Template:Character Infobox/de

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There is a problem with parsing the infobox

  • 0
  • 1
    <title source="title"/>
  • 2
    <data source="image"/>
  • 3
    <data source="ja_kanji">
  • 4
    <label>Japanischer Name</label>
  • 5
    <format><span lang="ja" style="font-family:Meiryo" class="t_nihongo_kanji">{{{ja_kanji}}}</span></format>
  • 6
  • 7
    <data source="zh_hanzi">
  • 8
    <label>Chinesischer Name</label>
  • 9
    <format><span lang="zh" style="font-family:Meiryo" class="t_nihongo_kanji">{{{zh_hanzi}}}</span></format>
  • 10
  • 11
    <data source="ko_hangul">
  • 12
    <label>Koreanischer Name</label>
  • 13
    <format><span lang="ko" style="font-family:Meiryo" class="t_nihongo_kanji">{{{ko_hangul}}}</span></format>
  • 14
  • 15
    <data source="th_script">
  • 16
    <label>Thailändischer Name</label>
  • 17
    <format><span lang="th" style="font-family:Meiryo" class="t_nihongo_kanji">{{{th_script}}}</span></format>
  • 18
  • 19
    <data source="ar_abjad">
  • 20
    <label>Arabischer Name</label>
  • 21
    <format><span lang="ar" style="font-family:Meiryo" class="t_nihongo_kanji">{{{ar_abjad}}}</span></format>
  • 22
  • 23
    <data source="ja_romaji"><label>[[Wikipedia:Hepburn romanization|Romaji]] Name</label><format>''{{{ja_romaji}}}''</format></data>
  • 24
    <data source="engname">
  • 25
    <label>[[Name Variants#{{PAGENAME}}|Lokalisierter Name]]</label>
  • 26
  • 27
    <data source="alias">
  • 28
  • 29
  • 30
    <data source="birthname">
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33
    <data source="namesake">
  • 34
    <label>Namensgrund<sup><small><span class="explain" style="font-style: normal;" title="Namesakes without a citation are not confirmed.">*</span></small></sup></label>
  • 35
  • 36
    <data source="style">
  • 37
  • 38
  • 39
    <data source="stand">
  • 40
  • 41
  • 42
    <data source="engstand">
  • 43
    <label>[[Name Variants#{{PAGENAME}}|Lokalisierter Standname]]</label>
  • 44
  • 45
    <data source="user">
  • 46
  • 47
  • 48
    <data source="wound">
  • 49
  • 50
  • 51
    <data source="bound">
  • 52
  • 53
  • 54
    <data source="beyond">
  • 55
  • 56
  • 57
    <data source="horse">
  • 58
  • 59
  • 60
    <data source="reveal">
  • 61
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    <data source="release">
  • 64
  • 65
  • 66
  • 67
  • 68
    <data source="age">
  • 69
  • 70
  • 71
    <data source="birthday">
  • 72
  • 73
  • 74
    <data source="birthplace">
  • 75
  • 76
  • 77
    <data source="edits">
  • 78
  • 79
  • 80
    <data source="death2">
  • 81
  • 82
  • 83
    <data source="zodiac">
  • 84
  • 85
  • 86
    <data source="czodiac">
  • 87
    <label>Chinesisches Sternzeichen</label>
  • 88
  • 89
    <data source="gender">
  • 90
  • 91
  • 92
    <data source="prisonerno">
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  • 94
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    <data source="cellno">
  • 96
  • 97
  • 98
    <data source="jockeyno">
  • 99
  • 100
  • 101
    <data source="sentence">
  • 102
  • 103
  • 104
    <data source="charges">
  • 105
  • 106
  • 107
    <data source="height">
  • 108
  • 109
  • 110
    <data source="weight">
  • 111
  • 112
  • 113
    <data source="blood">
  • 114
  • 115
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    <data source="ethnicity">
  • 117
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    <data source="nation">
  • 120
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    <data source="race">
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    <data source="religion">
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    <data source="breed">
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    <data source="sizes">
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    <data source="allergies">
  • 135
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    <data source="intelligence">
  • 138
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    <data source="occupation">
  • 141
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    <data source="notableworks">
  • 144
    <label>Bemerkenswerte Werke</label>
  • 145
  • 146
    <data source="genre">
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    <data source="signature">
  • 150
    <label>Unterschrift</label><format><span class="signature noresizeimg">{{{signature}}}</span></format>
  • 151
  • 152
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  • 154
    <data source="color">
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    <data source="movie">
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    <data source="food">
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    <data source="actor">
  • 164
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    <data source="actress">
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    <data source="animal">
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    <data source="tvshow">
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    <data source="novel">
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    <data source="poet">
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  • 180
  • 181
    <data source="fashion">
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  • 183
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    <data source="flower">
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    <data source="musician">
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    <data source="song">
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    <data source="sport">
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    <data source="sportsman">
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    <data source="womantype">
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    <data source="mantype">
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    <data source="hobby">
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    <data source="likes">
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    Opening and ending tag mismatch

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    <group collapse="closed">
  • 213
    <header>Weitere Informationen</header>
  • 214
    <data source="species">
  • 215
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    <data source="hair">
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    <data source="eyes">
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    <data source="eyesight">
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    <data source="voice">
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    <data source="dislikes">
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    <data source="dislikedfood">
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    <label>Nicht gemochtes Essen</label>
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    <data source="goals">
  • 236
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    <data source="fears">
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    <data source="hero">
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    <data source="residence">
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    <data source="major">
  • 248
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  • 250
    <data source="hand">
  • 251
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    <data source="maritalstatus">
  • 254
    <label>Ehelicher Status</label>
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    <group layout="horizontal">
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    <data source="etymology">
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    <group layout="horizontal">
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    <data source="family">
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    <data source="affiliation">
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    <group collapse="closed">
  • 269
    <header>Status<sup><small><span class="explain" style="font-style: normal;" title="Dieser Abschnitt könnte Spoiler enthalten! Basiert auf die finalen Erscheinungen des Charakters im Teil.">*</span></small></sup></header>
  • 270
    <data source="status">
  • 271
    <label><span style="cursor:help" title="Status basiert auf die finalen Erscheinungen des Charakters im Teil.">Status</span></label>
  • 272
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    <data source="death">
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    <data source="cod">
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    <data source="mangadebut">
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    <data source="mangafinal">
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    <label>Finale Erscheinung</label>
  • 288
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    <data source="debut">
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  • 292
    <data source="animedebut">
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    <data source="jojodebut">
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    <label>JoJo Debüt</label>
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    <data source="ovadebut">
  • 299
    <label>OVA Debüt</label>
  • 300
  • 301
    <data source="gamedebut">
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    <group layout="horizontal">
  • 305
    <data source="seiyuu">
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    <label>Japanischer Synchronsprecher</label>
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    <group layout="horizontal">
  • 310
    <data source="voiceactor">
  • 311
    <label>Dub Synchronsprecher</label>
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    <group layout="horizontal">
  • 315
    <data source="liveactor">
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    <group layout="horizontal">
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    <data source="bgm">
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    <data source="website">
  • 325
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    <group collapse="closed">
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    <data source="stats">
  • 330
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    <data source="stats2">
  • 335
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    Opening and ending tag mismatch

    Premature end of tag

Template Usage

{{Character Infobox/de
 |title        =
 |colors       =
 |image        = 
 |ja_kanji     =
 |ja_romaji    =
 |zh_hanzi     =
 |ko_hangul    =
 |engname      =
 |alias        =
 |birthname    =
 |namesake     =
 |style        =
 |stand        =
 |engstand     =
 |wound        =
 |bound        =
 |beyond       =
 |horse        =
 |reveal       =
 |release      =
 |age          =
 |birthday     =
 |death2       =
 |zodiac       =
 |czodiac      =
 |gender       =
 |prisonerno   =
 |cellno       =
 |jockeyno     =
 |sentence     =
 |charges      =
 |height       =
 |weight       =
 |blood        =
 |nation       =
 |race         =
 |religion     =
 |species      =
 |breed        =
 |sizes        =
 |intelligence =
 |hair         =
 |eyes         =
 |eyesight     =
 |voice        =
 |occupation   =
 |genre        =
 |color        =
 |movie        =
 |food         =
 |actor        =
 |animal       =
 |tvshow       =
 |novel        =
 |poet         =
 |fashion      =
 |flower       =
 |musician     =
 |sport        =
 |sportsman    =
 |womantype    =
 |hobby        =
 |likes        =
 |dislikes     =
 |dislikedfood =
 |goals        =
 |fears        =
 |hero         =
 |residence    =
 |major        =
 |hand         =
 |family       =
 |affiliation  =
 |status       =
 |death        =
 |cod          =
 |mangadebut   =
 |mangafinal   =
 |animedebut   =
 |ovadebut     =
 |gamedebut    =
 |seiyuu       =
 |voiceactor   =
 |liveactor    =
 |bgm          =
 |website      =
 |signature    =

Usage Notes

  • Title: The title of the article, ie. the name of the character.
  • Japanese Name: The original name of the character, in katakana/hiragana/kanji. Use http://www.sljfaq.org/cgi/e2k.cgi as a secondhand source for katakana (generally, any decent katakana translation site should work). Type it out in source mode (or simply switch to source mode) for consistency of format; the wiki auto-formats most texts unless stated otherwise. If the name is in kanji, it would be preferable to type it out in katakana until a desirable kanji converter is found.
  • Birth Name: The character's birth name or maiden name, if different from the one they most commonly go by. If not applicable, leave blank.
  • Namesake: The character's namesake(s), linking to the corresponding article(s) on Wikipedia. Use {{W|namesake}} for the Wikipedia code. (Keep in mind that this is different from the usual external link for use on pages; it is often advisable to link to Wikipedia unless a video is to be linked to. This may not be applicable for all characters.)
  • Style: The character's fighting style of choice, such as "Ripple", "Stand", or even "Ogre Street" for more niche styles.
  • Stand: The character's stand. Stand does not necessarily need to be owned by the character. If not applicable, leave blank.
  • Prisoner Number: Applies only to most Stone Ocean characters, so if not applicable, leave it blank.
  • Horse: Applies only to Steel Ball Run characters. The name of the character's horse, with a link to the corresponding article on this wiki. If not applicable, leave blank.
  • Affiliation: Any groups the character is affiliated with.
  • Manga Debut: The chapter in which the character first appears, with a link to the corresponding article on this wiki.
  • Anime Debut: The episode in which the character first appears, with a link to the corresponding article on this wiki. If not applicable, leave blank.
  • Game Debut: The game in which the character first appears, with a link to the corresponding article on this wiki if available. If not applicable, leave blank.

Any information that is unknown or does not apply can be left blank and will not appear.