JoJo Wiki:Chapter Page Layout

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The following is a basic guide for the layout of Chapter Pages.

The first line of the page should be formatted as such:

(Volume Name of Chapter in Bold with Katakana/Hiragana and Romaji), originally (Original Name of Chapter in Bold with Katakana/Hiragana and Romaji) in the (Original Format of Release) release(s), is the (Chapter # in the part in Ordinal long-hand Notation) chapter of (The Part the Chapter is Featured In in Italics) and the (Chapter # overall. Also in Ordinal Long-hand Notation) chapter of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga.

EX: The Man Who Became a God (神となった男, Kami to natta Otoko), originally The Phenomenal Power of the Red Stone (驚異の赤石パワー, Kyōi no Sekiseki Pawā) in the WSJ and tankobon releases, is the 68th chapter of Battle Tendency and the 112th chapter of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga.


Basic summary of what happens in the chapter. Should generally be at least a paragraph long in length.


Characters and/or Stands
  • List of Characters in the chapter, using the {{Char}} template for each character and Stand
  • If it is the characters first appearance add {{1st}} as Status.
  • If the character dies during that chapter add {{Death}}


Use <references/> or {{References}}.

Site Navigation

Other languages:

Use one of these templates at the end, using the part of the corresponding chapter:
{{Part 1 Chapters}}
{{Part 2 Chapters}}
{{Part 3 Chapters}}
{{Part 4 Chapters}}
{{Part 5 Chapters}}
{{Part 6 Chapters}}
{{Part 7 Chapters}}
{{Part 8 Chapters}}

Be sure to add the Chapters category to the page as well.