GioGio's Bizarre Adventure: Attack Names and their Origins

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Despite the names of moves in GioGio's Bizarre Adventure never being given in-game, they do exist! The instruction manual gives names to every attack each playable character can perform, for both their normal moveset and their moveset in Stand Mode. Many of these names are quotes from the manga, and so I will attempt to document all of them here. Polnareff's moveset and Gold Experience Requiem's special attack are not in the manual, but are instead named in the official strategy guide.

Character Input Normal Mode Name Normal Mode Source Stand Mode Name Stand Mode Source
Giorno PS R1.png ゴールド・エクスペリエンスッ!
Gold Experience!
Chapter 442: Gold Experience, Part 3 無駄無駄ッ!
Chapter 441: Gold Experience, Part 2
PS Square.png 本体パンチ攻撃
Normal Punch Attack
N/A スタンドラッシュ
Stand Rush
PS Cross.png 生まれろ新しい命よッ!
New life, spring forth!
Chapter 442: Gold Experience, Part 3 生まれろ生命よッ!
Life, spring forth!
Chapter 442: Gold Experience, Part 3
PS Cross.png
あんたは… 滅びずにいられるかな
Will you escape destruction?
Chapter 586: Gold Experience Requiem, Part 1 あんたは… 滅びずにいられるかな
Will you escape destruction?
Chapter 586: Gold Experience Requiem, Part 1
PS Triangle.png 見分けが付くってわけだッ!
I can tell you apart!
Chapter 446: Bucciarati is Coming, Part 4 自分自身への攻撃となるッ!
The attack will be reflected back!
Chapter 441: Gold Experience, Part 2
Bucciarati PS R1.png スティッキィ・フィンガーズッ!
Sticky Fingers!
Chapter 459: The Mystery of Soft Machine, Part 2 アリアリ
Chapter 499: The Grateful Dead, Part 12
PS Square.png 本体パンチ攻撃
Normal Punch Attack
N/A スタンドラッシュ
Stand Rush
PS Cross.png ブルっちまう特技だろ…。
My skills make you shiver, no?
Chapter 444: Bucciarati is Coming, Part 2 走れッ!ジッパーッ!
Run, zipper!
Interpolated from
Close, zipper!
PS Triangle.png 閉じろッ!ジッパーッ!
Close, zipper!
Chapter 521: The Mystery of King Crimson, Part 4 開けッ!ジッパーッ!
Open, zipper!
Chapter 495: The Grateful Dead, Part 8
Mista PS R1.png セックス・ピストルズッ!
Sex Pistols!
Chapter 464: Sex Pistols Appears, Part 3 パスパスパース!
Pass, pass, pass!
Chapter 464: Sex Pistols Appears, Part 3
PS Square.png ブチ込んでやるッ!
Gonna light you up!
Chapter 466: Sex Pistols Appears, Part 5 イイイーッ!ハァアーッ!
Chapter 464: Sex Pistols Appears, Part 3
PS Cross.png 行けッ!ピストルズッ!
Go, Pistols!
Chapter 559: "Green Day" and "Oasis", Part 6 コイツ油断シタゼ!!
We've got him off-guard!
Chapter 467: Sex Pistols Appears, Part 6
PS Triangle.png リロード
N/A リロード
Narancia PS R1.png エアロスミスッ!
Chapter 470: Narancia's Aerosmith, Part 1 ボラーレ・ヴィーア!
Volare via!
Chapter 537: Notorious B.I.G, Part 5
PS Square.png 切り刻んでやるッ!
I'll cut you right up!
Chapter 456: 5 Plus 1 撃ち殺せッ!
Shoot to kill!
Chapter 473: Narancia's Aerosmith, Part 4
PS Cross.png ブッ放つッ!
Fire away!
Chapter 549: King Crimson vs. Metallica, Part 6 吹き飛ばしてやるぜッ!
I'll blow you away!
Chapter 477: Narancia's Aerosmith, Part 8
PS Triangle.png どうだ!どうだ!どうだ!
Take that! And that! And that!
Chapter 471: Narancia's Aerosmith, Part 2 じゃまだコラァーーッ!
You're in the way!
Chapter 475: Narancia's Aerosmith, Part 6
Abbacchio PS R1.png ムーディー・ブルースッ!
Moody Blues!
Chapter 459: The Mystery of Soft Machine, Part 2 オレの動きを追跡しろッ!
Trace my movements!
Chapter 459: The Mystery of Soft Machine, Part 2
PS Square.png 本体パンチ攻撃
Normal Punch Attack
N/A スタンドラッシュ
Stand Rush
PS Cross.png 地面にキスしてなッ!
Kiss the ground!
Chapter 510: White Album, Part 2 スタンドで掴んでやるッ!
I'll grab you with my Stand!
Chapter 482: Man in the Mirror and Purple Haze, Part 4
PS Triangle.png 録画開始ッ!
Start recording!
No apparent source. 再生(リプレイ)開始ッ!
Replay, start!
Chapter 459: The Mystery of Soft Machine, Part 2
Fugo PS R1.png パープル・ヘイズッ!
Purple Haze!
Chapter 480: Man in the Mirror and Purple Haze, Part 2 うばぁしゃああああ
Chapter 480: Man in the Mirror and Purple Haze, Part 2
PS Square.png 本体パンチ攻撃
Normal Punch Attack
N/A スタンドラッシュ
Stand Rush
PS Cross.png 『殺人ウイルス』だッ!
A homicidal virus!
Chapter 480: Man in the Mirror and Purple Haze, Part 2 ウイルスのカプセルだッ!
The virus capsule!
Chapter 485: Man in the Mirror and Purple Haze, Part 7
PS Triangle.png ド低脳がァーーッ!
Chapter 456: 5 Plus 1 カプせルリロード
Capsule Reload
Trish PS R1.png スパイス・ガールッ!
Spice Girl!
Chapter 538: Notorious B.I.G, Part 6 ワナビーッ!
Chapter 539: Spice Girl, Part 1
PS Square.png 本体パンチ攻撃
Normal Punch Attack
N/A スタンドラッシュ
Stand Rush
PS Cross.png 来るんじゃねーわよッ!
Don't come any closer!
Chapter 538: Notorious B.I.G, Part 6 柔ラカクシマスッ!
I made it softer!
Chapter 538: Notorious B.I.G, Part 6
PS Triangle.png スットロいッ!
Chapter 538: Notorious B.I.G, Part 6 細切レニ切リ刻ムッ!
Time to slice it up!
Chapter 538: Notorious B.I.G, Part 6
Polnareff PS R1.png シルバーチャリオッツッ!
Silver Chariot!
Chapter 570: His Name is Diavolo, Part 2 ミリオンスピット
Million Spit
JoJo's Venture
PS Square.png スタンド攻撃
Stand Attack
N/A スタンドラッシュ
Stand Rush
PS Cross.png 斬り上げ
Upward Slash
JoJo's Venture ぶった斬ってやるッ!
I'll cut you up!
Chapter 241: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 4
PS Triangle.png のろいぜッ!
Too slow!
Chapter 244: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 7 のろいぜッ!
Too slow!
Chapter 244: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 7

I have no idea how many blog posts I will make, what their content will be, or how often they will be made.

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