Rose Paisley

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I'm tired of running away! If he wants to get even- I'll be waiting!
—Rose Paisley, Chapter 15: Geomety and Eros, Part 4

Rose Paisley (ローズ・ペイズリー, Rōzu Peizurī) is the main protagonist of the comic Pink among Blood Red Roses written by PaisleyRose103.

Rose is an ordinary teenager living in the small town of Greenville in south-eastern Via. While initially appearing meek and somewhat docile, Rose is a strong-willed woman who isn't afraid to get her hands dirty in order to investigate her town's mysteries, as well as her own.

Rose utilizes the Talent "Rose&Release", which allows her to heal almost any injury using a clump of pink rose petals.


Rose is a young woman of slim build, 177 cm (5 ft 10 in) tall. She has short fur and medium length hair which is kept as four separate tufts. Rose's ears are triangular and gradually became longer as the story develops. Her eyes are elliptical, with pronounced eyelashes that slightly jut out to the sides of her head. Her outfit changes in each story arc but usually consists of a short top and dress with varying triangle and arrow patterns adoring them.

Rose's most notable physical feature is her two large red cheek marks, a symptom of Rosacea, a skin condition which she was born with. She is often mistaken for a fox or a cat by people which annoys her, but she has gotten used to it.


Rose appears to be a mild-mannered woman to her peers and strangers, though this facade quickly shatters once something gets on her nerves. She is somewhat foul-mouthed, a trait inherited from her mother Cybeles. Rose rarely outwardly displays her true emotions to others in order to not appear "weak". She is rather prone to overthinking and worrying due to the various tragic events she underwent in life. This manifests in her wondering various times if she could ever live a life where she's truly "happy" without fearing death encroaching in on her or if getting "five minutes of happiness" is worth living a life of suffering.

When Rose was younger, she would assault fellow classmates and refuse to talk to them, not participating in class activities. Her school principal theorized this was due to a lack of a father figure. She also believed it was her own fault that her father left her family, though later she understands this was not the case.

To put it lightly, Rose isn't a very bright person. An example of this is when she failed to realize her best friend Paris is gay despite knowing each other for several years. In addition, Rose also forgets she has Rose & Release at times which can lead to fatal tactical errors when she is under assault. She's also rather snarky and enjoys making witty comebacks those who try to foil her, whether it'd be puns or intentionally refusing to play along with an opponent's plans. For example, when Nephele attacks Rose with My Real me is Scattered and toys around with her, Rose refuses to listen to Nephele's terms and even jokes with her, asking her if a "cat got her tongue".

Despite this, Rose is a capable fighter who manages to hold her own in a fight despite having a rather non-combat-oriented ability and a general lack of fighting knowledge. She manages to outsmart Nephele and her army of duplicates and defeat her in battle. However, against more deadly abilities like Peitho Branford's Geometry & Eros she struggles severely and nearly loses before Peitho willingly gives up her own attack.

Following Nephele's defeat, Rose adopts "BARA BARA" as her own battle cry unconsciously. She believes this may be the case due her finding the meaning of the word "Bara" in Japanese interesting.

In addition, Rose is rather libidinous, getting a nosebleed when she sees provocative images of muscular men which she promptly bookmarked for "later use" and being aroused by Peitho's bosom despite being in the middle of a fight to the death with her.



Rose's "Talent" is called Rose&Release. It grants her the ability to heal almost all types of injuries, as long as they are non-lethal. This ability is executed by throwing small rose petals at the target Rose wishes to heal. These petals can also stick objects together or pin something down to a certain spot. This ability is fully reversible if Rose wishes it to be so. These petals manifest in Rose's hand and her control over their direction isn't particularly accurate.

While Rose&Release's healing capabilities are impressive, it cannot heal any injury even if it's a non-lethal one. An example of this is when Rose attempted to heal the remains of Peitho's left eye. While the superficial damage to Peitho's face and eye was healed, her eyesight has not returned, and according to Rose, will most likely never will as "there are no known cases of eye reattachment". This weakness indicates that the healing capabilities of Rose&Release are limited to what modern medicine and science is capable of.

Rose & Release (ペローズ・アンド・リリース)Link to this section
Chapter 6
Healing, binding objects together

Personal Skills

  • Athleticism: While Rose isn't a particularly capable fighter compared to some of her foes, her athletic abilities are rather well developed. Historically, a younger Rose was able to out-run Nephele, Peitho and Dolos Valentine with relative ease, which she is still able to do so in her later teen years despite being in critical condition. When fighting Peitho, she also manages to do a flip to avoid the former's attack, apparently knowing how to do so from a show she watched as a kid.



  • Cybeles Paisley: Rose's relationship with her mother is a complicated one. While the two love each other very much, both hide information from one another, although this isn't done out of malice, but rather a desire to protect the already fragile familiar structure they have left. Rose is visibly disappointed at times due to Cybeles's supposed lack of care for Rose's actions, though this feeling somewhat dissipates later on when Rose breaks down in front of her mother due to a self-perceived lack of purpose in life. Cybeles comforts Rose and affirms to her that she'll always be there for her.
    When Rose was younger, Cybeles worked overtime every day at the local supermarket in order to provide for their small household. Because of this, Rose believed her mother did not want to spend time with her and began to resent her, eventually yelling at her that her father left Cybeles due to the latter's own selfishness, which she later deeply regrets.

Love Interest

  • Holly Chevron: Rose knew Holly when she was 9 years old for less than a year, but this didn't stop the two from forming an extremely close bond. Rose first met Holly when the latter was being bullied in class by other classmates, to which Rose responded with a swift and brutal attack on the bullies, causing Holly to start developing romantic feelings towards the hot-headed wolf. Initially, Rose showed no interest in befriending Holly, claiming she has no interests in making friends. However, Holly persisted in trying to get Rose to open up, eventually succeeding after many months. The two had gotten very close, hanging out with one another daily, sharing laughs when happy and comforting one another when sad. This culminated in Rose also developing romantic feelings towards Holly, and the two loved each other deeply. Rose saw Holly as her other half, saying she was the person who made life worth living. It is currently unknown if the two of them ever confessed their feelings to one another.
    Following Holly's lynching by the hands of Dolos, Nephele and Peitho, Rose has been said to have carried her corpse through the streets of Greenville in a desperate struggle to save her life. This failed, and Holly died from her fatal injuries. Since that day, Rose still held deep feelings of nostalgia and sadness regarding Holly's fate. Over the years that followed, Rose has seemingly forgotten what Holly looked like and the many experiences the two of them shared. The exact reason for this is unknown but could stem from a coping mechanism Rose developed to deal with such extreme trauma. When Rose's mind gets invaded and toyed with via Dolos's Deforme Deja Vu, the rabbit causes Rose to claim she "never deserved" Holly, liking her only because she made Rose feel better about herself. This is likely not true, and is merely the effect of Dolos's extreme mental torture on a nearly dead Rose.

The Red Valley Trio

  • Nephele Vetti: Initially, Rose deeply resents Nephele, due to the latter's direct and active involvement in the killing of Holly Chevron. After successfully defending herself against Nephele's attack, Nephele yells at Rose that she does not know what it feels like to lose a sister. This action causes Rose to "snap", and she lashes out at Nephele in a fit of unfitting rage, causing Nephele to back down and explain her situation to Rose. After explaining her actions to Rose, Nephele willingly commits suicide by pushing her own ability to the limit, causing her to turn into dust. Despite Rose hating Nephele for many years, she is visibly shaken by the latter's death, and she feels a large amount of guilt for supposedly causing it. Curiously, Rose adapts the "BARA BARA" sound Nephele's ability made as her own battle cry, doing so unconsciously.
  • Peitho Branford: While she doesn't feel the same amount of deep resentment towards Peitho as she did for Nephele, Rose still dislikes Peitho and her luxurious lifestyle. Calling her names like "Rich Bitch" or "One Percenter Big Tits Bitch", Rose is visibly startled and mad at Peitho for showing up out of nowhere, telling her she never wanted to see her again. Eventually, after the two clash due to Rose's involvement in the death of Nephele, Peitho gives up her own attack due to feelings of remorse over her own violent actions and nearly dies by attacking herself with her own ability. Despite this, Rose heals her using Rose & Release due to not wanting her to die in front of her. After this, Peitho befriends Rose, and the two develop a somewhat close friendship, although Rose is still wary of Peitho due to their past experiences.
  • Dolos Valentine: The leader of the Red Valley Murder, Dolos is a twisted individual which Rose is scared of despite proclaiming she isn't. Rose encounters Dolos for the first time in years when visiting Holly's memorial. She immediately breaks into a cold sweat as the rabbit suddenly appears. While Rose presents a brave front to Dolos, this is instantly broken when a reanimated Holly appears behind Rose, causing Rose to shriek in pain and anger at Dolos. The depth of their relationship is currently not fully explored.


Book Icon.png Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance
  • Chapter 1 - Welcome to Greenville (1st appearance)
  • Chapter 2 - Summer Night City
  • Chapter 3 - Rose&Release and My Real Me Is Scattered, Part 1
  • Chapter 4 - Rose&Release and My Real Me Is Scattered, Part 2
  • Chapter 5 - Rose&Release and My Real Me Is Scattered, Part 3
  • Chapter 6 - Rose&Release and My Real Me Is Scattered, Part 4
  • Chapter 7 - Rose&Release and My Real Me Is Scattered, Part 5
  • Chapter 8 - Rose&Release and My Real Me Is Scattered, Part 6
  • Chapter 9 - Eagle
  • Chapter 10 - Flower Park, Part 1
  • Chapter 11 - Flower Park, Part 2
  • Chapter 12 - Geometry and Eros, Part 1
  • Chapter 13 - Geometry and Eros, Part 2
  • Chapter 14 - Geometry and Eros, Part 3
  • Chapter 15 - Geometry and Eros, Part 4
  • Chapter 16 - Bell Hill (Flashback)
  • Chapter 17 - Mariposa (Prologue)
  • Chapter 18 - Lady Bird
  • Chapter 19 - Step Back in Time Part 1: Deforme Deja Vu Part 1
  • Chapter 20 - Step Back in Time Part 2: so tough (Flashback)


Quote.png Quotes
  • I would like to tell you another story. A story about finding Light in Darkness. Life in Death. And Hope in Despair. A story about Duality.
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 1
  • Gee mom! No need to call, the way you're screaming, I could've heard you just fine from here.
    —Rose to Cybeles Paisley, Chapter 1
  • I wonder... How would it be to live a life without worries or struggles? A life where I can feel happy. A life where I don't have to ask myself everyday: "Will I be here tomorrow? Or will today be the day?".
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 2
  • If I'm going out, I'm gonna do it my way, by annoying the shit out of you.
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 3
  • Nah.
    —Rose Paisley to Nephele Vetti, Chapter 4
  • Why aren't you saying anything? Huh? Cat got your tongue?
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 4
  • Wait. Three... 3... Three! What am I talking about?! Three. Just like back then... If I could outrun 3 dumbasses as a kid, then I'm sure I can do it again now. Especially since they are the same person.
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 5
  • Well... This'll do. Rose&Release!
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 6
  • You're in no position to order me around anymore. So if you're thinking of trying something, don't.
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 7
  • You lost because you're a dumb bitch.
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 7
  • "Rose&Release". Using my petals, not only have I healed my injuries several times, and made the gravel stick to your eyes. But I also made it so your body parts couldn't detach anymore. They're stuck to you.
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 7
  • You hypocrite bitch! You killed the closest person I had to a sister!!! You murdered her in cold blood- and LAUGHED about it!! You and that FUCKER!! So, tell me, how is it MY fault that I did the right thing? HUH?! How is it MY fault that you're a murderer?!! How is it my fault- that you didn't CARE enough about your family, to be a good person?!!
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 7
  • I- I've always hated you. You ruined so many lives, including mine. So... Why am I crying?
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 8
  • What the fuuuuuuuck mom?!!!!! How can you even ask that?!! I've never h- I'm still- Uuugh! I've never even dated a guy yet!!
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 9
  • 5 minutes... Is it worth living a life of suffering just to get those occasional 5 minutes of happiness? Right now, I'm heading towards those 5 minutes... But... Do I even deserve any of them? E-Everytime I close m-my eyes... I just... see her.
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 9
  • Even though my five minutes have passed, I'm glad someone found a lifetime.
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 9
  • Oh wow! Go to hell! I apologized!! Next time, I hope you bump into a moving truck!!! Bitch! ...Oh no! I sound just like mom!
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 10
  • I-I just realized! There's no point in trying to help! She's already dead!!
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 10
  • AAAAH! I'm getting real tired- Of this horror movie bullshiiit!!!
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 11
  • Wh- Why- -Do I always trip so fucking muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch?!!!!
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 11
  • Now, can you ~please~ fuck off back to your limo and return to your yacht or Hawaiian villa, or wherever the fuck you people spend your summers.
    —Rose Paisley to Peitho Branford, Chapter 12
  • Ahem, First of all, you are delusional! And second, I don't owe you shit!!! Let alone an explanation! So, fuck off! I'm leaving!
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 12
  • Calm your tits, bitch!!!! I didn't kill anyone!!!!... Calm dooooown!!! You mood swinging bitch!!!
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 12
  • You know? something I've been curious about, ever since you showed up earlier, just between us girls. How much did you pay for those boobs?...How much was it?... Like... the implants...Oh Damn! Really? (Wow. Good thing my nose was already bleeding. ...What?!)
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 13
  • Alright then!! Batter the fuuuuuck uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup!!!!! BARA BARA BARA BARA BARA BARA BARA BARA BARA BARAAAH!!!!!
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 13
  • BARA BARA... For some reason, I got a lot of images of hot buff men when I searched that... I bookmarked it.
    —Rose's investigation results regarding the word "BARA", Chapter 14
  • Well, bitch, I don't know shit about martial arts, but I can do cool poses too!
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 14
  • "R&R", using my ability, I tried healing all your injuries, as well as mine. That means I put your eye back in. Which, by the way, was the grossest thing I've ever experienced! That thing was slimy as hell! However, even though I did my best, optic nerve damage is a serious thing. There has never been a recorded case of eye reattachment, so you might never see with it again.
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 15
  • I'm gonna stop you right there! I didn't do this specifically for you. I did it for myself. One: I am tired of seeing people dying in front of me. Two: I'd be in some incredibly deep shit if the daughter of one of the richest men in the country died like this, and I was the only suspect.
    —Rose explaining why she saved Peitho's life, Chapter 15
  • Deep down, I always knew, that someday he would be back... In one way or another... However! I am tired of running away! If he wants to get even- I'll be waiting!
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 15
  • I still don't know how to play chess.
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 17
  • Can I call you "Lassie"? OK. Thank you.
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 17
    —Rose suffers a breakdown, Chapter 17
  • Being out of the county for once- It feels... It feels refreshing. (LIKE I'M ALIVE)
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 18
  • What the fuck is "slay"?
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 18
  • That weekend... Was a short moment of peace and happiness... Another of those "5 minutes". 5 minutes I would always cherish... Because... It was probably the last time I would ever feel happy and smile.
    —Rose Paisley, Chapter 18
  • Is it safe to assume you're here to get even- or some other dumb shit like that?
    —Rose encounters Dolos, Chapter 19
    —Rose sees a revived Holly Chevron, Chapter 19

Creation & Development

Rose's character first came into being in later 2019. Back then, her character wasn't named yet, but according to the comic's creator, PaisleyRose103, this early version of her is known now as "Primrose". Rose has been the (seemingly placeholder) protagonist of several scrapped stories. Those stories involved: A dancing school, a potential retelling of Marie Antoinette's life and lastly, a story titled "Rose Deception", whose details are currently private.


  • Rose is partially deaf in one ear, the reasons for this are currently unknown.
  • Rose cannot raise her eyebrow, despite trying to learn how to do so for a long time.