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Jolyne... I want to protect you. (徐倫…あたしはあんたを守りたい)

Foo Fighters (フー・ファイターズ, Fū Faitāzu), commonly referred to as F.F. (F(エフ)F(エフ), Efu Efu), is a primary ally featured in the sixth part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, Stone Ocean.

A self-maintained colony of intelligent plankton that serves as her own Stand, F.F. initially serves Enrico Pucci as a guard for the priest's DISC collection. However, she soon allies herself with Jolyne Cujoh out of gratitude, taking the form of a deceased prisoner named Atroe to protect her.


Love Liner x JOJO Stone Ocean F.F.png

F.F. can change her appearance at any time. However, her habitual appearance is that of the deceased prisoner Atroe, a young woman of average height and slim build with a cap/hair styled with serrated edges at the ends on her head. In the anime, the spikes on the ends of F.F.'s cap/hair jut out more compared to Atroe's, which are kept closer to her neck.

Outside of Atroe's body, the colony of plankton that comprises Foo Fighters takes the form of a tall, dark, robotic humanoid of masculine proportions, with an alien visage meant to resemble something insectoid or reptilian. It has been compared to a chameleon, a mutant, a space alien,[5] and an alternate version of Hierophant Green.[5] Being comprised of actual physical plankton, this form is visible even to non-Stand users.[6] As F.F.'s identity develops due to her bond with Jolyne, her colony form takes on a more human appearance resembling Atroe's while still retaining some of its distinctive features.

F.F. is commonly shown carrying a 32 oz. cup of water when she is not near a water source.

Color Schemes

The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaAnime
Skin(Fair, green lipstick)
Cap/Hair(Lime Green)
Eyes(Burnt Orange)
(Teal overalls with blue-gray soles and sky blue wristband)
Skin(Fair, golden-yellow lipstick.)
(Teal overalls with gold buttons, sky blue wristband.)
The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaAnime
Body(Black and gray, yellow patterns.)
(Black, gray and teal with golden patterns.)


SPOILER WARNING: Part 6 spoiler details may follow.

F.F. is originally portrayed as an obedient minion whose sole purpose was to fulfill Pucci's orders. After meeting Jolyne, she begins to grow a sense of individuality throughout the story.

F.F. making a discourse on how plankton can become intelligent

F.F.'s personality is centered around the fact that she possesses "intellect" but little life experience. During her introductory arc, her only goal was to obey Whitesnake's instructions to guard the DISCs.[7] As their guardian, F.F. ruthlessly attacks and kills anyone who approaches the DISCs' hiding place, regardless of their threat level. Being an intellectual being, F.F. places great importance in herself and implores her enemies to recognize her as sentient by calling her by her name.[8] She also quotes the astronomer Fred Hoyle to claim an "intellect" is guiding the universe, even predating it, to make the point that even insignificant beings like plankton are capable of possessing intelligence.[9]

When Jolyne shows mercy toward her and saves her from dehydration, F.F. discovers a new outlook on life and grows interested in her, pledging to protect Jolyne and accompany her in disguise as the prisoner Atroe.[10]

F.F. is shown not to have much of an eye for detail prior to meeting Jolyne and Ermes, lamenting her existence when expecting death after being defeated by the two. When Jolyne saves her, however, F.F. immediately begins to notice more details around herself and comes to perceive the world around them as being more colorful. As a result of experiencing this whole new environment, she becomes extremely curious about everything around her, constantly asking questions to people and experimenting with the world, such as when she tries to do the opposite of what Atroe would have done.[11] While she gets along with others, F.F. has the strongest affinity for Jolyne for giving them freedom and "intellect," of which losing is her greatest fear.

F.F. can't live without drinking constantly

Because of her great dependency on water, F.F. is obsessed with it and goes to great lengths to constantly hydrate herself. F.F. carries a cup of water and will fight anyone over it, as well as drink any liquid as long as it contains water, be it blood or spit. Being a mass of plankton with no experience of society, she isn't disturbed by any of this.[12][13]

F.F. eventually comes to accumulate enough positive memories of her companions that she comes to value them over her own safety, eventually sacrificing herself to close Anasui's wounds with her plankton. Jolyne meets her ghost for a short time as she happily contemplates her spirit form, a final confirmation that she was truly intelligent and alive.[14]


As a unique fusion of a plankton colony and Stand, Foo Fighters is a proficient and adept fighter. At a physical level, Foo Fighters is more than a match for the power-type Stand Stone Free, being able to deflect its punches and overpower it.[15] Although Foo Fighters is particularly resilient to physical attacks, she is very dependent on a constant water supply to allow the colony to survive; without a supply of water, the plankton that comprise Foo Fighters immediately begin to break down and die.[16]

Colony Form

Foo Fighters multiplying itself in the water

Foo Fighters's peculiar nature as a sentient colony of plankton gives her several abilities.

First and foremost, Foo Fighters's nature means that she has no physical weakness. There is no limb to hurt or vital point to strike to kill her, and thus she is impervious to conventional attacks. However, Foo Fighters can still be threatened by damage to the whole colony. Although fragile individually, the colony can muster enough strength as a collective to pry open an automatic door.[17]

As a colony acting with a unified will, Foo Fighters can produce like-minded sub-bodies by splitting the colony into several parts.[16][18] This ability allows Foo Fighters to effectively fight multiple opponents and act stealthily in the middle of battle. Even if the vast majority of the plankton dies, only one needs to survive for Foo Fighters to be able to fully regenerate, given access to a supply of water.[19] With enough water, Foo Fighters can even cover a whole room and use its mass to attack.[20]

Body Invasion

By infiltrating someone's body, Foo Fighters can take over their consciousness and have access to their memories.[16] This ability allows her to wear their skin as a disguise to infiltrate human society for an indefinite period of time. Notably, Foo Fighters takes over Atroe's corpse after her initial defeat, and impersonates her for a period of several months until sacrificing her body in her fight against Whitesnake. She can also shape her host to her liking[21] and contort itself beyond regular human limitations,[22] to the extent that she can slip through barred fences unharmed.[23]

Parasitism allows Foo Fighters to survive without a constant intake of water, but reduces her ability to multiply and disperse herself. Moreover, she becomes susceptible to the host body losing moisture by bleeding out.[24]


Due to limited sources of hydration, Foo Fighters's regeneration is limited while operating inside a host body. Beyond occasionally seeping out small bundles of her colony as extra limbs[25] or methods of invading tight spaces and nearby liquids,[26] Foo Fighters has devised at least two novel distinct uses for her abilities on land.

F.F. Shot(F・F弾 Efu Efu-dan) Link to this section
FF Blasting.gif
Foo Fighters learns to shoot small parts of her colony as if she was using a gun, later incorporating plankton-composed pistol parts into her hand in the process.[27] The bits of the plankton colony can also invade someone's body and take control or damage it from the inside.[28][29] The shots have enough strength to pierce through skin.[25]
Plankton Seal Link to this section
Plankton seal.gif
Foo Fighters's plankton can plug up wounds and reconnect broken tissues. This can prevent someone from bleeding out, potentially saving them from death,[30] and even restore the functioning of organs, such as eyes and fingers. She can also manipulate the plankton's form to match the appearance of the surrounding tissue. The plankton will remain in the wound until it heals through natural means.[31]

The most unorthodox use of her abilities is demonstrated when Foo Fighters disperses the individual planktons through about a third of a cup of water, shaping it into a small mirror floating in mid-air.[26]



Enrico Pucci had a warehouse of Stand DISCs on the prison's farm, a collection of different Stands that he had collected over the years while in prison. The area around the warehouse is generally untouched and desolate. Pucci needed a guardian for these DISCs, lest they fall into unwanted hands. He threw a random DISC into the ocean, which landed in a group of plankton floating on the surface. At that moment, unexpectedly, F.F. was born.

Stone Ocean (2011-2012)

Guarding the Stand DISCs

F.F. was told by Whitesnake to stay at the warehouse in the farm where he kept the DISCs and to kill anyone other than him should they come close. Having no other purpose, she did as she was told, protecting the DISCs. At one point, F.F. killed two inmates who ventured inside of the warehouse and completely absorbed their bodies, making it look like the inmates had disappeared. This prompted Jolyne Cujoh and Ermes Costello to participate in a search party for the missing prisoners.

Battle Against Jolyne Cujoh and Ermes Costello

Foo Fighters's sub-body pursues Jolyne and Ermes

Seeing the search party, Foo Fighters splits herself to take them all out. First, she manages to sneakily take over the bodies of three of the prisoners, while creating a supplementary body from the two missing inmates. When the guard wanders into the water, F.F. injures him, leaving him unconscious. A small part of Foo Fighters baits Ermes near a bucket and attacks, throwing the bucket at her head and dragging her underwater. Although Ermes frees herself from the bucket, the part of the colony in the water grows to a full-sized sub-body. Jolyne comes to fight it, but the sub-Stand proves to match its strength and speed. It manages to punch Jolyne in the stomach, but she then reveals that she unraveled herself to immobilize its fist, using the resulting opening to kick it and pummel it. Jolyne and Ermes then try to pull themselves back to the land, but the sub-Stand pursues them. It manages to grab Jolyne's leg, but Ermes puts a sticker on its arm and kicks it off, damaging it and forcing it to let go.

Jolyne and Ermes then accuse one of the other prisoners of being the enemy. Foo Fighters plays along for a time, making the corpses accuse each other before confronting them directly. Reassembling herself, Foo Fighters presents herself to her foes and enacts her plan. As Foo Fighters's main form runs towards the barn to move the DISCs, her sub-body takes the guard and drags it into the water to move Jolyne and Ermes outside of their bracelets' safe zone, indirectly killing them.

Foo Fighters seemingly corners Jolyne

Ermes attacks Foo Fighters's sub-body in the water with Kiss. The sub-Stand cuts Kiss's arm, but Ermes reveals that she created a decoy arm to occupy it while she took the guard back to dry land. Foo Fighters splashes water on the land around Ermes, allowing the sub-Stand to pin Ermes to the ground. Ermes escapes by destroying one of the dried corpses Foo Fighters was possessing, sprinkling the sub-Stand with the dry dust and draining it of its moisture, killing it. Inside the barn, Jolyne confronts Foo Fighters's main body. Having spilled water all over the floor, Foo Fighters gains the advantage in the ensuing close-quarters fight and grabs Jolyne by the throat. The plankton begins to invade her body, but Jolyne manages to start the tractor, making it move towards Ermes across dry land. Foo Fighters chases the tractor across the soil, beginning to crumble and die in the process.

Alliance with Jolyne

Foo Fighters uses Atroe's corpse to accompany Jolyne

Ermes prepares to deal the finishing blow. However, Jolyne spares Foo Fighters and gives her some water, figuring that she didn't know any better and only wanted to survive. Touched, Foo Fighters agrees to become Jolyne's ally and allows her to retrieve Jotaro's Stand DISC. Foo Fighters then takes over the corpse of a woman named Atroe, hoping to accompany Jolyne back to the prison and protect her. The trio then make up a story to keep suspicion off themselves as a second search party arrives. Foo Fighters's failure does not go unnoticed when Whitesnake later arrives at the barn accompanied by its user, the priest Enrico Pucci.

Battle Against Miraschon

Miraschon makes a bet against the heroes

After following Jolyne and Ermes back to the prison, F.F. is later seen playing catch with Ermes and Jolyne in the courtyard. Another inmate approaches and sips F.F.'s cup of water despite her protests, thinking that she is still the meek prisoner Atroe. F.F. shoots part of herself in the inmate's mouth, causing him to throw up all the water, plus some bonus liquid. Because she has yet to master piloting this body, her throws are awkward and she narrowly hits another prisoner, but Jolyne catches the ball. Foo Fighters says that she is at their 87th consecutive catch, prompting Miraschon to bet $100 that they can't get to 100 throws. F.F. expects to easily complete this challenge and Jolyne reluctantly agrees. F.F. and Jolyne complete 94 throws but F.F. sees Miraschon sitting near her cup again and is distracted, throwing too low and forcing Jolyne to jump down to catch it. Protesting, F.F. narrowly misses the ball that's coming back to her and then loses time ordering Miraschon to get away from the water. Suddenly, a basketball ball hits Jolyne from behind as F.F. is forced to throw before the 10s countdown is complete. Thankfully, Jolyne manages to pull herself in the direction of the ball by tying her string to a bench and the two complete the 100 throws. Angry, Jolyne reminds Miraschon that she bet separately with F.F. and Jolyne, making it $200 to pay up.

However, Miraschon makes another bet that they cannot complete 100 throws again, but for $1,000. The new bet entices Ermes to play with F.F. while Jolyne steps aside. However, the playtime is over for the inmates. Despite Ermes's bribe, the guards interfere and Ermes must cheat, summoning the enemy Stand Marilyn Manson. Impervious to Kiss and F.F.'s strike, it takes Ermes's money and her liver to pay up the debt. Jolyne is forced to up the ante and participate in the game of catch.

F.F. and Jolyne work together to confront Miraschon

As the prisoner must go back to the wards, Jolyne and Foo Fighters continue to play catch. But Miraschon disappears and the duo must seek her. Jolyne and Foo Fighters follow Miraschon into the showers but Miraschon switches off the lights while the ball is midair. Thankfully, Foo Fighters catches the ball. Foo Fighters shoot in the direction of Miraschon, hitting her arm and forcing her to open a door shedding some welcome light. Miraschon enters a room, followed by Jolyne, but she reveals that it is a service lift whose thick door and fenced gates close before Foo Fighters can pass the ball. Thankfully, F.F. forces the doors open just enough to throw the ball and for Stone Free to unravel it, making it pass through the fence. Foo Fighters sees that Ermes has been given back her liver and shouts, reassured. Marilyn Manson momentarily comes out to take Jotaro Kujo's Stand DISC, but Jolyne defeats Miraschon once and for all before it happens.

Battle Against Sports Maxx

F.F. and Jolyne face an invisible alligator

F.F. notices that her host is not welcome in the prison and decides to change her habits. Using Atroe's impulses, F.F. begins to do the opposite of what her host instinctively wants to change herself and hopefully make herself more appreciated among the other inmates. The results are debatable. When Jolyne notes that Ermes has been absent lately, Foo Fighters reveals Ermes's past about how the gangster Sports Maxx killed Ermes's sister, Gloria. The two race to find her and see her following Maxx to the workshop. Thinking that she's merely observing Maxx at the moment, they leave. However, she soon comes back to the workshop and are attacked by an invisible zombie alligator. F.F.'s leg is bitten off. Jolyne tries to fight but is overpowered. To defeat the enemy, F.F. lets it bite her arm, allowing her to shoot in the alligator and killing it. However, Foo Fighters is out of commission for the rest of the fight and is left behind. Somehow, Jolyne and Ermes manage to defeat Sports Maxx once and for all.

The Ultra Security House Unit

File:Anasui says ok Anime.png
Anasui agrees to help Jolyne

A few days after Ermes gets her revenge F.F. meets with Emporio. Worried about Jolyne, who is isolated, F.F. plans to go there to help her. Looking at the prisoner Narciso Anasui who until now is content with listening to them, F.F. asks Anasui to help her and plans to somehow force him to cooperate despite the strange vibes Anasui gives off. Surprisingly, Anasui accepts because he claims he's in love with Jolyne and wants to help her to eventually marry her. They immediately depart for the Ultra Security House Unit.

Reaching the ward, F.F. hides in a corpse to ambush the assassin Kenzou, but the old man kicks the corpse she's hiding in. F.F. comes out to shoot Kenzou, but the corpse's leg twitches, protecting the old man.

Battle Against Kenzou

F.F. fires at Kenzou, to no avail

Kenzou and Foo Fighters properly engage each other. He summons Dragon's Dream and reads the lucky spot. Thanks to that, he avoids F.F.'s shots and drives his fist inside of its throat, using a specific technique to trigger a secretion of mucus from the adrenal gland that is supposed to make his targets drown by themselves. He then turns to face Jolyne but F.F. surprisingly pierces its own throat and shoots again. Kenzou barely manages to be avoid the attack and kicks F.F. but she simply squeezes between the bars of a handrail to escape.

When Kenzou summons Dragon's Dream again, F.F. sees it hovering behind her and attacks the enemy Stand, but Dragon's Dream explains to F.F. the ins and outs of its ability for the sake of a fair fight. After an exchange of blows, Kenzou reaches Dragon's Dream and his arm connects with F.F.'s unlucky spot. Although F.F. blocks the fist by dislocating its shoulder, a series of events causes pieces of glass to pierce F.F.'s face. She opens her mouth in shock, allowing Kenzou to attack although F.F. backs off to avoid the attack. Dragon's Dream points to another unlucky spot above F.F.'s left ear. Kenzou rushes towards F.F., who attempts a kick but Kenzou then grabs the leg. When F.F. attempts a knifehand strike, Kenzou makes a straight spearhand strike at F.F.'s throat and jams his other hand in F.F.'s throat. In retaliation, F.F. bites Kenzou's fingers. In pain, the old man strikes F.F.'s liver and pushes her towards Dragon's Dream. F.F.'s arm enters the dragon and punches a corpse, which causes another unlucky series of events that make a piece of machinery slice through F.F.'s head. F.F. is now dangerously low on water.

Kenzou kicks F.F. into the electric chair

F.F. shoots Kenzou, who is barely out of his safe spot and manages to hurt him. However, the attack is not enough. F.F. thus plans to trick Kenzou into misreading Dragon's Dream with a mirror made of water but desperately needs it to sustain herself. Kenzou begins to rant about the hell his life has been since his arrest and orders Dragon's Dream to show him the way to make his final attack. F.F. runs towards the fire extinguishing hose the guards used, pursued by Kenzou. F.F. searches for the faucet, only for Dragon's Dream to appear and warn F.F. not to touch it as Kenzou attacks. F.F. decides to intentionally put its arms in Dragon's Dream while Kenzou performs a sweeping kick on its head. F.F. manages to sneak into the hose through a tear made after Kenzou's kick and break the faucet open, but its earlier actions prevent her from touching the water since its arms attack it. F.F. is thrown down to the execution room and the hose activates the execution sequence on the electric chair there. By pure misfortune, F.F. finds herself unable to get away from the chair. Kenzou arrives and F.F. narrowly misses him with her shot again, but this time, F.F.'s shots break Kenzou's jewelry and she steps on two pearls that make her trip and fall back onto the electric chair. Desperate, F.F. attempts to kick Kenzou but the old man blocks the attack and kicks F.F. in place as the electric chair starts up.

F.F. shares the electrocution with Kenzou

F.F. is being electrocuted but Dragon's Dream reveals that she was able to collect the sweat from Kenzou after his effort. Kenzou realizes he's in an unsafe spot and is grabbed by F.F., who share the electrocution with the old man. Kenzou barely survives it and Jolyne approaches to finish him off despite her own injuries. Thankfully, Jolyne discovers that a part of F.F. has survived in the water mirror and F.F. eventually reconstitutes herself.

Birth of the Green Baby

After F.F. heals, the group returns to the main hall of the punishment ward and Jolyne spots the same little prisoner with the bone. They follow him and discover that he's being turned into a plant. During the fight, the bone caused all the normal inmates to also turn into plants and Jolyne is starts being turned as she exposes herself to sunlight. Anasui roots out the plant parts out of her body and the group discovers The Green Baby, gestating in a translucid egg. After deciding to try to escape from prison, the group meet a fourth Stand, Yo-Yo Ma, which swallows the baby. Yo-Yo Ma is invulnerable to all attacks but acts servile, thus forcing them to take him along while F.F. stays in order to kill the Stand user.

F.F. desperately attempts to escape Whitesnake

F.F. finds D an G but as she prepares to shoot him, she spots Enrico Pucci who is staring at the assassin. Disguising herself as a paramedic, F.F. approaches D an G to assassinate him. However, Pucci throws a DISC at a guard to control him prevent F.F. from shooting D an G in the head. Pucci confronts F.F. and she realizes that Pucci is the real mastermind behind this whole affair. Pucci gives her a choice between killing him or D an G first. F.F. hesitates before turning to kill D an G, allowing Whitesnake to infiltrate the ambulance and protect D an G. Whitesnake then chops F.F.'s head, aiming to take the Stand DISC. F.F. shoots herself in the head, dispersing the plankton on D an G and decapitating from the inside. She recomposes herself in the driver's cabin and seeks another faucet. However, Whitesnake enters the cabin and takes the advantage in the close quarters fight. Desperate, F.F. shoots the door and flees. Hiding its Stand DISC in its legs, a part of F.F. stalls for time as Pucci interrogates her about The Green Baby while the legs run towards the faucet. Whitesnake inserts a water boiling Stand in F.F.'s secondary part, causing the primary part to expose herself to scalding water, killing most of the colony. However, bits of Foo Fighters reach a radio and call Weather Report, who makes it rain and fog. F.F. regenerates. Even better, F.F. meets with a recovered Weather Report who has come to help her.

Battle Against Whitesnake

F.F.'s spirit bids farewell to Jolyne

F.F. and Weather Report eventually join Jolyne in the swamps. However, Weather suddenly impales Anasui through the chest and splits F.F.'s head open, revealing he was in fact Whitesnake disguised as Weather. As Foo Fighters crumbles, she makes the ultimate sacrifice to preserve Anasui's life, which also saves Jotaro's memory DISC from dissipating in his dying body. With her demise, Foo Fighters thereupon manifests herself as a spirit to Jolyne. She accepts her fate, content to have approval and recognition of her existence and intellect. When Jolyne promises to bring her back by utilizing the Foo Fighters Stand DISC, Foo Fighters imparts that it would not be the same Foo Fighters, but a different one without her memories. At last, Foo Fighters bids goodbye to Jolyne and ascends into the sky.


Fujiko's Bizarre Worldly Wisdom

The information below derives from a source not written by Araki. As such, it may or may not be considered canon.

One day, Fujiko Fujiyama approaches Jolyne Cujoh, mentioning the time Jolyne got caught masturbating in her cell. Jolyne is shocked to hear that the prison guards know and F.F. explains that she remembers Ermes Costello gossiping about it. This makes Jolyne angry against Ermes.

Chapters / Episodes

Book Icon.png Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance
Part 6Spin-Offs
TV Icon.png Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance


Quote.png Quotes
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • This body of mine... was created from the bodies of the missing prisoners. My divided body is now whole again. (この「わたしの体」は…… 行方不明の囚人の肉体から作ったものだァ〜〜〜ッ 分かれてたわたしがひとつに戻った)
    —Foo Fighters, Stone Ocean Chapter 30: There's Six of Us!, Part 5
  • For the sake of this ability and these memories, bestowed upon me by Whitesnake's DISC... I will protect myself, no matter what... (「ホワイトスネイク」のDISC(ディスク)が与えてくれた この「能力」と「記憶」のために わたしはなにがなんでも自分を守る…)
    —Foo Fighters, Stone Ocean Chapter 30: There's Six of Us!, Part 5
  • Foo Fighters! If you're going to refer to me, call me by that name! (『フー・ファイターズ』!! わたしの事を呼ぶならそう呼べ!)
    —Foo Fighters, Stone Ocean Chapter 30: There's Six of Us!, Part 5
  • An astronomer named Fred Hoyle once said, "It is wrong to assume, even statistically speaking, that organisms appeared on this Earth purely by chance... There is a pre-existing force in the universe that we call intellect, which is responsible for the development of life..." To put it another way, one could say that intellect precedes even the Big Bang, and that all life and matter is guided by and participates in that intellect. (フレッド・ホイルという天文物理学者は言った 『この自然界で確率的にも 生命が偶然誕生したと考えるのは間違っている…… この宇宙には「知性」という「力」がすでに存在していて「生命のもと(・・)」を形づくった…』………と つまり「知性」という力はビッグバンより先に存在していて全ての物質や生物は「知性」に導かれ その「知性」をすでに保有しているのだ)
    —Foo Fighters, Stone Ocean Chapter 30: There's Six of Us!, Part 5
  • I thought I told you to call me Foo Fighters! It seems my intellect far surpasses the both of you! (『フー・ファイターズ』と呼べと言ったはずだッ!知性ならおまえたちより上だッ!)
    —Foo Fighters to Jolyne and Ermes, Stone Ocean Chapter 30: There's Six of Us!, Part 5
  • With a full understanding of my ability, I created an environment where I have no weakness... There is nothing more you can do. (わたしは 自分の能力を全て理解して弱点などない状況を作っている… 君にはもうどうすることもできない)
    —Foo Fighters to Jolyne, Stone Ocean Chapter 32: Foo Fighters, Part 2
  • Those feelings of yours... I can't quite say I understand them, but... all of a sudden, I don't feel like fighting you anymore. I suppose I've completely and utterly lost. (おまえの気持ち…… なんだが良く 理解できないが…… おまえらとはもう戦う気がしない そして…… わたしの負けだ………完璧に)
    —Foo Fighters, Stone Ocean Chapter 32: Foo Fighters, Part 2
  • Hey, isn't that a window over there? If you jumped from up there, do you think it'd kill you? (ねえ…… あそこ明かり窓あるじゃん…… あそこから飛び降りたらさああ〜 死ぬと思う?)
    —Foo Fighters, Stone Ocean Chapter 33: Foo Fighters, Part 3
  • Hey, you! Don't you even think about going near my water! What are you up to, sitting down on that bench?! (おい!きさまッ! あたしの「水」に近づいてんじゃあねーーッ なに いまベンチに座ってんだよォーーーッ)
    —F.F. to Miraschon, Stone Ocean Chapter 35: Debt Collector Marilyn Manson, Part 2
  • Right now, Jolyne's going it alone in there! It's because of Jolyne that I still exist, but I don't know what to do for her! I need your help! (あの場所でこのまま徐倫ひとりではやられる! 今のあたしが存在するのは徐倫のおかげなんだ でもあたしはどうしていいかわからない! あんたに助けてもらいたい!)
    —F.F. to Emporio, Stone Ocean Chapter 58: Ultra Security House Unit
  • I'm right on time. By the looks of things, it was a close call... I can treat those wounds of yours now, Jolyne. But first, I'll take care of this geezer! (間にあったぜ でもかなり危機一髪だったようだな…徐倫 今つめもの(・・・・)してやるよ…その負傷 だが その前に徐倫…… この じじいはあたしにまかせろォォーーーッ)
  • Now bite it already. The thing about far-distance autopilot-type Stands is... they're completely defenseless against counterattacks! That's the risk to them! (くらいな 自動追跡型スタンドを持つ者は! 『逆襲される時は無防備』!それがリスクだッ!!)
  • When I think about Jolyne... I feel courage welling up inside me. This is what it means to have memories... This is intellect. (――――徐倫のことを考えると―――― 勇気がわいてくる これこそが「思い出」なんだ………… これが「知性」なんだ)
    —F.F., Stone Ocean Chapter 85: Awaken, Part 1
  • What's a priest like you doing in a prison like this? (神父のてめーこそ何をやっている?この刑務所でよォーーーーー)
    —F.F. to Pucci, Stone Ocean Chapter 90: Whitesnake - The Pursuer, Part 2
  • The thing I was most afraid of... was forgetting to say goodbye to my friends. But here, now, at the very end... I remembered that I had to do it. (あたしの一番怖い事は…………… 友達に「さよなら」を言う事すら考えられなくなら事だった でも…… 最後の最後に……… それを考える事ができた)
    —F.F., Stone Ocean Chapter 95: New Moon! New Priest
  • Look at me, Jolyne. This is my spirit... This is my intellect... I was alive. (あたしを見て徐倫 これがあたしの「魂」……これが あたしの「知性」…… あたしは生きていた)
    —F.F. to Jolyne, Stone Ocean Chapter 95: New Moon! New Priest
  • I'm glad I got to say goodbye at the end, Jolyne. It's all right, Jolyne... It's all right. I'm glad we got the DISC back... (最後にさよならが言えて良かった…徐倫 これで(・・・)いい徐倫 これで…いいのよ DISC(ディスク)を取り戻せてよかった…)
    —F.F.'s last words, Stone Ocean Chapter 95: New Moon! New Priest


StoryChapter CoversVolume CoversSketches
StoryOpenings/EndingsDesign SheetsPromotional Art
All-Star Battle RMonster StrikeOther
Adventure Battle CardWeiß Schwarz


  1. F.F. is referred to as "she (彼女, kanojo)" with a "(?)" beside it. — JOJOVELLER: STANDS, p.207
  2. The Netflix subtitles, English dub, and VIZ Media localization of the manga use "they/them" when referring to F.F.


  • In the original tankobon release of Stone Ocean Volume 4, F.F.'s criminal charge was listed as "murder by poison" in her privilege card. This was corrected in the bunkoban to "kidnapping" to match Atroe's backstory.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Stone Ocean Chapter 34: Debt Collector Marilyn Manson, Part 1
  2. Stone Ocean Chapter 51: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 1
  3. Stone Ocean Chapter 85: Awaken, Part 1
  4. Stone Ocean Model Sheet SO-TL000-00
  5. 5.0 5.1 JOJOVELLER: Araki's Stand Commentaries - Foo Fighters
  6. Stone Ocean Chapter 26: There's Six of Us!, Part 1
  7. Stone Ocean Chapter 30: There's Six of Us!, Part 5, p.14
  8. Stone Ocean Chapter 30: There's Six of Us!, Part 5, p.16
  9. Stone Ocean Chapter 30: There's Six of Us!, Part 5, p.17
  10. Stone Ocean Chapter 33: Foo Fighters, Part 3, p.6-7
  11. Stone Ocean Chapter 51: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 1, p.1-2
  12. Stone Ocean Chapter 33: Foo Fighters, Part 3, p.8
  13. Stone Ocean Chapter 34: Debt Collector Marilyn Manson, Part 1, p.5-9
  14. Stone Ocean Chapter 95: New Moon! New Priest, p.15
  15. Stone Ocean Chapter 29: There's Six of Us!, Part 4
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Stone Ocean Chapter 30: There's Six of Us!, Part 5
  17. Stone Ocean Chapter 38: Debt Collector Marilyn Manson, Part 5
  18. Stone Ocean Chapter 31: Foo Fighters, Part 1
  19. Stone Ocean Chapter 74: Enter the Dragon's Dream, Part 7
  20. Stone Ocean Chapter 32: Foo Fighters, Part 2
  21. Stone Ocean Chapter 33: Foo Fighters, Part 3
  22. Stone Ocean Chapter 68: Enter the Dragon's Dream, Part 2
  23. Stone Ocean Chapter 68: Enter the Dragon's Dream, Part 2
  24. Stone Ocean Chapter 71: Enter the Dragon's Dream, Part 5
  25. 25.0 25.1 Stone Ocean Chapter 37: Debt Collector Marilyn Manson, Part 4
  26. 26.0 26.1 Stone Ocean Chapter 73: Enter the Dragon's Dream, Part 6
  27. Stone Ocean Chapter 54: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 4
  28. Stone Ocean Chapter 34: Debt Collector Marilyn Manson, Part 1
  29. Stone Ocean Chapter 85: Awaken, Part 1
  30. Stone Ocean Chapter 95: New Moon! New Priest
  31. Stone Ocean Chapter 51: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 1

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