JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (OVA)
There are two OVA series have been adapted from Part 3 by A.P.P.P. (Another Push Pin Planning) Company in Japan. The first series was produced by Hideki Futamura and Hirayuki Kitakubo. The second series was produced by Kazufumi Nomura and Noboru Furuse. Both series are illustrated by Junichi Hayama
The original six-episode series in 1993 began with Joseph, Jotarō, Polnareff and Kakyōin in the Egyptian desert on their quest to find Dio (volume 20 in the manga). The series offered very little exposition, assuming the viewer already knew the backstory. A prequel seven-episode series was released in 2001, offering an explanation for those unfamiliar with the story in the previous series. It started with Joseph coming to Japan to explain Jotaro's strange behavior (volume 12 in the manga).
The entire 6-volume (13-episode) anime series has been released in English in chronological order by Super Techno Arts.
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