All-Star Battle ★ Josuke Higashikata

Josuke ASB.png

Josuke Higashikata makes his playable debut in All-Star Battle, and was confirmed along with Okuyasu, Jolyne and Ermes.

As one of the mass majority of playable characters in the game with the Stand Style, Josuke can turn Crazy Diamond on/off, changing movesets, as well as having access to the Stand Rush ability returning from Heritage for the Future, being able to attack in conjunction with his Stand. Josuke has 1000 HP.


Command List

During a fight, Josuke can use several different attacks that were featured in Diamond is Unbreakable.

Stand On/Off
Josuke can summon or dismiss Crazy Diamond, shifting his available abilities.
Get closer and pull 300 km/h!
ASBDPad6.png + ASBH.png ON GROUND (Stand Off only)
Josuke turns to the side as Crazy Diamond's fists suddenly appear from behind him, rapidly striking the opponent. A command normal that can chain into any of Josuke's skills.
Watch your mouth!
ASBDPad2.pngx2 + ASBP.png ON GROUND (Stand Off only)
A special ability that requires a stock of the Heart Heat Gauge to activate. It will first initiate as a counter: Josuke will briefly adjust his pompadour, and if the opponent hits him during that moment, they will stop to insult his hair, temporarily sending Josuke into a blind rage as his hair spikes upward. The Heart Heat required is not consumed until the counter actually succeeds, allowing Josuke to attempt it repeatedly.

In this enraged state, all of Josuke's attacks have increased speed and damage, and deal much greater damage to the opponent's Guard Gauge. He is able to chain any of his normal attacks together indefinitely with Easy Beat disabled, including chaining the same normals repeatedly; He is limited only by the game's innate anti-infinite system with a cap on the amount of times the opponent can be hit by a given attack before falling out of the combo. Josuke gains super armor at all times, powering through any incoming attacks that don't result in a hard knockdown or aren't Throws, HHA, or GHA.
The skill "He heals pretty quickly!" is directly enhanced in this mode as well.

However, Josuke will forcibly and constantly walk towards the opponent, unable to crouch, run, move backwards, stop moving, or guard; Josuke has no means of defending himself against the opponent's attacks, up to and including their HHA or GHA, aside from Sidestepping.

If Josuke executes his HHA or GHA while enraged, his hair will continue to stand during the whole animation.

I'm not done kicking your ass!
ASBDPad3.png + ASBM.png ON GROUND WHEN DOWNED (While "Watch your mouth! is active)
An ability exclusive to Josuke's "Watch your mouth!" enraged state that can only be used while the opponent is down. He grabs the opponent and forces them back onto their feet while leaving them staggered, allowing him to continue his combo even after the opponent has hit the ground.
ASBDPad3.png + ASBH.png ON GROUND (Stand On only)
Josuke and Crazy Diamond slide across the ground a short distance before Crazy Diamond kicks upwards, hitting high instead of low, and knocking them in the air.
Skills [Stand Off]
I'm a real Deadeye Dick!
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND
Josuke summons Crazy Diamond to forcefully flick a fast projectile forward. The projectile and its properties are determined by the button inputted. (Flash Cancel comboable)
  • Light (ASBL.png): Crazy Diamond launches a ball bearing that curves upward as mid-ranged anti-air projectile.
  • Medium (ASBM.png): Crazy Diamond launches a ball bearing that flies a little further before curving upward, extending its horizontal reach.
  • Heavy (ASBH.png): Crazy Diamond launches a rifle bullet that flies at high speeds straight forward.
Break through and beat you up!
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND
Josuke braces himself with his arms as he lunges forward a distance, then summons Crazy Diamond to deliver a punch barrage. This ability can initiate Rush Mode. The attack button inputted determines the last strike:
  • Light (ASBL.png): Crazy Diamond finishes with a high-hitting straight punch, knocking the opponent away.
  • Medium (ASBM.png): Crazy Diamond finishes with an overhead punch in a middle attack that cannot be blocked crouching, staggering the opponent. (Flash Cancel comboable)
  • Heavy (ASBH.png): Crazy Diamond finishes with a punch that sweeps the opponent's feet in a low attack that cannot be blocked standing, knocking them down.

Despite Josuke bracing himself, this skill does not actually carry any defensive property like super armor or guard-point.

Josuke summons Crazy Diamond to rapidly punch downward and dig up the ground, leaving a small, visible spot of excavated earth. The punches themselves can knock the opponent down, and also hit them if they're already down. If used again while the dug-up spot is still active, it will disappear and be replaced. This skill has a follow-up. (Flash Cancel comboable)
As you were!
(After "DORA!") ASBDPad6.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND
Using a piece of rubble taken from the floor, Josuke quickly pulls himself back to the point where "DORA!" was last performed by restoring the piece. This skill can be used from anywhere on the stage, and Josuke is fully invulnerable while moving. This makes it excellent for positional purposes such as evasion, closing the distance, or getting Josuke away from the stage boundary or an opponent pressuring him.
Skills [Stand On]
ASBDPad6.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND
Crazy Diamond unleashes a barrage of punches at an upward angle, knocking the opponent into the air. The attack functions as an anti-air, and can initiate Rush Mode. This is a Stand Rush skill that Josuke can disconnect from to attack the opponent while it is executing. (Flash Cancel comboable)
Rockabye baby!
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND
Crazy Diamond quickly flies forward a moderate distance and delivers a strong hook. If the attack connects, the Stand will pummel the opponent before punching them in the face to send them flying.
He heals pretty quickly!
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND TRAP
Crazy Diamond breaks up the ground in a single punch before reforming it into a floating shield-like barrier that lingers for a period of time. The barrier can stop non-HHA/GHA projectiles and damages the opponent on-contact. It will also shatter harmlessly if Josuke or Crazy Diamond touch it directly. This is a Stand Rush skill that Josuke can disconnect from to attack the opponent while it is executing. (Flash Cancel comboable)

If Josuke is in his "Watch your mouth!" enraged state, barriers produced evolve from floating shield-like structures to completely vertical, tall walls.

Guess I wasn't mad enough
2 ATK buttons at close range or ASBT.png ON GROUND
Josuke angrily lifts the opponent up by their collar, before Crazy Diamond appears to punch them in the face and send them flying.
Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack
You're in my range!
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 2 ATK Buttons ON GROUND
Josuke, acknowledging his maximum range, sends Crazy Diamond a moderate distance forward to throw a heavy straight punch. If it connects, Crazy Diamond will unleash a barrage of punches on the opponent, ending with an overhead smash followed by an uppercut that sends them flying.
Meet my homing missile!
(During "You're in my range!") ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 2 ATK Buttons ON GROUND
By spending an extra half of a bar of his Heart Heat Gauge, Josuke can add a supplementary attack to his HHA.
Instead of delivering the last two punches, Crazy Diamond flies backward and forcefully flicks a shard of broken glass at the opponent that boomerangs back through them using the Stand's ability and their blood, knocking them back towards Josuke. This makes the HHA deal more damage, and leaves the opponent close to Josuke instead of knocking them away; a more advantageous situation for him.
You're already fixed!
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 3 ATK Buttons, or ASBG.png ON GROUND
Josuke commands Crazy Diamond to deliver a heavy overhand punch moving forward. If it connects, the opponent is knocked back and onto the floor while Josuke swaggers over to them. As the opponent gets up, Josuke tells them that he's already healed them in order to "make it fair", with their health completely restored to full (this is purely visually cosmetic). While the opponent is left confused and distracted, he sends Crazy Diamond to unleash an extremely powerful "DORARARA!" barrage, slowly bringing them high into the air. It then reels back and sends them flying with a final uppercut that brings them back down to their true health plus the GHA damage taken (similar to how he defeated Yuya Fungami). If facing against Johnny Joestar, Josuke temporarily heals Johnny's paraplegia, before the attack debilitates him once again.
A quirk exists where the false health removed is also counted in the Practice Mode's damage trackers, resulting in a vastly larger value of damage being shown dealt by the GHA (proportional to how low the opponent's health was when they were hit by it) and misrepresenting the actual damage of the GHA and any combo that ends with it.

Gameplay Overview

Josuke is a well-balanced character with an assortment of great abilities. Using good normal attacks, a multipurpose barrier, different forms of projectiles, and melee attacks that strike from mid-range, he is very effective at playing defensively and in neutral. This also includes multiple anti-air attacks and said barrier to discourage jumping from his opponent, as well as a skill that both strikes a downed opponent and sets up a very valuable escape and retreating option. Josuke also does not need to exert much effort to inflict effective combo damage, making his output reliable. When enraged, he becomes a true rushdown character, rapidly chaining attacks together and breaking his foe's guard with immense ease to deliver devastating damage and extended combos.

Despite his utility, Josuke's ability to approach is weaker than most. Many of his forward-moving attacks have lengthy recovery and leave him vulnerable if they do not connect, forcing him to have to follow behind his projectiles or barrier to close the distance on the opponent if they intend to keep him at range. His enraged state carries a massive vulnerability in not being able to run or guard, leaving him highly susceptible to raw Heat Attacks with limited evasive options and otherwise forcing him to travel at a slow speed. As a result, Josuke must exert constant close-ranged pressure to reap the benefits of the skill lest he.

Josuke is an overall reliable and easy-to-understand fighter, boasting an exceptional neutral game, control over the airspace, and powerful yet lenient combos. Though he struggles with closing the distance, he will more often than not force the opponent into his own effective range where his offensive pressure and utilitarian capabilities allow him to prevail.

"Watch your mouth!" Comments

When triggering Josuke's "Watch your mouth!" ability, characters have unique lines that all pertain to insulting, mocking, or unwittingly offending Josuke and his hair. They will use the same "taunting eyes" pop-up also used by Joseph's "Your next line is...". Josuke will then reply with "What the hell did you say about my hair!" (今おれのこの頭のことなんつった!, Ima ore no kono atama no kotona ntsutta!) while entering his enraged state.

Quote.png Quotes
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • If only I could hit that strange hair with my Ripple... (あの異様な髪に波紋を当てれば……ッ!)
  • Huh? What's that big thing on your head?! (あ?頭でけぇーえ!?)
  • We can talk about your stupid hair later. (くだらねー髪の毛の話なんてあとにしな)
    Jotaro Kujo, referencing Chapter 267
  • Your hair's not great. (グレートじゃねー頭しがって…)
  • My hair is more arranged than yours. (君よりもぼくの髪型のほうが整ってるな…)
  • Your hairstyle is out there! (あんたの髪型ぶっとんでるわ)
  • That hairstyle's good. Really great. Super cool. (そのヘアスタイル、いいーーねエーー。すごくいいよ!超イケてる)
  • What a screwed up hairstyle. (フザけた髪型だなぁ)
  • Such eerie hair. What might be hiding away in it?! (ただならぬ不気味な頭部!いったぃどんなものを秘めているのかッ!?)
  • Stop walking around with such huge clown hair! (イナカ毛ンがでかい頭してんじゃあねーぜ)
  • My hair is more refined than yours. (ぼくの髪型のほうがお前のよりも洗練されてるな)
  • That hairdo is a bit outdated, isn't it? (その頭よぉー、ちと古すぎんじゃあねーの?)
  • What a dreary hairstyle... (シャバイ髪型だぜ…)
  • You regent-styled pig!! (このリーゼント豚野郎!)
  • What a strange head. Makes me wanna stomp all over it... (変な頭だ、踏みつけてやりたいね…)
  • What vulgar hair. (ゲスな頭だ…)
  • What shocking hair. (あきれた頭だ)
  • I'll cut your hair to something more proper. (まともなヘアスタイルにカットしてやるぜ)
  • What a funny hairstyle! (おもしれー髪型だぜ)
  • Stop acting all proud of that cheap-looking hairstyle! (安っぽいヘアスタイルで得意そうにするんじゃあないッ!)
  • What a horrendous hairstyle. I would never allow the people of my country to have it. (なんともひどい髪型だ。そんなヘアスタイルはわが国民には絶対させない)
  • A hairstyle fit for a peasant. (下等な頭だ)
  • I'll burn that stupid hair up!! (そのマヌケな髪を焼いてやる!)
  • That stupid hair of yours will surely burn well. (そのばかげた髪はよく燃えるだろうな)
  • I think Josuke's hairstyle is a bit out of fashion... (仗助くんのヘアスタイルさ、ちょっと古いかなとは思うよ…)
  • Your hairstyle isn't rock. I don't feel soul from it! (オメェーの髪型はロックじゃあねえぜ。魂を感じねぇ!)
  • What awful hair! I can't go along with it! (ひっでー髪の毛だぜ!ついていけねぇぜ!)
  • Whew, that's the worst hairstyle. (フ~、最悪のヘアスタイルだな)
  • Your hair looks like cow shit stuck on the road. (道筋にへばりつく牛のクソのような頭だ…)
  • You should wear a hat to hide that stupid hair. (帽子でもかぶって隠したほうがいいぜぇーその頭…)
  • Your hairstyle is really lame!! (その髪型、ダサイねェ!!)
  • I didn't blow up your head already, did I? Hehe... (その頭…まだ爆破させていないはずだが?クク)
  • What vulgar hair. (ゲスな頭だ)
  • Shi shi, what strange hair!! (ししっ、変な頭してるだど!)
  • What's with that shameful, ugly hair?! Your parents will be sad! (なんじゃ、そのみっともない不細工な頭は!親が悲しむぞ!)
  • That hairstyle is the worst... (その髪型、最悪ね…)
  • That hair is a piece of shit! (このドグサレヘアーが!)
  • I'm going to leap out your hair and fart in your face! (オマエの髪の毛むしりながら屁をこいてやるぜ)
  • I'll have to straighten that pretentious hairstyle of yours! (思い上がった髪型は正さねばならん)
  • I'll pluck that lame hair out from the 'inside' for you. (そのダサい髪の毛を「内側」からむしり撮ってやる)
  • Baoh caught the scent of his enemy's hair. Baoh does not like the scent. (バオーは相手の髪の毛の香するにおいを触臭で感じ…そのにおいが大嫌いだった)
    Narrator, if playing as Ikuro Hashizawa
Quote.png Quotes
  • What would my Hamon do to that crazy hair of yours?
  • That hair makes your head look stupid huge, bro!
  • We need to have a talk about your stupid hair later.
  • Hey, great haircut... NOT.
  • My hair obviously puts yours to shame!
  • I've seen drag queens with better hair!
  • I love your hair! It's the craziest stuff I've ever seen!
  • That's some effed up hair.
  • That's the strangest head I've ever seen! What secrets doth it hold, I wonder?
  • What's some redneck like you doing with that huge hair?!
  • My hairstyle's a lot more refined than yours.
  • Nice haircut! Welcome to like, twenty years ago!
  • Ugh, what frightening hair!
  • You nasty-ass pompadour-lookin' dumbass freak!
  • Your name must be whack-a-mole, because I want to stomp your silly looking head down!
  • What disgusting hair...
  • That hair is laughable.
  • Shall I trim your hair into something less like cro-magnon man?
  • I love your hair! You look just like a clown!
  • Quit acting like you're special with that gaudy hairstyle!
  • The first thing I'm going to do in office is outlaw that ridiculous hairstyle!
  • What disgusting hair.
  • I'll burn that stupid weave so fast of your damn head!
  • I bet that hair of yours would burn right up.
  • You know, Josuke, I think your hairdo's outdated...
  • Your hairdo isn't rock 'n roll at all. It's got no soul!
  • That hair's awful! I wouldn't be caught dead with it!
  • Ugh, what a tasteless hairstyle.
  • Your hair's like a pile of cow dung by the side of the road!
  • I can lend you a hat if you wanna cover that disaster up!
  • What ludicrous hair.
  • That hairdo... I haven't blown you up yet, have I? Heh heh...
  • What disgusting hair.
  • Hey chicken-head! Buckaw!
  • Well, look at that! A head not even a mother could love!
  • What dreadful hair!
  • I'm going to leap your hair and fart in your face!
  • I must do something about that pompous hairstyle of yours!
  • I'm going to pluck your ridiculous hair from the inside out!
  • Baoh has detected the smell of his foe's hairstyle... and he doesn't like it.
    Narrator, if playing as Ikuro Hashizawa

Story Mode

Diamond is Unbreakable

Normal BattleAnother Battle
The Terrifying Right Hand
(恐ろしい右手 Osoroshī Migite)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Stage: Morioh
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
800 G, Glossary: Crazy Diamond, The Hand, Josuke Higashikata, Okuyasu Nijimura
Special Conditions
The enemy's attack power is increased.
Secret Missions
1. Land a First Attack. (1000 G)
2. Win without losing a single round. (Crazy Diamond 3D Model)
Entrance Dialogue
Josuke: A Stand user?! Are you really a Stand user?!
Okuyasu: Josuke Higashikata, you'd better get ready to talk to the HAND!
Victory Dialogue
Josuke: That was great, Okuyasu!
Defeat Dialogue
Okuyasu: Well, you're pretty quick!
Rock n' Roll Savior
(ウルトラ・スーパー・ギタリスト Urutora Sūpā Gitarisuto, lit. Ultra Super Guitarist)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Morioh
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
1000 G, Otoishi playable
Special Conditions
Each round lasts only 60 seconds. The player's attack power is decreased.
Secret Missions
1. Land a First Attack. (1000 G)
2. Land the "DORA!" skill. (1000 G)
3. Land the "DORARARARARARARA!" skill. (1000 G)
Entrance Dialogue
Josuke: Let's go! Yahh!
Otoishi: Listen, Josuke. I've been acting real stupid. I need to rethink my stupid ideas!
Victory Dialogue
Josuke: I told you to rethink your stupid ideas, but your ideas aren't really the problem. You're just an idiot.
Defeat Dialogue
Otoishi: I'm gonna put all the electricity I've used on your meter. Hee hee!
A Nest for Squalid Birds
(こぎたない野鳥の住み処 Kogitanai Yachō no Sumika)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Morioh
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
1200 G, Rohan playable
Special Conditions
The player's attack power and defense are decreased. The player starts in enraged mode.
Secret Missions
1. Use the "I'm not done kicking your ass!" special. (1000 G)
2. Land the "DORARARARARARARA!" skill. (Crazy Diamond Publicity Art)
Entrance Dialogue
Josuke: Bastard!
Rohan: Is a hairstyle so old it's growing mold really your thing, Josuke?!
Victory Dialogue
Josuke: I'm not done kicking your ass!
Defeat Dialogue
Rohan: Thanks for the killer experience.
The Monster of Morioh
(杜王町の怪物 Moriō-chō no Kaibutsu)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Morioh
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
1600 G, Glossary: Hayato Kawajiri, Killer Queen, Kosaku Kawajiri, Reimi Sugimoto, Stray Cat, Yoshihiro Kira
Special Conditions
Both the player and enemy start at 50% health. The player's defense is increased.
Secret Missions
1. Land the "DORA...!" special. (1000 G)
2. Block a projectile with the "He heals pretty quick!" skill. (1000 G)
3. Use the "As you were!" skill. (1000 G)
Entrance Dialogue
Josuke: So you show yourself at last, huh? You don't deserve peace!
Kosaku: All I want is peace. Battle is the exact opposite of that. I hate it.
Victory Dialogue
Josuke: You may want a peaceful life, but I'd say you don't have enough hunger in you!
Defeat Dialogue
Kosaku: No great joy, but no sign of deep despair, either. A quiet life, like that of a plant's.
Golden Spirit
(黄金の精神 Ōgon no Seishin)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Morioh
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
Kosaku playable, Part 4 Another Battle, "End of Part 4" BGM, Part 4 Special Illustration, Glossary: Ken Oyanagi, Kira Estate, Mikitaka Hazekura, Tamami Kobayashi, Terunosuke Miyamoto, Tonio Trussardi, Toshikazu Hazamada, Yuya Fungami
Special Conditions
The player starts at 50% health. The player's health drains over time.
Secret Missions
1. Land a Heart Heat Attack. (1500 G)
2. Land "Meet my 'homing missile!'" from a Heart Heat Attack. (1500 G)
Entrance Dialogue
Josuke: I swear I'll rip Yoshikage Kira apart with my Crazy Diamond!
Kosaku: Hmm. I should aim to avoid close quarter combat with Crazy Diamond.
Victory Dialogue
Josuke: I'm gonna end this...
Defeat Dialogue
Kosaku: Everything's coming up Kira!
4-EX 1
Shigechi's Harvest
(「重ちー」の収穫(ハーヴェスト) 'Shigechī' no Hāvesuto)
Unlock Conditions: Download the DLC character Shigekiyo Yangu.
Stage: Morioh
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
1200 G, Part 4 EX 1 Another Battle, Glossary: Harvest, Shigekiyo Yangu
Special Conditions
The player's health drains over time.
Secret Missions
1. Land the "DORARARARARARARA!" special. (Harvest 3D Model)
2. Use the "As you were!" skill. (1000 G)
Entrance Dialogue
Josuke: I've had it with you! I swear I'm gonna beat you into next week!
Shigechi: You're not worth a single yen...
Victory Dialogue
Josuke: You just don't seem to get it. Sending the Harvest out to collect was your undoing!
Defeat Dialogue
Shigechi: Go ahead and try! I dare you!
The Terrifying Right Hand
(恐ろしい右手 Osoroshī Migite)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Part 4 in Normal Battle.
Stage: Morioh
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
800 G
Special Conditions
The player's attack power is increased.
Secret Missions
1. Land the "Gaoohhhn" skill. (1000 G)
2. Land a Great Heat Attack. (1500 G)
Entrance Dialogue
Josuke: A Stand user?! Are you really a Stand user?!
Okuyasu: Josuke Higashikata, you'd better get ready to talk to the HAND!
Victory Dialogue
Okuyasu: Well, you're pretty quick!
Defeat Dialogue
Josuke: That was great, Okuyasu!
Rock n' Roll Savior
(ウルトラ・スーパー・ギタリスト Urutora Sūpā Gitarisuto, lit. Ultra Super Guitarist)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Part 4 in Normal Battle.
Stage: Morioh
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
1000 G
Special Conditions
Each round lasts only 60 seconds. The enemy's attack power is decreased.
Secret Missions
1. Use the "Right hand rockout" special. (1000 G)
2. Use the "Whack-A-Mole Champion" skill. (1000 G)
3. Land a Great Heat Attack. (Red Hot Chili Pepper Publicity Art)
Entrance Dialogue
Josuke: Let's go! Yahh!
Otoishi: Listen, Josuke. I've been acting real stupid. I need to rethink my stupid ideas!
Victory Dialogue
Otoishi: I'm gonna put all the electricity I've used on your meter. Hee hee!
Defeat Dialogue
Josuke: I told you to rethink your stupid ideas, but your ideas aren't really the problem. You're just an idiot.
A Nest for Squalid Birds
(こぎたない野鳥の住み処 Kogitanai Yachō no Sumika)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Part 4 in Normal Battle.
Stage: Morioh
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
1200 G
Special Conditions
The enemy's attack power and defense are decreased. The enemy starts in enraged mode.
Secret Missions
1. Land the "What would I do if I were a manga hero?" skill. (1000 G)
2. Execute a taunt. (Heaven's Door Publicity Art)
Entrance Dialogue
Josuke: Bastard!
Rohan: Is a hairstyle so old it's growing mold really your thing, Josuke?!
Victory Dialogue
Rohan: Thanks for the killer experience.
Defeat Dialogue
Josuke: I'm not done kicking your ass!
The Monster of Morioh
(杜王町の怪物 Moriō-chō no Kaibutsu)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Part 4 in Normal Battle.
Stage: Morioh
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
1600 G
Special Conditions
Both the player and enemy start at 50% health. The enemy's defense is increased.
Secret Missions
1. Land the "Impact Ignition Bomb" skill. (1000 G)
2. Land the "I'll have to fight it out!" skill. (Stray Cat Killer Queen 3D Model)
Entrance Dialogue
Josuke: So you show yourself at last, huh? You don't deserve peace!
Kosaku: All I want is peace. Battle is the exact opposite of that. I hate it.
Victory Dialogue
Kosaku: No great joy, but no sign of deep despair, either. A quiet life, like that of a plant's.
Defeat Dialogue
Josuke: You may want a peaceful life, but I'd say you don't have enough hunger in you!
Golden Spirit
(黄金の精神 Ōgon no Seishin)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Part 4 in Normal Battle.
Stage: Morioh
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
2000 G
Special Conditions
The enemy starts at 50% health. The enemy's health drains over time.
Secret Missions
1. Land the "Impact Ignition Bomb" skill. (1000 G)
2. Use the "Trajectory Change" skill. (1000 G)
3. Land a Heart Heat Attack. (1500 G)
Entrance Dialogue
Josuke: I swear I'll rip Yoshikage Kira apart with my Crazy Diamond!
Kosaku: Hmm. I should aim to avoid close quarter combat with Crazy Diamond.
Victory Dialogue
Kosaku: Everything's coming up Kira!
Defeat Dialogue
Josuke: I'm gonna end this...
4-EX 1
Shigechi's Harvest
(「重ちー」の収穫(ハーヴェスト) 'Shigechī' no Hāvesuto)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Part 4 EX 1 in Normal Battle.
Stage: Morioh
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
1200 G
Special Conditions
The enemy's health drains over time.
Secret Missions
1. Land the "I can get anything I want!" skill. (1000 G)
2. Land the "Learn the hard way!" skill. (1000 G)
3. Land a Great Heat Attack. (1500 G)
Entrance Dialogue
Josuke: I've had it with you! I swear I'm gonna beat you into next week!
Shigechi: You're not worth a single yen...
Victory Dialogue
Shigechi: Go ahead and try! I dare you!
Defeat Dialogue
Josuke: You just don't seem to get it. Sending the Harvest out to collect was your undoing!


Normal BattleAnother Battle
Diamond is Unbreakable
(ダイヤモンドは砕けない Daiyamondo wa Kudakenai)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Wall Eyes
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
1000 G
Special Conditions
The player's attack power and defense are increased. The player starts at 50% health.
Secret Missions
Entrance Dialogue
Josuke: Who're you?! A Stand user?
Josuke 8: I want to know... Who am I?
Victory Dialogue
Josuke 8: How many of them are there, anyway?
Defeat Dialogue
Josuke: Hey! No funny business!
Diamond is Unbreakable
(ダイヤモンドは砕けない Daiyamondo wa Kudakenai)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Part 8 in Normal Battle.
Stage: Wall Eyes
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
1000 G
Special Conditions
The enemy's attack power and defense are increased. The enemy starts at 50% health.
Secret Missions
Entrance Dialogue
Josuke: Who're you?! A Stand user?
Josuke 8: I want to know... Who am I?
Victory Dialogue
Josuke: Hey! No funny business!
Defeat Dialogue
Josuke 8: How many of them are there, anyway?

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