The Five-Bedroom House With A...

The Five-Bedroom House With A... (5LDK○○つき, 5 LDK ○○-tsuki) is a short story that is part of an anthology of short stories based on the Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan series. It was written by Ballad Kitaguni and published by Shueisha.

The Five-Bedroom House With A... was included in a collection named Rohan Kishibe Does Not Fall with two other stories, which released on December 19, 2022. A Japanese audiobook for the story was released on November 12, 2024 on the service. It released on Amazon Audible, Google Play, and Apple Books on the following day.[2]


There's a house whose inhabitants vanish every June. Invited by Reisui Takashima (高島 麗水(たかしま れいすい), Takashima Reisui), an eccentric photographer, Rohan visits the house as a guest...

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Reisui Takashima
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  • The Japanese title uses the abbreviation "LDK", which stands for "Living Room, Dining Room, and Kitchen" in Japan. It is a common term used to describe how many bedrooms are in a property by writing a number before the abbreviation.[3]


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