User profile:SSGoku71

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Custom information
Custom 1Im Mostly just editing the ASBR character pages to sorta help make the process easier, mostly what im doing is adding in the costumes and tints for right now since im still tryna get the hang of coding like this
Other information
MoviesMy All time favorite Movie is Dragon Ball Super Broly
TVBesides JoJos Bizzare Adventure i also love Dragon Ball Z
MusicI like to listen to Music from Animes and Video Games but i do like Usher
BooksI like Reading JoJo and Dragon Ball
Video gamesI like Playing fighting games like ASBR and quick time event games like Asuras Wrath
SnacksI like to eat Pho Soup
DrinksI like drinking Hi-C Fruit Punch
Edits 10
Personal information
About meIm just a person born in Maryland who loves Anime and Manga
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