Giorno Giovanna ★ Video Games

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A summary of Giorno Giovanna's history and movesets in video games.


GioGio's Bizarre Adventure (PS2)

Giorno makes his video game debut with the rest of Team Bucciarati as one of the main playable characters in GioGio's Bizarre Adventure. He is voiced by Romi Park. Giorno's special attacks utilize his ability to create life: he can create a tree to knock down an enemy, a snake to bite them, or a frog to reflect an incoming attack. While his Stand is active, Giorno's Stand Shoot takes the form of Gold Experience's signature "Muda-muda!" barrage of punches.

In the final battle of Super Story Mode, Giorno wields Gold Experience Requiem. Gold Experience Requiem shares most of its attacks with Gold Experience, but foregoes the tree and vine attacks in favor of a long-range scorpion flick attack. Gold Experience Requiem is immune to King Crimson's time erasure: if Diavolo erases time while Giorno is in Stand Mode, Gold Experience Requiem continues moving and attacking at full speed even as Giorno continues to be slowed down.

Giorno Giovanna / Gold Experience
Normal Mode
Stand Mode
PS Square.png
Normal Combo (3x)
Stand Rush (4x)
PS Square.png (Heavy)
Tackle (while moving)
Heavy Punch
PS Cross.png
New life, spring forth!
Life, spring forth!
PS Triangle.png
I can tell you apart!
The attack will be reflected back!
PS R1.png
Gold Experience!

Available Stages: Chapters 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 10-2
  • Another Story Mode: Chapters 4-3, 5-1, 6-2, 7-2, 8-1, 8-2, 10-1, 11-2
Giorno Giovanna / Gold Experience Requiem
Normal Mode
Stand Mode
PS Square.png
Normal Combo (3x)
Stand Rush (4x)
PS Square.png (Heavy)
Tackle (while moving)
Heavy Punch
PS Cross.png
Can you escape destruction?
Can you escape destruction?
PS Triangle.png
I can tell you apart!
The attack will be reflected back!
PS R1.png
Gold Experience!

Available Stages: Chapter 11-3

All-Star Battle (PS3)

Giorno appears as one of the playable characters in the game. He is voiced by Daisuke Namikawa this time around, with his previous voice actress, Romi Park, instead voicing Koichi Hirose. He was confirmed for the game alongside Mista, Polnareff and Kakyoin. Giorno has 950 HP.

Along with Enrico Pucci, Kosaku-Kira, Johnny Joestar, Hol Horse, and Koichi Hirose, Giorno is a character who can utilize more than one Stand during a match as part of his moveset. As one of the mass majority of playable characters in the game with the "Stand" Style, Giorno can turn Gold Experience on/off, changing movesets, as well as having access to the Stand Rush ability returning from the Capcom game, being able to attack in conjunction with his Stand.



In battle, Giorno can wield many of the abilities he demonstrated over the course of Vento Aureo.

Giorno is an impressively utilitarian character taking advantage of Gold Experience's vast array of powers. His Stand Off skills focus near-exclusively on his life-giving abilities, creating lifeforms for a number of highly creative uses including projectile animals, a multi-purpose tree-growing ability, an instant counter, and the ability to heal himself. Giorno's ability to play defensively or in neutral state is excellent as a result. Meanwhile, Gold Experience provides good pressure and offense when active using a mobile punch barrage, anti-air, and even a special combo-breaker.

Above all else, however, Giorno's primary goal during battle is to find the opportunity to enter Requiem Mode, the most reliable method being following his HHA. Once Gold Experience Requiem is at his side, Giorno becomes a nearly unstoppable force, possessing skills and abilities that can trivially reverse or defeat the opponent's own abilities, including multiple unblockable/guard-crushing skills as well as an inexpensive combo-breaker that consumes all incoming attacks. From there, the potential for damage output is extraordinary, allowing him to win rounds quickly and decisively with GER's explosive combos.

Giorno's weaknesses are few and far-between. His odd abilities, especially those in Stand Off, require practice and good handling to wield effectively, and he can feel awkward to play without proper understanding. Secondly, Giorno must hold onto Heart Heat for large portions of the round to guarantee the chance to enter Requiem Mode; Any attempt not initiated following his HHA is likely vulnerable to interruption from certain characters, incurring a great loss of Heart Heat.

Overall, Giorno is a uniquely powerful combatant, using his Stand's abilities to great and diverse effect to succeed. He can secure victory by successfully evolving his Stand into its Requiem form and crushing his foe with overwhelming power. Whether in neutral or on defense or offense, he always has the means to effectively engage in combat, and is easily considered one of the best characters in the game.

Stand On/Off

Giorno can summon or dismiss Gold Experience, shifting his available abilities.

ASBDPad3.png + ASBH.png (Stand Off only) ON GROUND

Giorno summons Gold Experience low to the ground to deliver hefty kicks in a low attack, tripping the opponent.

This doesn't feel good...
ASBDPad3.pngx2 + ASBH.png (Stand On only) ON GROUND WHEN DOWNED

This skill can only be used when the opponent is down. Gold Experience stomps on them. Assuming the opponent gets up in time, this skill is still a low attack that must be blocked crouching.

Special Moves (Stand Off)
Now, it lives.
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND

Giorno brings one of his ladybug brooches to life as a small animal that attacks the opponent, considered a projectile. The resulting creature is dependent on the attack button inputted.

  • Light (ASBL.png): Giorno creates a flying fish that suddenly leaps forward momentarily. (Flash Cancel comboable)
  • Medium (ASBM.png): Giorno creates a snake that slithers slowly on the ground and chases the opponent, crumpling them if they touch it. This is a low attack that cannot be blocked standing. (Comboable)
  • Heavy (ASBH.png): Giorno creates a piranha that leaps in an upward arc. The opponent is stunned and left vulnerable if they touch it. This is a middle attack that cannot be blocked crouching, and functions as an anti-air. (Comboable)
Life, spring forth!
ASBDPad6.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND

Giorno instantly sprouts a tree from underneath his feet, carrying him upwards off the ground. The attack button inputted determines the size of the tree and thus Giorno's ascent. He can then remain in the tree briefly, jump off, attack, or chain into "This is our true path!". He is invulnerable while rising, making this skill function as a nonoffensive reversal that can assist in evasion and setting up attacks from above.

This is our true path!
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png IN AIR OK

While in mid-air, Giorno summons Gold Experience in a downwards diving kick to deliver a barrage of stomps below, bouncing the opponent off the ground. This is a middle attack that cannot be blocked crouching, and the assault can be extended if the attack button inputted is rapidly tapped.
This skill can be chained from "Life, spring forth!".

It's useless
ASBDPad4.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND

A counter. Giorno quickly transforms one of the ladybug brooches on his chest into a frog as he stands prepared for an attack. Any attack by the opponent that is not a Throw/HHA/GHA will be reflected back unto them, including projectile attacks, causing them to be sent flying into the stage wall. The damage of this ability is proportional to that of the opponent's own received attack.

Now this is a part of me!
ASBDPad2.pngx2 + ASBS.png (requires 1/2 a stock of HHG) ON GROUND

Expending half a bar of Heart Heat, Giorno attempts to use his life-giving ability to heal himself using one of his ladybug brooches to mend his wounds.
While the health regained is considerable, this ability takes time to perform, and can be interrupted if used inopportunely. Upon success, the health begins as slowly-regenerating silver damage that disappears if Giorno is struck, meaning he must avoid damage in order to recoup any significant lost health.

Special Moves (Stand On)
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND

Gold Experience rapidly punches as Giorno and it slowly move forward a good distance, knocking the opponent off their feet on the final hit. The duration of the attack is determined by the attack button inputted. This ability can initiate Rush Mode, and is Stand Rush skill that Giorno can disconnect from to freely act while it is executing. (Flash Cancel comboable)

ASBDPad6.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND

Giorno leaps into the air as Gold Experience rapidly punches upward while ascending. This skill functions as a reversal and anti-air attack, and has a follow-up.

(During "WRYYYY!") ASBDPad3.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png IN AIR OK

Gold Experience finishes the attack by delivering a powerful downward hook to harshly send the opponent into the ground and cause them to bounce on-impact.

A path opens on dark plains
(When hit) ASBDPad4.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png (requires 2 stocks of HH) ON GROUND

A combo-breaking counterattack that can only be used once Giorno is hit by any non-Throw/HHA/GHA, or any attack that does not knock him down or launch him upon the first hit. Giorno and Gold Experience forcibly power through the opponent's attack and retaliate by rapidly kicking them away, knocking them to the ground.
During this skill, Giorno is completely invulnerable and protected from all incoming attacks. However, the activation costs two stocks of the Heart Heat Gauge to use, and Giorno will suffer an extra small amount of damage, half of which is silver and thus able to be regenerated. As a combo-breaking skill, the attack also cannot be Flash Cancelled.

I must beat them!
2 ATK buttons at close range or ASBT.png ON GROUND

Gold Experience uppercuts the opponent, kicks their leg, and pummels them, recreating how the Stand broke away from Black Sabbath's hold.

Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack
Savor the taste of pain!
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 2 ATK Buttons ON GROUND

Giorno lunges forward with Gold Experience readying a fist. If they connect, Gold Experience flies in and delivers a brutal punch to the opponent's face that briefly initiates a slow-motion effect, before sending them flying a long distance across the stage. For a moment afterward, they will be inflicted with Gold Experience's Life Shot ability and thus are left unable to act upon standing up. Due to the Life Shot effect on the opponent, Giorno is given enough time to take any initiative, including activating his GHA, with no risk of retaliation or interruption.
This HHA will have a different visual effect depending on the character on the receiving end of the punch, referencing a variety of any number of scenes across the series (such as Gold Experience jabbing its thumb in Jonathan's eye, punching DIO in the upper head to break his skull, or punching Bucciarati in the jaw and causing him to lose a tooth).

Your 'end' has no ending!
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 3 ATK Buttons, or ASBG.png ON GROUND

Giorno triumphantly raises the Arrow into the air and drives it into Gold Experience's chest, causing the Stand to spew golden rays as it begins to evolve.
This action requires roughly 3 seconds of animation to play uninterrupted to complete, and if successful, Gold Experience ascends to its formidable Requiem Mode.

Special Moves (Gold Experience Requiem)
Requiem Mode

Gold Experience Requiem will last until the Heart Heat Gauge empties, then revert back to Gold Experience. During this mode, Giorno's set of abilities changes completely, and GER is always active and cannot be dismissed. Visually, Giorno's hair is untied and flows freely.
Giorno's individual normal attacks deal considerable amounts more damage than usual, and Flash Cancels now cost a mere 1/5th of a bar of Heart Heat instead of the usual whole stock.
While his moveset becomes simplified, what special moves he does have possess overwhelming power, speed, and combo utility, allowing Giorno to easily overpower and bypass any of his opponent's actions, offensive or defensive, in order to rapidly deal tremendous amounts of damage regardless of how he initiates his combos.
Naturally, Diavolo's "Erasing Time" skill is automatically nullified in Requiem Mode; The ability will initiate as the confirming sound plays, but the time erasure does not actually take effect.
If Requiem Mode is active while Enrico Pucci is in "Made in Heaven Mode", the slowdown effect on Giorno will be nullified due to GER's powers. This makes Giorno one of the only two characters who can truly counter Made in Heaven's effects, the other being "Kosaku Kawajiri's" Bites the Dust.

Beyond the arrow's power
ASBDPad4.pngx2 / ASBDPad6.pngx2 ON GROUND

Replacing the normal forward and backward dash, Giorno and Gold Experience Requiem momentarily fly through the air at high speeds, covering much more ground, potentially passing over the opponent, and evading many attacks. Giorno can perform an aerial attack during flight.

Can you escape destruction?
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND IN AIR OK

GER immediately fires a high-damaging projectile scorpion from the tip of its finger straight forward at incredible speeds. This move is unblockable, and if the opponent is hit, they will be stunned and left vulnerable. (Comboable)
This projectile possesses the highest priority of any projectile in the game, meaning that the scorpion will destroy any opposing projectile it comes into contact with the exception of itself, and any of Hol Horse's Emperor bullets enhanced by his "Gun beats sword" Style skill, in which case the two will only cancel out.


Expending 1/5th of a bar of Heart Heat, GER instantly unleashes its ability to return any action to zero: In a radius around Giorno, a growing sphere of black and grey energy will appear and expand. This action is unblockable and offers brief invulnerability. If the opponent is caught, they will immediately stagger for an extended period and be left wide open to attack. (Comboable)
This ability doubles as a combo-breaking counterattack that can be activated even if Giorno himself is in the middle of being hit. It is also capable of nullifying all projectiles, even those unleashed in HHA and GHA; In essence, it will defeat almost any incoming attack in the game with the exception of attacks that provide the opposing character invulnerability.

ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png (rapidly tap to extend attack) ON GROUND

GER rapidly punches in an extended barrage as Giorno walks forward for ~2 to ~4 seconds, depending on whether or not the attack button inputted was rapidly tapped. If blocked, this attack deals heavy damage to the opponent's Guard Gauge. Should the attack be fully extended, a follow-up skill is triggered. (Flash Cancel comboable)


GER finishes its assault with a singular powerful haymaker punch that sends the opponent flying far. This move deals very heavy damage to the Guard Gauge.

Throw (Gold Experience Requiem)
I must beat them!
2 ATK buttons at close range or ASBT.png ON GROUND

Gold Experience Requiem uppercuts the opponent, kicks their leg, and pummels them, all while claiming that they will not be able to 'go anywhere' in the face of its power.


Alongside the rest of the playable members of Team Bucciarati (sans Narancia) and Ermes Costello, Giorno is one of the only characters who activate Resolve Mode instead of the normal Rumble Mode when low on health. In this state, attacks that do not result in hard knockdowns or blow-backs no longer faze the character. Resolve Mode is also activated as a passive effect during Requiem Mode, regardless of health level.

Besides the entire cast from Part 5, Giorno possesses special dialogue before a fight with DIO or Koichi. When fighting Koichi, Koichi will demand his suitcase and passport back (recreating their encounters during early Part 5). While fighting DIO, Giorno admits that DIO was the person he wanted to meet the most, and DIO does not recognize him. If Giorno wins, he will say that he will use the power he inherited from him for his own dreams. If DIO wins, he will admit to liking Giorno.

Giorno and Gold Experience also appear on the cover for the Italian version of the game. Since Giorno is never shown in any other outfit, all of his alternate costumes are based on pattern alterations to his outfit shown only in chapter/volume covers or other special pieces of artwork, such as the one based on his Volume 59 appearance and another one based on his Volume 63 appearance.


Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)

Giorno Giovanna was confirmed for the game alongside Mista, Fugo and Narancia.

Since most of the game's animation, effects and attacks were reused from All-Star Battle, Giorno's repertoire of abilities remains mostly the same, though with some new additions to aid him in battle.

As a Stand User, Giorno is one of many characters with wildly varied abilities that grant him uniqueness in battle.

Giorno interacts with stage objects not by breaking them or picking them up, but by transforming them into small creatures. Depending on the size of the object in question, it can either be transformed into a flying fish that flies towards the nearest opponent to attack them, or a hidden snake that bites and inflicts Poison on opponents whom attempt to interact with it.

  • Style Action - Gold Experience Requiem!: Giorno pierces Gold Experience with the Arrow in an attempt to evolve it into Gold Experience Requiem. While he is left vulnerable to attacks, if the animation fully plays out uninterrupted, Requiem will emerge, and Giorno gains a completely new array of moves. Giorno may manually cancel the transformation with a Flash Cancel or DHA. Once the transformation is successful the first time, not only will the cooldown on the skill be reduced drastically, subsequent transformations will also be immediate.
  • Gold Experience!: Gold Experience punches the ground, causing a number of wooden branches entwined together to rapidly sprout forward. The branches will paralyze any opponent they touch and leave them vulnerable to further attack, but will also immediately collapse. Even if they do not connect with an opponent, they will remain as an active trap for a longer period of time before collapsing.
  • MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA: Gold Experience attacks by rapidly punching 12 times while advancing forward, the final hit sending opponents flying.
  • I've got the perfect attack for you.../Now this is a part of me!: The attack unleashed is dependent on whether or not the activating button is held. If pressed, Giorno turns one of the ladybug brooches on his chest into a frog. While active, Giorno's stamina gauge will slowly drain. Any attack by an opponent that is not a DHA or received from behind will cause them to be sent flying a long distance away, and the ability's damage is proportional to that of the opponent's own attack. However, Giorno may not use Normal Attacks or Powerful Attacks, and attempting to use other skills, a DHA, or his Style Action will immediately banish the frog. If held, Giorno uses his life-giving ability to heal himself using one of his ladybug brooches. While the health regained is substantial, this ability takes time to perform, and can be interrupted. Using it will also increase the cooldown on the skill.
  • Life, spring forth!: Giorno instantly grows a tree under his feet, becoming invincible for a brief instance. This skill can assist in evasion, setting up air attacks, or can allow Giorno to reach high places for traversal. He may cancel the skill into any action, upon which the tree will crumble.
  • EX - Gold Experience!: The skill executes quicker and Giorno gains super armor until the attack begins.
  • EX - MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA: The skill executes quicker and Giorno gains super armor until the attack begins.

Gold Experience Requiem

While Gold Experience Requiem is active, Giorno's movement speed receives an incredible boost, and his moveset changes completely. All Normal and Powerful attacks start in the air, with the two taking flight and covering a considerable distance with each attack. Giorno is also able to see and attack Diavolo while time is being erased via his "All movement is useless now!" Style Action. GER is still not permanent, however, and Gold Experience will revert to its original form after some time.

  • Style Action - That which is inherited must move toward what lies beyond!: Giorno takes the Arrow from GER, prematurely reverting it back into Gold Experience.
  • He cannot even reach the final fate ordained for him: death.: Giorno and GER fly forward with a single punch. If that punch connects, GER will follow up with a barrage of 23 punches, sending the target flying a long distance away, while Giorno himself becomes invincible during the entire attack. This skill has a unique, special effect: Should the attack be used to Retire an opponent before their partner, a Soul Succession will not activate and the battle will immediately resume, leaving the remaining opponent without the usual Inherited Will power-up.
  • MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDAAA!: Giorno rises into the air as GER rapidly punches 12 times while advancing forward, the final hit sending opponents flying.
  • There's no road ahead for you.: GER unleashes its ability to return any action to zero. In a radius around Giorno, a sphere of black energy that distorts colors will appear and expand. This move is unblockable. Any opponent that comes in contact with the energy will immediately be staggered for a very long period of time and be left completely vulnerable to attack. The energy will overpower/nullify any and all opposing attacks and projectiles, and even opponents that have super armor or even invincibility under normal circumstances still remain vulnerable to it. This ability can be activated even if Giorno is being hit or is caught in a combo with any attack that is not a Dual Combo Finish or DHA. It is also capable of curing him of any afflicted status ailments upon activation. Giorno may cancel the skill at any time with any of his other skills.
  • EX - He cannot even reach the final fate ordained for him: death.: Giorno flies farther and with increased speed, the attack itself deals more damage, and he is also invincible until the attack begins.
  • EX - MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDAAA!: Giorno is invincible for the entire duration of the attack, and GER unleashes 8 more hits.


  • I hate pointless things. MUDA MUDA...: Giorno must connect "I've got the perfect attack for you". (200 Points)
  • Something new is coming out!: Giorno must transform a total of 3 stage objects. (200 Points)
  • Are you sure you'll be able to survive this?: Giorno must connect "There's no road ahead for you." twice. (300 Points)
  • True resolve means cutting open a bright path through the darkest of fields!: Giorno must perform a Dual Combo Finish. (500 Points)
  • That's what Gold Experience Requiem does.: Giorno must Retire an opponent while GER is active. (800 Points)

Dual Heat Attacks

Giorno can only participate in Special DHAs while Gold Experience is in its base form.

  • Solo (Normal) - WRYYYYYYYYYYY!: Gold Experience pummels the opponent at an upward angle over an extended period while the camera shifts perspective multiple times, ending with a downward hook that launches them hard into the ground (referencing his iconic 7-page long beating of Cioccolata).
    • Solo (Gold Experience Requiem) - Your "end" has no ending!: GER releases its power as a sphere of black energy that distorts colors appears and expands until completely encompassing the opponent, leaving them completely unable to take action. With Requiem claiming to the opponent that they will "never reach reality", Giorno and his Stand fly forward and attack their target with a powerful barrage of punches, ending with a forceful punch to the face that knocks them out of the energy zone.
  • With Bucciarati - Double Arrivederci: Giorno has Gold Experience punch the opponent away and onto the ground, before Bucciarati has Sticky Fingers place a zipper on the ground. The zipper rapidly closes and two ride it to close the distance on their target, before they leap into the air. In unison, both Giorno and Bucciarati inform the opponent of their resolve before Gold Experience and Sticky Fingers pummel their target while letting out their Stand Cries. The two Stands glow with golden and blue auras, respectively, and finish their assault with a joint uppercut that sends the opponent high into the air, while both users bid them an "Arrivederci".
  • With Mista - True resolve!!: Mista, claiming that his true resolve has just begun, aggressively fires away at the opponent, each shot getting redirected by Sex Pistols multiple times to hit them at different angles. Giorno subsequently appears and jumps high into the air until he is directly above the opponent. Following up on Mista's statement by telling him that true resolve "isn't about self-sacrifice", Giorno proceeds to stomp down on the target several times with Gold Experience, the final kick hitting with the impact to launch him off and create a shockwave. Both attacks are references to the two's battle against Ghiaccio.
  • With DIO - Surpassing Existence!: DIO summons The World to batter the opponent, before being joined by Giorno and Gold Experience. After exchanging looks, both of them yell out their shared Stand Cry in unison and attack their target with steadily increasing power, before delivering a combined powerful strike that sends the opponent reeling.


He is paired with Mista in the Eyes of Heaven Tournament, defeating Rohan Kishibe and Polnareff in the first round, and "Kosaku Kawajiri" and Weather Report in the second. In the semifinals, they are defeated by Bucciarati and Trish in the first round.

Relationships in Eyes of Heaven

(The information below derives from a Video Game not written by Araki. As such, it may not be considered canon.)

  • Yukako Yamagishi - Giorno has a tendency to swindle other characters in his Eyes of Heaven interactions, acting much like he did in the early chapters of Vento Aureo. Giorno, underestimating her, attempts to scam Yukako by offering a taxi ride for 8,000 yen, but she doesn't fall for Giorno's trick and demands for him to lower the price. Realizing his mistake, Giorno comments that it "looks like I decided to talk to the wrong girl." In another interaction, Yukako warns Giorno that she has come to retrieve Koichi's stolen bag (referencing Giorno stealing Koichi's luggage at the start of Vento Aureo). After the match is over, he acknowledges her ability, saying that "Koichi really found himself an unforgettable girlfriend…"
  • Josuke Higashikata - Giorno steals Josuke's wallet, causing Josuke to tremble with anger upon discovering it's been stolen. Giorno notices that it "only has 12 yen," a reference to the "Shigechi's Harvest" arc. After a match between the two, Giorno notes that his Stand ability and Josuke's are similar. When paired together, the two consider themselves a great tag team and note it is like they can read each other's moves.
  • Jolyne Cujoh - Much like Josuke, Giorno steals her wallet, causing her to become angry, but soon realizes that there are only five dollars left in her wallet, "not even enough to buy a pizza." However, in another interaction, Giorno asks Jolyne to partner up for a fight. In their dialogue after the match is over, they reference their fathers' "catchphrases" ('Yare yare daze and 'muda'). The two feel like they had already met, likely referencing the battle between their fathers.
  • Joseph Joestar - Giorno describes Joseph's Ripple ability as "a feeling of numbness different from the Stands".
  • Old Joseph Joestar - Giorno thought Joseph was just an old man and that he was a little repulsive. Giorno also tried to scam him. In another interaction, Joseph is surprised that Giorno is DIO's son. If the former wins, Joseph realizes Giorno is biologically his uncle due to DIO taking Jonathan's body, surprising himself even more.
  • Jonathan Joestar - When the two are the same team, Giorno will ask Jonathan everything he knows about DIO. If victorious, Giorno will mention that DIO is his father, surprising Jonathan.
  • DIO - In quotes and character actions, he has clear interactions with DIO (and curiously none from the original Dio Brando), from actually admiring him, refusing to serve his father, to scoffing him off to a mere path to progress. However, he does acknowledge his patriarchy, which DIO surprisingly reciprocates by acknowledging him as his son. They have a dual heat attack where both pummels their enemies repeatedly with their shared battle cry.
  • Jotaro Kujo - Part 4 Jotaro clearly knows who he is. They have banters and lines of mutual admiration for one another. In hidden files for an unrealized Part 6 Jotaro, their interaction is even more apparent, going as far as to Jotaro daring Giorno to consider if he's an ally or an enemy, or Giorno asking Jotaro if he's fine dealing with himself, DIO's son.

Stardust Shooters (Android/iOS)

SSR Medals

Give birth to new life...Team Bucciarati (Pitter-Patter Pop)Narancia Ghirga (Giorno Giovanna)Giorno Giovanna & Koichi HiroseGiorno Giovanna & Pannacotta FugoGiorno Giovanna & Leone Abbacchio
Giorno Giovanna
Unit Coin R.png
Unit Giorno Giovanna (Give birth to new life...).png
Unit Frame R Blue.png
SS Rarity R.png
SS Class Blue.png
Gauge Bar 3.png
A boy who dreams to be a gangster. When he meets Bucciarati, destiny is set in motion.
How to Obtain
  • Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
A man that dislikes useless things
White and Gold attributes HP+120%, ATK+40%, Smash range +40%.
Command Skill
Give birth to new life...

This can be only activated once per Round! For 2 turns, all allies will counter attack when hit by an enemy! Furthermore, at the end of each action, ATK+300% and movement distance +50% is given to all allies!

Unit Ability Blue.png
Additional weakness attribute boost
While in 1more, Silver attributes will be added as weakness and deals extra 250% damage to weak attributes!
Cost: 2
Unit Icon SP.png

Team Bucciarati
Unit Team Bucciarati (PITTER-PATTER Ver.).png
Unit Frame R Blue.png
SS Rarity R.png
SS Class Blue.png
In search of their "dreams" and "finding where they belong", the boys face the looming threat...
How to Obtain
  • Stardust Shooters 5th anniversary Event
Unit Ability Blue.png
Pitter-Patter Bonds
All parameters are multiplied by 1.5!
Cost: 1
Unit Icon SP.png

Narancia Ghirga (Giorno Giovanna)
Unit Coin R.png
Unit Narancia Ghirga (Giorno Giovanna).png
Unit Frame R Blue.png
SS Rarity R.png
SS Class Blue.png
Gauge Bar 3.png
The spirits of Giorno and Narancia were switched by Chariot Requiem's ability.
How to Obtain
  • Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
Super fast fighter
White attributes and Team Bucciarati members movement distance +120%!
Command Skill
Come on, Aerosmith!

Upon activation gain counter immunity, the ability to pass through items and other units, as well as +150% movement distance! During this movement if an enemy unit touches the wall, deal 250% damage to them! Furthermore, when the hit counter increases by a multiple of 10, deal 1000% damage to the enemy!

Unit Ability Blue.png
I feel cool
Up to 2 times a round, when hit counter exceeds 99 hits, reset counter to 1! When counter reaches 1, ATK+400% for all allies and reduce enemy defense to 0 for 1 turn!
Cost: 3
Unit Icon SP.png

Giorno Giovanna & Koichi Hirose
Unit Coin R.png
Unit Giorno Giovanna and Koichi Hirose.png
Unit Frame R Blue.png
SS Rarity R.png
SS Class Blue.png
Gauge Bar 2.png
Giorno Giovanna, an Italian boy, and Koichi Hirose, who has come to investigate him.
How to Obtain
  • Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
Stand users drawn together
White attributes and Stand users all parameters +60% up and immunity to abnormal effects!
Command Skill
Could you move to the right a little bit?

For 2 turns increase all allied units ATK by +300% and stop all enemy units movement when they approach this unit (range increases in accordance to HP) and deal 1000% defence ignoring and partial defence skill ignoring damage!

Unit Ability Blue.png
The will of justice
Own ATK becomes 100% of the stats of the Leader unit! Furthermore for every "4" available ability cost, you'll be able to use the Command Skill for 0 Gauge consumption!
Cost: 1
Unit Icon SP.png

Giorno Giovanna & Pannacotta Fugo
Unit Coin R.png
Unit Giorno Giovanna and Pannacotta Fugo.png
Unit Frame R Blue.png
SS Rarity R.png
SS Class Blue.png
Gauge Bar 5.png
As a result of witnessing Giorno's resolve, Fugo's mind changes.
How to Obtain
  • Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
Something not expressed through words
Stand users HP+150%, movement distance +80%.
Command Skill
For the deeds you risked your life to accomplish!

At the time of enemy contact, deal 5000% pursuit damage of your current HP, and at the end of the action, you will give a virus that deals 4% of the target's maximum HP! At the end of the action, your current HP will decrease by 90%!

Unit Ability Blue.png
This guy's trustworthy
If you equip this ability and start quest, increase HP by 5000 x the maximum number of own Soul Chips!
Cost: 3
Unit Icon HP.png

Giorno Giovanna & Leone Abbacchio
Unit Coin R.png
Unit Giorno Giovanna and Leone Abbacchio.png
Unit Frame R Blue.png
SS Rarity R.png
SS Class Blue.png
Gauge Bar 3.5.png
Giorno's actions in a life threatening moment begins to change Abbacchio's mind.
How to Obtain
  • Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
Resolution to win trust
Black attributes and Team Bucciarati members ATK and HP +70%! Furthermore at the beginning of the turn gain 2 Skill Gauge bars!
Command Skill
You’re a crazy guy

Deal 1250% defence ignoring and partial defence skill ignoring damage x the number of allies within the range! Furthermore, just once after activation of the Command Skill, this unit will cover all damage that allied units take, and when it dies will revive at 50% HP! Upon the unit being resurrected cancel all background effects, and deal 2500% defence ignoring and partial defence skill ignoring damage x the number of allies on the field to all enemy units!

Unit Ability Blue.png
Justice and Knowledge
Unit deals weak point HIT as pursuit damage! 1500% damage to all enemies within circular range (increase with lv.) and trigger all allied units Smashes who’re in range!
Cost: 4
Unit Icon SP.png

SR Medals

R Medals


JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! (Android/iOS)

Creating LifeReal FrogResolve to Open a PathNever-Ending RequiemGiorno's SoulResolve to Outshine Morning SunGolden Requiem
Creating Life ver.
Rarity: PPPGR.png
Max Power: 1620 (Lvl 50) / 2820 (Lvl 80)
Skill: Gold Experience
Replaces Panels in a vertical line with Giorno panels
Skill Lv 1
# of Replaced Panels: 8
Cooldown: 85
Skill Lv 2
# of Replaced Panels: 12
Cooldown: 85
Skill Lv 3
# of Replaced Panels: 12
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 4
# of Replaced Panels: 16
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 5
# of Replaced Panels: 16
Cooldown: 75
Type: EX
Availability: Awakening
Date: July 28, 2020 - September 2, 2021

Creating Life ver.
Cost: 0
For every 40 Giorno panels erased, replaces two random panels with Box panels.
Real Frog ver.
Rarity: PPPGR.pngPPPLimited.png
Max Power: 919 (Lvl 50) / 1699 (Lvl 80)
Skill: Gold Experience
Replaces panels in a vertical line with Giorno panels
Skill Lv 1
# of Replaced Panels: 8
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 2
# of Replaced Panels: 10
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 3
# of Replaced Panels: 10
Cooldown: 75
Type: EX
Availability: Awakening
Date: July 28, 2020 - September 2, 2021

Real Frog ver.
Cost: 0
For every 40 Giorno panels erased, replaces two random panels with Frog panels.
Skill: Muda Muda Muda Muda
Replaces panels in a horizontal line with Giorno panels. Panels that were originally Block panels or Giorno panels become enhanced Giorno panels
Skill Lv 1
# of Replaced Panels: 8
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 2
# of Replaced Panels: 12
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 3
# of Replaced Panels: 12
Cooldown: 75
Skill Lv 4
# of Replaced Panels: 16
Cooldown: 75
Skill Lv 5
# of Replaced Panels: 16
Cooldown: 70
Type: EX
Availability: Awakening
Date: December 14, 2020 - September 2, 2021

Resolve to Open a Path ver.
Cost: 0
Every time 300,000+ Stand Up damage is done, Partner Skill Gauge accumulates 10% (up to 5 times per battle).
Never-Ending Requiem ver.
Rarity: PPPGR.pngPPPFestivalLimited.png
Max Power: 1738 (Lvl 50) / 2998 (Lvl 80)
Skill: Gold Experience Requiem
Erases all connected panels. The skill will activate again if you connect a certain number of Giorno panels. In the end, places as many enhanced Block panels per times the skill was activated. The Skill Gauge increase during the activation is 0.75
Skill Lv 1
Effect Duration (in seconds): 2
Cooldown: 105
Skill Lv 2
Effect Duration (in seconds): 3
Cooldown: 105
Skill Lv 3
Effect Duration (in seconds): 3
Cooldown: 90
Skill Lv 4
Effect Duration (in seconds): 4
Cooldown: 90
Skill Lv 5
Effect Duration (in seconds): 4
Cooldown: 75
Type: EX
Availability: Awakening
Date: January, 2021 - September 2, 2021

Never-ending Requiem ver.
Cost: 0
After clearing 50 Giorno Panels, replaces a random Panel with a Giorno Box Panel.
Skill: If you control the arrow, everything will end!
Enhances panels in the middle. For every six partner panels, the enhancing range is increased. The maximum number of panels enhanced depends on the Skill Lv.
Skill Lv 1
# of Enhanced Panels: 9
Cooldown: 70
Skill Lv 2
# of Enhanced Panels: 12
Cooldown: 70
Skill Lv 3
# of Enhanced Panels: 12
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 4
# of Enhanced Panels: 15
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 5
# of Enhanced Panels: 15
Cooldown: 50
Narancia (Giorno)
Type: EX
Availability: Awakening
Date: August 26, 2020 - September 2, 2021

Giorno's Soul ver.
Cost: 0
After 3 Stand Up times, replaces 3 random panels, excluding partner panels, with partner box panels.
Skill: We don't know unless we try!
Prioritizing Block panels, randomly erases panels and then changes the column above the erased panels to Giorno & Mista panels. Erasing Block panels increases the damage and replaces them with enhanced Giorno & Mista panels.
Skill Lv 1
# of Erased Panels: 2
Cooldown: 90
Skill Lv 2
# of Erased Panels: 3
Cooldown: 90
Skill Lv 3
# of Erased Panels: 3
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 4
# of Erased Panels: 4
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 5
# of Erased Panels: 4
Cooldown: 70
Giorno & Mista
Type: EX
Availability: Awakening
Date: October 9, 2020 - September 2, 2021

Resolve to Outshine Sun ver.
Cost: 0
After using Skill twice, random panel (excluding Giorno & Mista) is replaced with Giorno & Mista box panel.
Skill: Revert Willpower to Zero
Enters a special Stand Up, creating Block Panels in top left and right that disappear after a certain amount of time.

During the Stand Up, if you match the entire area in the red frame with the same colored panels, the skill will activate again up to 4 times at the end of Stand Up. Stand Up damage is increased each time.
Skill Lv 1
Time of Effect (%): 20
Cooldown: 100
Skill Lv 2
Time of Effect (%): 30
Cooldown: 100
Skill Lv 3
Time of Effect (%): 30
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 4
Time of Effect (%): 50
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 5
Time of Effect (%): 50
Cooldown: 60
Type: EX
Availability: Awakening
Date: April 9, 2021 - September 2, 2021

Golden Requiem ver.
Cost: 0
For every 3 3x3 or bigger, replaces random normal panel with Enhanced Box Panel after Stand Up.

Jump Ultimate Stars (DS)

Giorno appears as both a support and help Koma-character, and is also the only representative character from Part 5 to appear in the game.

His supports use Gold Experience (2-Koma) or Gold Experience Requiem (3-Koma) to attack with his "MUDAMUDAMUDA!!!" and his help Koma boosts the special attack gauge recovery when blocking or attacking with a support character.

He's one of the 3 characters who serves as an ally boost to DIO (along with Jonathan and Taizou from Taizou Mote King manga series).

Last Survivor (Arcade)

Giorno was one of the characters first confirmed during the game's announcement.

Giorno Giovanna
Skill Name
Release Level
Muda Rush
R2 (Repeat)
Consecutive Normal Punches.
R1 (Hold)
Creates a tree at your feet, lifting you upwards.
Parts Maker
X (Hold)
Restores partner's health. (Tag-team battle only)
Stand ON (Summon Stand)
L2 (Hold)
Stand remains out. Increases attack speed.
Gold E. Requiem
Disables all attacks against you for a period of time (about 6 seconds). Can be used up to 2 times per game.
Level 4

Character Difficulty: ★ ☆ ☆
Type: Short-Range


Giorno is a playable DLC character in Jump Force along with Jotaro and DIO. He was leaked on November 5, 2020 with Yoruichi Shihoin from Bleach. Later, Bandai Namco officially revealed him on April 7.

  • MUDAAAAA!: Gold Experience Requiem does a volley punches on the opponent if the button is held down the barrage will continue for longer before preforming a left hook, it is possible to activate up to 3 rush sets by consuming the skill gauge.
  • Send Their Attack Right Back: Giorno plants a tree under himself, if the attack is done again another tree will appear under the opponent
  • Ability to Produce Life: Giorno creates a body part for himself giving him back some health
  • YOU SHALL NEVER REACH YOUR DESTINATION…: Giorno does a volley of punches with Gold Experience Requiem before finishing with a right punch to the opponents jaw. This attack locks the character for the rest of the round.

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