- 069 (821). D4C, Part 4
- 070 (822). D4C, Part 5
- 071 (823). Ticket to Ride, Part 1
- 072 (824). Ticket to Ride, Part 2
Author's Note
Author's Note
As I've been writing Steel Ball Run, I'm beginning to notice a common thread between the characters: namely, that they want to go home. Or rather, they're looking for places to go home to and meanings for their going home. That even applies to Gyro, who has a hometown to go back to. So far, the only one among all the characters who was able to find that was Mountain Tim. Even as the author behind Steel Ball Run, it feels really harsh, and sometimes I just want to leave this race and go home. But I can't go home yet. Not until I can find meanings for the characters' going home.
この『SBR 』を描いていて、登場人物達の共通点が見えはじめていますが、それは全員家に帰りたがっています。というか帰る場所と帰る意味を探しています。それは故郷のあるジャイロでさえ。登場人物の中でそれを探せたのは、今のところ「マウンテン・ティム」だけ。
『SBR 』を描いてる作者自身も執筆していて何が過酷かというと、本当にこのレースから家に帰りたい。でもまだ帰れません。キャラクターたちが故郷に帰る意味を探せるまでは。