bullying and didn't really harbor large amounts of animosity towards her beyond that. However, this somewhat changed when Dolos, Nephele and Peitho killed Holly Chevron, causing Rose to despise Dolos for planning out the murder. When Dolos returns later on and reunites with Rose, this is seemingly done to "get even" with her, but Dolos's true intentions are yet to be revealed. Like with other people, Dolos enjoys toying with Rose like she's another doll to rip apart, speaking to her in a joyful tone and casually having her arm ripped away from her.
  • Holly Chevron: Similarly to Rose, Dolos didn't care much for Holly until Nephele wanted to get revenge on her, causing Dolos to come up with a particularly vicious torture method which ended in Holly's death. This method is currently unknown, but it's been described that if she had survived, she would've been deaf and crippled.


Book Icon.png Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance
  • Chapter 8 - Rose&Release and My Real Me Is Scattered, Part 6 (1st mentioned)
  • Chapter 12 - Geometry and Eros, Part 1 (Mentioned only)
  • Chapter 15 - Geometry and Eros, Part 4 (Shadowed)
  • Chapter 16 - Bell Hill (Flashback)
  • Chapter 19 - Step Back in Time Part 1: Deforme Deja Vu Part 1 (1st full appearance)
  • Chapter 20 - Step Back in Time Part 2: so tough. (Flashback)
  • Chapter 21 - Step Back in Time Part 3: Deforme Deja Vu Part 2 (Flashback)


Quote.png Quotes
  • Hmm. It looks like my time to shiiii~ne is gettin' clooo~se! HIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI~
    —Dolos Valentine, Chapter 15
  • Long time no see.
    —Dolos makes his grand appearance, Chapter 19
  • Hihi, maybe~ Though... I'm just the spectator~
    —Dolos Valentine, Chapter 19
  • Hihi! Wasn't that quite the~ show?
    —Dolos Valentine, Chapter 21
  • I gotta say~ you're a sturdy toy.
    —Dolos Valentine, Chapter 21
  • Let's cut straight to the chase. I want something from yo~u. A memory to be exact! But you see... To get that from someone... I have to break them first, so I can get "in". However, I didn't count on you being so resilient... Like the filthy cockroach that you are... So it's time for plan B.
    —Dolos Valentine, Chapter 21
  • I feel that the best way to break someone- Is to disarm them! Hihi! So, ladi~es and gentlemen! without further ado! LET'S GET STARTED!!!
    —Dolos Valentine, Chapter 21
  • Heh hi hi! Hold on, pause! I just realized something hi~larious! Well, hilarious to me~ And not so much to yo~u Hihihi~
    —Dolos Valentine, Chapter 21
  • Even you... Her supposed best friend... You forgot her face so~ easily. Now, who even does that?! A heartless monster, that's who. HEH~ Actually, no! Because even I remembered it!
    —Dolos torments Rose, Chapter 21
  • Hihi~ Good toy.
    —Dolos Valentine, Chapter 21
  • This... This event right here... Was the 'catalyst'- To what I desire.
    —Dolos observes the past, Chapter 21

Creation & Development

Dolos's early design concepts were much less muscular than his final one, with the rabbit staying rather thin even as an adult. In addition, the comic creator PaisleyRose103 considers Dolos to sound the exact same as Chucky, the main antagonist of the Child's Play horror franchise.


  • The comic's creator, PaisleyRose103 believes that If Dolos were to have a human design, it'd be similar to that of Funny Valentine, who is also the namesake for his last name.