Dragona Joestar ★ History

A detailed chronological summary of the life of Dragona Joestar from The JOJOLands.


Dragona is the grandchild of Joseph Joestar and Suzi Q, and the child of Barbara Ann Joestar and an unnamed man.[1] Their family initially lived in Atlantic City, New Jersey but moved to Honolulu, Hawaii when Dragona was 14.[2]

Threatened by a bully

Dragona transferred to McKinley High School after moving. In gym class, a girl encouraged them to pass the volleyball, but the ball accidentally ended up hitting the girl's face. She retaliated by smashing the ball back into Dragona's face and causing a nosebleed. She threatened Dragona, wishing they would just disappear. On the school bus, the other students didn't allow Dragona to sit beside them as they were reserving the seat for others or had different excuses. Dragona found a seat, but accidentally sat on ice cream. The bully returned, accused Dragona of sitting in her seat and demanded compensation for the ice cream. She mocked Dragona for their effeminate behaviors while stripping them to check if they actually had male genitals. She threatened to "draw" a bra on Dragona using an eyelash curler while another classmate pinned Dragona down. However, Jodio intervened, awakening a Stand that struck the bully's eye with a raindrop. Jodio left the bus with Dragona so they could walk home together and asked how long Dragona was being bullied for, but Dragona dismissed it as the girl just joking around. That night, Dragona had nightmares and struggled to sleep.[2]

Dragona didn't go to school the next day. Jodio decided to punish Dragona's classmates and trapped all of them inside the school bus before setting it on fire. Dragona felt very relieved afterward and slept well that night, but confronted Jodio the next morning, knowing that he was the culprit. Dragona thanked Jodio, promised to become stronger, and decided to keep Jodio's crime a secret. Smooth Operators then awakened and slid the wound that the bully inflicted on Dragona's chest onto a spoon, shattering the spoon in the process.[2]

A few months later, Barbara informed Dragona and Jodio that their father left their home and Hawaii. The parents of Dragona's bully were wealthy people who ran the bus company and were somehow capable of forcing Jodio's father into paying ten times more than the regular amount to the bus company, so the insurance company blamed their father for agreeing to the deal. Barbara had to work two jobs to support her children, leading Dragona to constantly have to assure Jodio that their situation wasn't his fault for causing the bus incident. While walking in a dangerous neighborhood with Jodio to meet up with their mother, Meryl Mei Qi drove by them and picked them up, offering them a "win-win" proposition.[2]

Meryl recruited Jodio and Dragona into her gang and hired Dragona to work at her fashion boutique in Kalihi, Iko Iko. One day, Dragona and Jodio go on a job to smuggle drugs in surfboards. They steal a pickup truck and Dragona creates a fake driver's license using Smooth Operators, replacing the original photo on the license with their own.[1]

The JOJOLands

Smuggling Mission

Jodio sits in the passenger seat of the pickup truck while Dragona drives, blasting music by Dua Lipa. They are suddenly stopped by police officers. Dragona is sure they have not done anything wrong and constantly questions the officer, annoying him. The police officer thus forces Dragona out of the car and molests them under the pretense of searching for drugs. Jodio decides to intervene and steps out of the car, ignoring the officers' orders to stop. Instead, he demands that the officer takes his hands off of his big brother, threatening to kill him otherwise. The officers point their guns at Jodio but he summons his Stand, causing rain droplets to pin the officer behind him to the ground, flattening him.

Retaliating against the officer

Just before the other officer fires at Jodio, Dragona uses their Stand to slide the officer's eyes to the back of his head, throwing off his aim. Finally, Jodio attacks the officer with rain drops as well, crushing him. He continuously stomps on the cop before Dragona stops him, calming him down so that Jodio doesn't kill the man.

Jodio then burns the officers' body cameras and dashboard camera along with their car, so that the officers would have no evidence and wouldn't be able to go after them. This initially shocks Dragona but Jodio tells them that he is erasing evidence and Dragona thus agrees with Jodio's actions. Moreover, Dragona uses Smooth Operators to change the numbers on the truck's license plate and gets rid of their fake license before they head to their gang's rendezvous point. One of the gang members praises them for doing well but reprimands them for being late. He also asks them if they heard about a police car being burned down but Jodio and Dragona pretend to be ignorant. They walk until they get to a major road and then call an Uber to go home.

Dragona receives their new mission and allies

Later, Jodio, Dragona, and Paco are summoned by their boss, Meryl Mei Qi, to Iko Iko. Paco attempts to steal from one of the customers, but Dragona stops him by grabbing his ear. Meryl Mei makes an announcement to close the shop and then orders the three gang members to turn off their phones before showing them her own phone. On the screen is a 24-carat natural blue diamond worth $6 million. It is owned by a lone Japanese tourist who also owns a villa on the Big Island of Hawaii and plans to stay there for around 12 more days. Their group will be getting a 2% split all together, while Meryl Mei gets an 18% cut after they sell it on the black market. She also informs them that they will be going as a team of four. The student who Jodio and Paco sold drugs to at school in the morning arrives as their fourth member, as Meryl Mei guarantees that he will be useful to them.[1]

The Diamond Heist

After the group arrives at the Kona Airport in Hawaii, Dragona scolds Usagi for being late and not providing a car, reminding him that they need to get back before the last plane of the day departs. Usagi reassures the group about the mission by stating that he knows a safe car rental that does not have tracking devices or cameras. In the end, they trust him due to the recommendation from Meryl Mei Qi and depart. After arriving at the villa of the japanese tourist, Dragona tells Jodio to reveal the gathered intel. Following the briefing, Dragona instructs the group to put their earphones and masks on, and not to say each other's names on the radio. As they approach the estate, Usagi tells Dragona to wish to have the camera installed on the side of the house. This activates Usagi's Stand, THE MATTEKUDASAI, which copies the camera. He uses the cameras to create two distinct videos, making the recorded evidence useless. The group continues on its way in.[3]

Jodio splits up with Paco, Dragona, and Usagi, with the three infiltrating through the front door. Dragona picks the lock with their Stand and they enter the house. Inside, they remind Paco and Usagi to obtain a diamond and nothing else as to not arouse unwanted attention. Despite this, the two still take several antiques and bottles of wine. Dragona warns them to put back their theft and look for a safe. The group continues to explore when they enter a strange room scattered with volcanic rocks around laboratory equipment. Paco and Dragona assume that Rohan Kishibe, the manga artist, purifies drugs with the flasks and smuggles them illegally. Usagi explains that the rocks were cooled 'a'ā lava inside the flasks which are used for heating.

Dragona against Rohan Kishibe.

Jodio soon reports to Dragona that Rohan is returning with a strange stray cat that seemingly leads him inside the house. He warns them to return to look for the diamond another time, but Paco and Usagi had already found the safe hidden behind a bookcase. Ignoring their brother, Dragona reaches to open it immediately with their Stand, confident that they can open it as Rohan doesn't know where they are and will be coming from the living room. However, the lock is heavier than what Smooth Operators can manage. While keeping watch, Paco and Usagi spot and recognize the stray cat which stares at them before walking away. Dragona successfully opens the safe which reveals the diamond worth 6 million dollars, then noticing the same volcanic rocks in the laboratory inside it as well. When the group escapes the room, a plastic string resembling a fishing line wraps and tightens around Paco's foot. Dragona tries to help before a string also wraps around their arm. Usagi manages to dodge a string that almost wraps around his foot, and it floats back into the hallway before disappearing. Usagi tells the two that the cat must be a Stand user and set up the strings, which were tightening around Paco and Dragona, when it went down the hallway.[4]

Paco takes Usagi's scissors, prompting the latter to suggest to Dragona that they wish THE MATTEKUDASAI make a copy for them. Usagi repeats his warning about an enemy Stand, but the cat looks harmless to Dragona and Paco. They suddenly receive Jodio through their transceiver and hear Jodio warn them that Rohan has entered the house and has figured out the situation. The group puts their masks on then Dragona simply uses Smooth Operators to slide the string off their wrist. After Paco also gets rid of the wire around his ankle, he and Usagi quickly start to get out of a window but Dragona notices that Paco's backpack is open. This puzzles Dragona, who clearly remembers closing the backpack and they quickly go back to take the diamond which lays on the floor.

As Dragona crouches and moves their hand to grab the diamond, Rohan suddenly appears, his hand close to Dragona's. Rohan warns them to not pick up the diamond or else they'll be in danger, but Dragona only thinks of tying Rohan up now. Rohan picks the diamond as Dragona's arm suddenly opens up into pages showing information about them. From that, Rohan learns Dragona's identity and becomes aware about the presence of Jodio. Rohan seems relieved to read that the group is merely fairly ordinary burglars and wishes to know how they learned about the diamond. Rohan manages to subdue Paco and Usagi by turning them into books but during the struggle, Rohan tosses the diamond at Usagi and Dragona. It bounces off Usagi's hand before Dragona catches it. Only Dragona remains able to move, but they are more disturbed at the sight of the diamond laying again on the ground, although they were sure they caught it.[5]

After tying up Paco and Usagi, Rohan promptly contacts the police to report the robbery. He's instructed to stay on the line until help arrives. Displaying his phone as evidence of his ongoing communication with the police, Rohan estimates a patrol car's arrival within ten minutes. He then turns his attention to Dragona, intending to immobilize them as well. As panic sets in, Dragona hastily tries to seize the diamond, stowing it in a pouch before attempting to flee. However, an unexpected clinking sound from a cup on the table halts them in their tracks. The diamond has mysteriously ended up in the cup, and the shock of losing it leaves Dragona bewildered. Adding to the confusion, Rohan's money, which was previously in Paco's possession, spills onto the floor. Rohan calmly retrieves it, commenting on how everything returned. Overwhelmed with fear, Dragona questions Rohan's identity, to which Rohan retorts that he should be the one questioning his assailants. He advances towards the paralyzed Dragona, almost succeeding in restraining them.

Rohan's focus is disrupted by rain suddenly appearing inside his living room. This distraction and a trap set by Jodio allows Dragona to capture and bind the manga artist. They inform Jodio that Rohan knows their identities, rendering their planned airport escape impossible. Additionally, Dragona points out how the diamond cannot be stolen, leaving the gang bewildered. Adding to their uncertainty, Rohan points out that they would have been safer had he been the one to capture them, since they are being followed.

Having discerned Rohan's motive for staying in Hawaii, Jodio utilizes the two pieces of lava from Rohan's safe as leverage. He goes far as to crush one of them to emphasize his point, causing Rohan to panic. The gang speculates on the potential value of the lava, but no one understands its significance to Rohan. Regardless, it serves as effective leverage for the moment. Jodio forces Rohan to deceive the police about the burglary to secure a safe passage back to O'ahu for the gang. Feeling incapable of stealing the diamond, Dragona instructs Paco to steal it instead. Paco nonchalantly takes the diamond, and the group departs. Outside, Paco brazenly shows off the diamond to Dragona, oblivious to its peculiar properties. Unbeknownst to the gang, a group of cats begin to tail them.[6]

Jungle Warfare

Dragona and co. fighting a trio of cats.

Dragona and the gang run across the jungle back towards their car but Paco trips on a root, forcing the group to stop. Suddenly, Dragona sees that the diamond has fallen on the ground, which surprises Paco who is sure that he put the gem in his backpack and zipped it. Then, Jodio also sees the precious artwork Usagi had stolen earlier near him beneath some leaves. Somehow, the drawing has left Usagi's backpack. Dragona also remembers how several bank notes that Paco had stolen mysteriously fell out of his pocket earlier and realizes that this is not a matter of being careless or any trick on Rohan's part, but rather it seems that precious items are drawn towards the Lava Rock. Since Jodio was holding the lava, Dragona tells him to pick up the diamond, assuming it wouldn't fall again.

However, when Jodio approaches the diamond, he touches a wire that was hidden in the grass. It coils around his ankle and lifts him up, leaving him dangling upside down from a tree. Surprised, Jodio drops the Lava Rock. The rest of the group is just as surprised as Jodio to see the wire attack continue even after they left the house. Jodio warns his companions about an animal lurking around. The wire digs into Jodio's leg and he is unable to break free. Thus, Dragona approaches to help him. Usagi tries to warn them but Dragona is still caught in a trap. Two other wires stealthily approach Dragona from behind, bind to each other, and then pierce their stomach. Paco rushes to Dragona's aid but when he grabs Dragona, the wires start to sew themselves into his arm, binding him and Dragona together.

Jodio sees more wires flying towards them from upwind and warns his companions. Worse, it seems that Usagi has taken all the goods and fled. As the wires approach Paco and Dragona, Jodio, still dangling from the tree, estimates the distances between him, the branch from which he's hanging, and the tree trunk. Satisfied, he tells Paco and Dragona to get under him and then summons November Rain. November Rain creates a rain right underneath it which pushes the floating wires onto the ground and disintegrates them while Jodio shields Paco and Dragona.[7]

As the trio struggles against the wire onslaught, Drgona attempts to use Smooth Operators, but fails to slide the wires off. After Paco uses THE Hustle to free Jodio, his November Rain manages to fend off one cat. The remaining two cats ensnare them in a net made of wires, which is revealed to come from their fur. Just as the situation seems dire, Usagi intervenes by crashing the rental car into the tree. He reveals he had fed the cats expensive caviar he stole from Rohan's villa. Usagi has Dragona ask THE MATTEKUDASAI to transform into a net and lures the cats toward him. He then drops the Lava Rock he was holding, causing the cats to fall down since they would be drawn toward the Rock due to its properties.[8]

Testing the Lava Rock

Usagi and Dragona check out luxury watches

Dragona and the others wind down after escaping from the jungle. They drive to a cafe, where Usagi begs Dragona to lend him $20. Dragona wonders if his family is poor and agrees to lend the money, which Usagi uses to test the Lava Rock's ability to attract valuables. Usagi places the Rock on top of the bill while they talk for a few minutes, then marks the bill with a symbol using a pen before throwing the cash to the ground. A man steals the bill and uses it to pay for food, angering Dragona that their money was stolen. However, the money eventually returns to the group after Paco gets a refund from a shop, confirming the Lava Rock's power. Dragona then suggests a test at a luxury watch store, Diamotch, so they can fully figure out how the Lava Rock's powers work before boarding the plane. Dragona and Usagi act nervously inside, making the salesman suspect them. Dragona shows the clerk a glimpse of the diamond in their wallet, so the clerk agrees to let them try on watches in the back room. However, the Lava Rock's power leads to a tense situation as one of the watches on the table goes missing, and the clerk assumes the pair stole it.[9]

Usagi and Dragona show the clerk all of their possessions. Dragona is baffled about the missing watch, wondering if it moved on its own. After touching all four watches, it's unclear why only one vanished. They beg the clerk not to call the police, leading to a deal to check the security footage for proof of innocence. The first camera misses the incident, but the second shows the watch under Dragona's wrist before it disappeared. Dragona finds the watch inside their pendant's pocket being held by Smooth Operators, but doesn't remember taking it, reminiscent of when the diamond kept rolling away from Dragona at Rohan's villa. The security guards search Dragona's body, but the watch disappears again, as they only find the Lava Rock. Usagi points out that the watch isn't on Dragona but tangled in the clerk's shoelaces. It then starts traveling on its own toward the elevator, leading to a chase. The clerk and guards successfully retrieve it and apologize for accusing them, blaming the watch's slippery strap. As it falls again, Usagi and Dragona decide to leave. Dragona speculates on the Lava Rock's ability to draw riches toward it by controlling people with unconscious actions and through the connections between people, thinking the watch might return to them due to its mysterious pull. Despite the chaos, Usagi thinks their shopping trip was fun and suggests to cherish the memory.[10]

A New Ally

Charming Man stabs Dragona

Dragona and Usagi exit the store while enjoying a bit of alcohol from Rohan's house. They enjoy themselves on their success and await to acquire one precious wristwatch. Although Paco warns them about an enemy hiding nearby, Dragona and Usagi are distracted when they see the watch they targeted in another woman's possession. Dragona is disappointed but Usagi tells them that it means the watch has already been brought outside. Dragona keeps watching the couple with the watch and gets frustrated when they put the watch on a dirty napkin. Soon, a flock of birds approaches the couple. One bird takes the watch and flies toward Dragona, who attempts to grab the watch. However, this is actually an illusion, as the enemy is transformed into the bird and sky, with the real watch still remaining on the woman's wrist. The foe thus steals the Lava Rock and also stabs Dragona in the neck. Dragona collapses, and tries to have Smooth Operators take away the wound.[11]

Thankfully, Dragona manages to drag the wound out of their neck and onto a bottle of alcohol, saving themself as the bottle is cut. As Dragona catches their breath and coughs up the blood in their throat, Usagi confesses that he is in love with Dragona. However, Dragona is more interested in retrieving the Lava Rock. Finding the enemy seems to be challenging as he's able to camouflage or even merge into the very air to hide. Usagi asks Dragona to use THE MATTEKUDASAI to wish for a metal detector, but Paco spots blood on the ground and deduces that it is a blood trail left by the enemy when November Rain injured him. The group follows the blood trail up to a car whose owner, Leo, antagonizes the group for blocking his car. The enemy attacks Jodio from the car, and though Jodio is able to evade the ambush, the enemy disappears again and there is no blood trail left.

When the wristwatch attracted to the Lava Rock begins to slide toward the beach, Dragona realizes that they can track the enemy using the diamond like a compass to locate the general direction of the enemy. Paco and Jodio advance together into the water to corner the enemy and they arrive at a pier. Usagi worries about their enemy being too dangerous for them, but Dragona is confident that they will be the winners as long as they don't let their fears overtake them or regret their lost opportunities. Fused with a splash of water, the enemy ambushes Paco from behind. Jodio grabs onto the assailant and drags him back into the sea and the two start to fight underwater. Dragona is initially worried because November Rain's ability cannot affect things beyond their surface. However, after Usagi pushes an inflatable raft into November Rain's direction and Jodio is able to breathe through air leaking from it, Dragona thinks he'll be all right. As the fight drags on, Paco decides to spare the enemy. Having realized that the enemy may not be as evil as he thought, and because he seems to know more about the Lava Rock, Paco asks Dragona to tell Jodio to let his opponent live.[12]

Thus, the fight ends and the crew starts an uneasy truce with their former enemy, whose name is "Charming Man." At the airport, Dragona seeks a souvenir in a shop to bring to their mother, not wanting to spend more than $30. Usagi suggests macadamia nuts or Kona coffee but Dragona mentions that their mother has an allergy. Suddenly, a man peddling goods exhibits his articles hidden under his coat. Dragona spots the precious watch from earlier and the hawker tries to sell it for $800, but Dragona and Usagi see that the hands have stopped and remember that the watch fell in the ocean, forcing the vendor to downgrade his offer to $30. Dragona thus accepts to buy the watch.

Team Jodio's new mission

Back at O'ahu, Dragona and the rest of the crew make their report to Meryl Mei Qi. Although they have stolen more than she ordered, she remains satisfied and thus hands the gang their payment for the job. After she puts the diamond in a safe, Meryl asks them what happened at the big island because she knows that somehow, no one reported any burglary and yet they spent more than six hours on the island. The group hesitates to explain, Dragona notably having trouble finding the right words. Nonetheless, they point to the diamond that has somehow found its way back into Meryl Mei's hands, showing the first of the difficulties they've faced.[13]

Dragona and Paco persuade Meryl to trust Charming Man by highlighting his genuine good intentions to rescue his younger brother. Dragona, Paco, and Usagi react with an awkward cough when Charming Man mentions to Meryl that one of the Lava Rocks was destroyed, since Jodio was responsible for that. When Charming Man states that he believes society itself is preventing him from rescuing his brother, Usagi considers that absurd. Dragona remains silent as Jodio repeats the word "absurd". Meryl reveals her connections with the infrastructure development company HOWLER and unveils a plan for the gang to claim the entire Hualalai Mountain as their own by taking over HOWLER's assets using the Lava Rock. Meryl plans to give them 4% each of the total estimated 50 billion dollars if they succeed. Rather than being robbers this time, they will just have to get close to the land.[2]

The Land Registry Heist

In order to acquire the rights to the lands in HOWLER's possession, Meryl directs the gang to Hawaii's land registry office so that they can make the Lava Rock touch all the original copies of the ownership deeds of the company. She assigns Dragona, Usagi, and Charming Man to go inside while Paco and Jodio stay in the car as support. While they are waiting for the office to open, Dragona uses an eyelash brush. They eventually enter the building at 10:00. In the atrium, Usagi trips and spills his cup noodles on the floor. Dragona is appalled because Meryl instructed them not to get noticed nor to leave any trace of their presence. Nonetheless, the security guards leave them be, so the trio proceeds with their infiltration. Dragona uses Smooth Operators to fake an ID for Charming Man, who goes to the counter and formally makes a request to consult the original land deeds. Meanwhile, Dragona tasks Usagi with tampering with the cameras with THE MATTEKUDASAI so that their real appearances wouldn't be recorded. Although the clerk initially directs them to a PC to see digital copies of the deeds, Charming Man insists on taking a look at the original deeds by pretending that Usagi wants to study them.

The staff accepts and brings the group to the archive where the clerk presents the original land deeds to Usagi and Dragona on a table. The clerk puts gloves on and tells them that she'll be the only one touching the documents, though this suits Dragona because then they won't leave any fingerprints. Dragona whispers to Usagi to play the part of the passionate history student while they stealthily touch the pages with the Lava Rock hidden in their pendant. At one point, the rock vibrates and attracts the deeds but Dragona separates them before the clerk suspects foul play.

After they are done, the trio quickly exits the building. As the plan seemingly went smoothly, Dragona is enthusiastic to see the results of their operation. Charming Man calls Jodio and Paco so that they drive back and pick them up but Usagi suddenly feels sick. Usagi collapses on the ground and starts to vomit, no longer being able to breathe. Charming Man notices that he's not throwing up food but a cloudy liquid and when he examines Usagi, he sees that his neck is covered in rock-like scabs. Dragona is just as puzzled as Charming Man by Usagi's symptoms, as they barely know him and don't know if he's suffering from a sort of chronic illness or has been poisoned. Dragona almost calls an ambulance but Charming Man warns not to because it will leave a trace of their presence. Anxious, Dragona suspects that they are under attack.[14]

Usagi asks Dragona to wish for a straw and Dragona does so, allowing Usagi to turn THE MATTEKUDASAI into a straw. Thus, Usagi buys himself time by piercing his chest with a cutter and shoving the straw into his lung to make himself a secondary breathing orifice. Dragona and Charming Man then bring Usagi to the van. The group argues since Usagi claims he's under attack, but Charming Man suggests he may just be suffering symptoms from a drug addiction. Eventually, the group witness medics evacuating the clerk that was showing them the land registry pages and who is now suffering from the same symptoms as Usagi. Charming Man uses Bigmouth Strikes Again to insert his eyeball into the straw, allowing him to search inside Usagi's body. He discovers a Stand inside and tries to drag it out, but the Stand also makes Charming Man sick with a tumor around his eye. Worse, Dragona also starts to drown from pulmonary edema as well.[15] Jodio deduces the Stand's attack follows a set pattern and should be headed to Dragona's heart, so he directs Dragona to use Smooth Operators to catch it. After a moment of despair, Dragona signals success, and Jodio's November Rain destroys the Stand using a raindrop sent into Dragona's mouth, allowing Dragona to breathe again. However, Charming Man warns it's too late to locate the Stand in Usagi's brain. Jodio plans to use an MRI at the hospital to locate the Stand and save Usagi.[16]

At the Hospital

After arriving at the hospital, Jodio mistakenly presses the elevator button to the ICU. They see Sophie, the clerk from the registry office, unconscious. Her father, Congressman White, believes HOWLER poisoned her. He plans to seize HOWLER's land and signs a document on his tablet, but his assistant warns him not to. Before he decides to submit it, Sophie's ECG monitor suddenly flatlines. Amidst his grief, he leaves his tablet behind when he rushes into Sophie's room. Dragona and the others use White's tablet to submit the document, using Smooth Operators to drag his fingerprint onto the sensor.[16]

To save Usagi, the group plans on using an MRI to scan Usagi's body and find the lesions he must have from his heart to his brain, which is where the enemy Stand must be. Then, Dragona will send in Smooth Operators to drag the Stand out and the group will be able to eliminate it. Unfortunately, both MRI scanners at the hospital are being used at the moment. Thus, the group decides to tell Usagi to conjure his own scanner with THE MATTEKUDASAI and use a spare room. Time is short as Usagi starts to become delirious and blood is flowing from his ear, meaning the enemy Stand is in his brain, and Usagi will soon be unable to use his Stand.

The group waits outside but then hear silenced gunshots. Although they see nobody, they spot a hail of bullets slowly heading towards them and are hit.[17] Dragona uses Smooth Operators on Paco to remove the six bullets before they could dig deeper into his body. Dragona realizes that the bullets aren't automatic tracking types, meaning the Stand user already tracked them down. Paco points out that Usagi is in the process of making an MRI with THE MATTEKUDASAI. He instructs Charming Man and Dragona to take the photographs of inside Usagi's brain, while he and Jodio will stand guard. Dragona instructs Usagi to stay as still as possible. Charming Man warns Dragona not to get too close to the MRI entrance due to its magnetic resonance, but Dragona's bracelets are already stuck to the door. Charming Man also cautions Dragona about the potential for tattoos to cause burns. In a rush, Charming Man scans the photos for the lesion in Usagi's brain, but the strong magnetism pulls a cart with various items toward the MRI. Dragona fears Usagi won't survive if they don't enter his body soon, but the MRI hasn't finished taking the photos yet.[18]

Dragona sends Smooth Operators inside of Usagi's brain and Charming Man eventually finds the enemy Stand in the temporal lobe. Smooth Operators corner Bags Groove and grab onto its limbs to quarter it, but suddenly, a mob of other Bags Grooves appear from the shadows and surround Smooth Operators.[19]


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