An alternative to the HTML
tags, useful for using them within templates without potential issues.For example, here is what happens if you try to use Template:Tabber with divs:
Tab 1
Content 2
Tab 2
{{Tabber |Tab 1| <div style="color:red">Content 1</div> |Tab 2| Content 2 }}
And here is using this template instead:
Tab 1Tab 2
Content 1
Content 2
{{Tabber |Tab 1| {{div|Content 1|style="color:red"}} |Tab 2| Content 2 }}
1 = Content to be wrapped in div tags. id = ID to apply to div content. class = Class(es) to apply to div content. style = Style(s) to apply to div content.
Example:Good grief.
{{div|Good grief.|class=example example2|style=color: red; font-style: italic; font-size: 20px}}
<div class="example example2" style="color: red; font-style: italic; font-size: 20px">Good grief.</div>