Isn't it kinda funny there's coattail and then cocktail? (コートテールがあって、その後にカクテルがあるって、ちょっと滑稽と思いませんか?)

Current Goal

I am having so much fun learning the secrets of Araki's editors (and the insane amount of original storylines that were cut), so I'm translating the interviews of JOJOVELLER! Wish me luck!

👻 I shall waste my life away looking through Japanese auction sites for hours just to find blurry pictures of magazine chapter covers and their original taglines 🫡 why do I do this to myself 👻

And if I notice any minor issues and know how to code them properly, I shall

(P.S. Currently working at Target, so if I'm not posting for a while it's probably because I'm working long ass hours)

Magazine Cover Sources

Currently going through an arc of endlessly scrolling through random Japanese sites for the slim chance of finding semi-decent quality photos of JoJo chapter covers with their original tagline. Here is what I have found so far!

Mag Tags

7th photo.   9th photo.  

12th photo  

  • Chapter 126 Bit close up and wonky, but at least the full tagline is visible!

17th photo  

  • Chapter 571 No tagline I found 3 separate fucking auctions for this magazine and NONE showed the page before this that probably has the tagline. One day I shall spend all my money on old Shonen Jump mags just to preserve this shit.

9th photo  

  • Chapter 170 You can count many pixels in the first pic and I'm sorry 'bout that, but I legit cannot find another. Second pic is pretty badass tho

7th photo; bottom left corner.   3rd photo.  

My Sources

Some of the author's notes for Part 4 seem to be misplaced, so I will help fix them!

I am VERY passionate about explaining my reasoning for any changes. Here, I will show specific author's notes contradict those on the wiki, along with screenshots and links to the correct notes.

My Fun Sources

My JoJo Collection

My paycheck is not for my bank. It is for JoJo.

All hail Barnes and Noble and Kinokuniya! Seriously, if you have a Kinokuniya near you, GO TO IT!!