The sixth volume of the first season of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Animation released in Japan on June 28, 2013 on Blu-ray and DVD. It covers Joseph Joestar and Caesar A. Zeppeli training with the Ripple master Lisa Lisa and Joseph's battle against Esidisi.
The sixth volume of the TV anime depicting the Stone Mask handed down by the Aztecs, the People of the Sun, and the bizarre fate it brings to the Joestar Family. Joseph, who has had poison rings placed in his heart and throat, seeks out the Ripple master Lisa Lisa.
Limited Edition Bonus
- Pillar Men T-Shirt
- Paper Slim Jacket
Entire Volume Set Bonus
Each volume includes an application ticket which customers can send to prove they purchased the entire set of volumes. The bonus for purchasing the entire volume set is a Super Figure Revolution figure of Jonathan Joestar and Dio Brando.