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Legends are legends, that is all...No, I seek nothing from you anymore. My life belongs to you. Just continue to be the strongest there is!! And I won't lose any fight, either, I'll make you King of the Pirates!!
—Young King talking to Kaido in a flashback, One Piece Chapter 1036

King (キング, Kingu) is a primary antagonist of One Piece. He is the right hand man of Kaido, one of the three All-Stars of the Beasts Pirates, and the overall top commander of the Beasts Pirates.

He is a usually masked and quiet individual, but an extremely capable fighter, being second only to Kaido among his crew. He also posses both Observation and Armament Haki, along with the powers of the Ryu Ryu No Mi, Model: Pterodon.


King Infobox Anime.png

King is an extremely tall and muscular man. He has daker skin and long white hair with sections formed into a braid. He also has a tatoo around his left eye. However, his most prominent feature is a large pair of black wings on his back

King is usually seen wearing a full body suit and mask. His mask covers his face completely, and is adorned with chin strap, goggles, and spikes. His full body suit consists of an undershirt with ruffled collar, a double breasted jacket and pants, a pair of gloves, and a pair of boots. He is often seen carrying his sword on his hip.

In his Zoan form, his head closely resembles a Pterodon with a large crest. This Kings Zoan head possess two beak formations, one with a curved down beak and one with straight pointed beak. His arms gain connective tissue to form wings, and his leg grows out into talons. In his Hybrid form King maintains his large crest and winged arms, but otherwise remains relatively unchanged.




As the top commander of the Beasts Pirates, King has proven to be one of the most powerful crew members and second only to Kaido in ability. King has been with Kaido for over 3 decades, and over time gianed years of experience to compliment his already capable Lunarian body.

Phsyical Abilities

King has shown off his physical abilities very few times throughout the Wano arc, but what has been seen shows he is an extremely capable fighter. King was able to easily overpower characters such as Raid Suit Sanji in his base human form, and was able to go toe to toe with Marco until he ran out of Stamina. King even proved himself capable of fighting Zoro (one of the few people who could harm Kaido), and was only later defeated by him when Zoro learned the secrets of his race and how his abilities work.

  • Strength:
  • Speed:
  • Durability:
  • Stamina:


Devil Fruit

King posses the powers of the Ryu Ryu No Mi, Model:Pterodon (The Dragon Dragon Fruit, Model:Pterodon), an ancient Zoan type devil fruit which allows the user to turn into a full Pterodon or Hybrid Pterodon at will. This gives the user all the traits of a Pterodon such as a sharp beak, talons, and the abilty to fly.

Ryu Ryu No Mi, Model: Pterodon Link to this section
One Piece
Ancient Zoan
Pterodon Transformation


Andon (Fire Emperor)(オラオラ Andon) Link to this sectionLink to this section
Debut: Chapter 1022
King conjures fire from his palm. He then forms this flame around his fist to create a powerul fire infused punch.
Karyudon (Fire Dragon Emperor)(流星指刺(スターフィンガー) Karyūdon) Link to this sectionLink to this section
Debut: Chapter 1035
King ignites his sword to produce a fire construct of a serpentine dragon which he sounds out to incinerate one or a group of enemies. Despite it being made of fire though, Zoro describes it as having a density similar to Magma.
Omori Karyudon (Assisting Guardian Fire Dragon Emperor)(流星指刺(スターフィンガー) Ōmori Karyūdon) Link to this sectionLink to this section
Debut: Chapter 1035
A larger version of King's Karyudon attack in which he creates a larger dragon to attack for him. This dragon closely resembles Kaido's Zoan transformation.

Zoan Techniques

Tankyudon (Vermillion Bow Emperor)(オラオラ Tankyūdon) Link to this sectionLink to this section
Debut: Chapter 1027
An attack from King's hybrid form. He flies at his opponent with a sweeping wing strike. This attack was powerful enough to stop Zoro's "Ul-Tora Gari" attack, sending him flying back and through the wall of Skull Dome.
Barizodon (Black Blade Twin Emperor)(流星指刺(スターフィンガー) Barizōdon) Link to this sectionLink to this section
Debut: Chapter 1033
King in his Hybrid form uses his Pterodon wings as blades, using them to lauch numerous air projectiles.
Tempuraudon (Proud Marten Emperor)(流星指刺(スターフィンガー) Tenpuraudon) Link to this sectionLink to this section
Debut: Chapter 1032
An extremely powerful melee attack used by King when in his full Pterodon form. King pulls back on his crested head. After stretching it all the way back, he releases it, sending his head flying forward at incredible speed similar to a sling shot. This attack can reach extremely far, and it uses its extreme force along with King's beak to pierce enemies. The attack was unblockable by Zoro and was only barely able to dodgable, likening it to a "beam". The attack's immense speed is assisted by his natural ability to deignite the flames on his back to increase his speed, leaving him vaulnerable while he is attacking. King comments that this attack is based on how Pterodons used to hunt prey in ancient times




Wano Country


The Raid on Onigashima=



Quote.png Quotes
  • I suppose that a novel is something made up of many lines of characters. The characters are symbols which, when strung together, form words. When words are strung together, they form sentences. And then when sentences are linked together, they become a novel. Much like how DNA is made up of base sequences, characters are arranged into a sequence. That is what I consider a novel. I expect that the job of an author is a lot like weaving a thread to create a carpet. The shape woven with the thread that is the long sequence of characters is not a simple visual image, but a certain type of value or an emotion that cannot be put into words.
  • Have you ever felt it? The power of a story? A long string of characters can undulate, arrest your heart, and carry it to a far-off place. When you read a novel with real power, it makes you feel like the characters in the story truly exist. The pain and joy of the characters start to feel like your own. Your heart sympathizes with them. Sometimes when the characters in the story suffer an injury or are betrayed by a friend, you the reader also feel a largely physical pain. That is empathy. Similar to how a shaman is writing on a charm that jinxes his target's body, an author kills a person with empathy.
  • Our battle starts now. Are you ready, The Book?
  • Taking revenge on my father. I lived thinking only of that.
