Stone Ocean - Episódio 3

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Template:Episode box/pt-br The Visitor, Part 1 (面会人 その①, Menkainin Sono 1)[1] is the third episode of Stone Ocean and the one-hundred-fifty-fifth episode of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure anime. The episode covers from chapter 10 to chapter 13 and a scene from chapter 75 of the original manga.

Jolyne acclimates to prison, but a mysterious boy delivers an ominous message before Jolyne receives a visit from her father and an enemy Stand user.


Jolyne começa a entender os limites de sua habilidade. Quando desenrolado em fios, Stone Free pode viajar para longe, mas fica fraco e é facilmente danificado; quando amontoado em um só lugar, ele forma um corpo com um alcance de dois metros mas com uma força muito melhor. No entanto, ele não é forte o suficiente para quebrar as barras da prisão.

Nos telefones da prisão, Jolyne espera para fazer uma ligação. Uma detenta pede por um dólar para que ela continue sua chamada, e Jolyne atende o pedido. Quando ela tenta se aproximar de um telefone vazio, ela é empurrada para trás por outra detenta. Ela é dita que os telefones são reservados, e que ela terá de esprar um mês antes de poder usar um. Gwess chega perto dela, mas Jolyne prefere não se envolver. Gwess a avisa sobre dar dinheiro aos outros, e diz que dar até mesmo um dólar é o suficiente para sujar a reputação de Jolyne.

Na biblioteca da prisão, Jolyne confronta a detenta por seu dólar e ela reage defensivamente. Após mais dinheiro ser pedida a Jolyne, ela vai ao banheiro. Ela usa o Stone Free para discretamente alimentar a detenta com os restos de uma moda esmagada derramada em sua bebida. A detenta de repente fica com uma dor de barriga terrível, e corre ao banheiro mas Jolyne, não podendo entrar pois Jolyne está lá dentro. A detenta oferece devolver o dólar emprestado a Jolyne em troca do banheiro, mas Jolyne recusa. A detenta aumenta sua oferta, oferecendo dez dólares, então Jolyne aceita. Jolyne pega o dinheiro e ajuda uma detenta tímida a também conseguir seu dinheiro de volta. Enquanto ela sai, Jolyne vê uma bola de beisebol rolar por ali, assim como um garoto em um uniforme de beisebol indo atrás dela. O garoto lhe avisa que "algo pior que a morte" acontecerá. Jolyne olha para outro lugar por um momento, e o menino some. Enquanto Jolyne se pergunta como um garoto poderia ter entrado na prisão, um guarda acerta sua mão com seu cassetete por segurar as barras.

Um detento cego termina de tomar banho. Enquanto ele sai do banheiro, um guarda lhe informa da chegada de um visitante. O detento dá dinheiro ao guarda enquanto ele sai, e o guarda comenta que suas calças estão ao contrário.

Mais tarde na cafeteria, o guarda que bateu em Jolyne pede desculpas enquanto pondo suas algemas nela. Ele a conta sobre a chegada de um visitante. Depois de algemá-la, o guarda leva Jolyne ao centro de visitas e explica as regras, dizendo para ela esperar ali até o visitante ficar pronto. De repente, o menino que havia avisado Jolyne mais cedo pega em seu braço, estendendo sua mão de dentro do lixo. Ele a avisa novamente para não se encontrar com o visitante. Jolyne fica confusa, e se recusa a aceitar seu aviso. Entendendo que ela não mudará de ideia, o menino dá a ela um osso estranho, dizendo para ela não soltá-lo.

Jolyne entra na sala com o visitante e vê um homem alto em roupas escuras. O homem se vira, revelando ser otaro Kujo, o pai de Jolyne. Acontece um flashback de quando Jolyne tinha 14 anos de idade. Ela está sendo presa por roubar uma carteira e um carro assim como agressão. A mãe de Jolyne fala com a polícia sobre deixar Jolyne ir e eles decidem não acusá-la por causa de sua idade. A mãe de Jolyne liga para Jotaro no celular mas ele diz que está indo para Tóquio e não poderá vir. Jolyne pensa ter vito seu pai se aproximando dela, mas era apenas um homem vestido parecido com ele.

Back in the present, Jotaro asks his daughter about the pendant he gave her. Angered at the thought of Jotaro acting like a father, Jolyne knocks the guard unconscious, saying that she'd rather receive disciplinary action than see him. Jotaro shows her a picture of the blind prisoner, Johngalli A.. He tells his daughter that it was Johngalli who set up the car accident that sent her to prison. He explains that a henchman of Johngalli threw a hitchhiker in front of their car, then hired a lawyer to trick Jolyne into an invalid plea deal. After Jolyne takes her frustrations out on the unconscious guard, she asks why Johngalli would target her.

Jotaro explains that Johngalli A. was a loyal follower of an old enemy of his, and that Johngalli imprisoned Jolyne to get his revenge on the Joestar bloodline. Jotaro can tell that Jolyne had developed a Stand, and tells her to use it to escape the prison. Jolyne tells Jotaro she doesn't consider him a father to her, and says that she won't work with him. She walks towards the door headed back towards the prison, stating that she will escape by herself without Jotaro's help.

Jotaro notices there is a fresh cigarette on the table, but it doesn't match the ones in the guard's pocket. Jolyne, ignoring him, continues to the door. Suddenly, a bullet wounds her chest. Jotaro summons Star Platinum and uses it to stop time. He approaches his daughter, observing that she used Stone Free to create a string net on her chest. The net dispersed the power of the bullet, similar to a bullet proof vest, and allowed her to survive.

The pressure from the bullet sends Jolyne flying back into a table. Jotaro warns her to stay away from the door, explaining the sniper must have been waiting for a chance to kill them. Believing the sniper is using a Stand to somehow sense their movement and location, he explains how Johngalli A. could sneak a silenced sniper rifle into the prison.

Jotaro looks outside to see Johngalli A.'s Stand, Manhattan Transfer, gliding outside the room. The Stand appears to dance around in the air. Jotaro warns his daughter not to do anything, but she tries to launch a string at it. It dodges, causing Jolyne to realize that it reacts to air currents.

As they watch the Stand, the prison guard Jolyne had knocked out wakes up and tries to attack her. She tries to warn the guard of the danger, but the guard is too enraged to listen. Jotaro steps in front of Jolyne to knock away the guard, but is too late as Johngalli's bullet pierces his shoulder. Jolyne looks at her father in shock.


Blonde Bully
(1st appearance)
Bullied Prisoner
(1st appearance)
Emporio Alnino
(1st appearance)
Prison Visit Guard
(1st appearance)
Johngalli A.
(1st appearance)
Jolyne's Mother
Romeo Jisso
Corrupt Lawyer
Dio Brando


Script (脚本)
小林 靖子
Storyboard (絵コンテ)
吉田 泰三
Diretor do Episódio (演出)
Kunihiro Mori
森 邦宏
Diretor da Animação (作画監督)
Takashi Muratani
Eri Kojima
Ryo Kobayashi
Satoru Kobayashi
Tetsuro Taira
Mayu Fujimoto
村谷 貴志
小島 えり
小林 亮
小林 理
平良 哲朗
藤本 真由
Stand Gimmick Supervisor
石本 峻一
Diretor-chefe da Animação (総作画監督)
筱 雅律
Diretor Assistente da Animação (作画監督補)
Kentaro Ishikawa
Kazunori Shibata
石川 健太郎
柴田 和紀
Diretor Mecânico da Animação (メカ作画監督)
宝谷 幸稔
Animação Chave (原画)
Takeshi Morita
Kentaro Ishikawa
Kouki Tomiyoshi
Yasuhiro Saiki
Nobuyuki Furukawa
Sachiko Mori
Yui Okano
Takeshi Moriyama
Rie Arakawa
Yumika Ichimura
Saki Ishimoto
ukiko Watabe
Shiori Nakasone
Hideaki Tsukioka
Kenichi Umemoto
Akira Teramoto
Yoko Komaki
Katsuji Matsumoto
森田 岳士
石川 健太郎
冨吉 幸希
才木 康寛
古川 信之
森 幸子
岡野 結
森山 剛史
荒川 理恵
市村 友美佳
石本 沙綺
渡部 由紀子
中曽根 詩織
月岡 英明
梅本 賢一
寺本 彰
小牧 容子
松本 勝次
2ª Animação Chave (第二原画)
David Production
Masashi Yamada
Yuta Shinohara
Sakura Shiba
Mina Inagaki
Misa Itabashi
Cobos Rai
Eri Kamata
Shuna Fukushima
Mio Morishita
Ryo Nekoyanagi
Rie Ishiwatari
山田 まさし
篠原 佑太
柴 さくら
稲垣 美奈
板橋 美沙
Cobos Rai
鎌田 英理
福島 珠奈
森下 みお
猫柳 椋
石渡 理衣

Misaki Imanishi
Sakuya Abe
Rina Miyamoto
Kazuki Takenaga
Hiroko Morikawa
Kaichi Baba
Reina Aoyama
Atori Ozawa
Tae Inotsume
Miyuki Kawano
今西 美沙季
阿部 咲夜
宮本 莉奈
武永 一輝
森川 寛子
馬場 海地
青山 澪奈
尾沢 あとり
猪爪 多恵
河野 美由紀

Liden Films Kyoto (ライデンフィルム京都)

Akiko Fujiwara
Hayato Sakota
Mei Yasuhara
Nozomi Kuretani
Asuka Sakakibara
Nanami Fujii
藤原 明子
迫田 羽也人
安原 萌
紅谷 希
榊原 あす伽
藤井 七海

Asahi Production (旭プロダクション)

Mari Aizawa
Etsuko Kimura
Ayane Murayama
Zon Ten
Ririka Yamazaki
相澤 芙莉
木村 悦子
村山 綾音
ゾン テン
山﨑 理璃花
Inspeção de Animação Intermediária (動画チェック)
David Production
Yuri Kiuchi
Haruka Watanabe
Kyoka Nanji
木内 佑里
渡邉 はるか
南治 京花
Animação Intermediária (動画)
David Production
Daichi ​Imai
Satsuki Mizoguchi
Yuta Hasegawa
Shingo Noguchi
Sakiho Yajima
今井 大地
溝口 さつき
長谷川 雄太​
野囗 真吾
矢島 幸歩

Asahi Production (旭プロダクション)

Aki Nishimura
Gaiki Honda
Huan Wang
西村 旺
本田 亥輝
王 歓

Asahi Production Shiroishi Studio
(旭プロダクション 白石スタジオ)

Yukina Saito
Hinako Suzuki
Chisato Suzuki
齋藤 雪奈
鈴木 日菜子
鈴木 知里
Wao World (ワオワールド)
Masahiko Adachi
Terumi Hattori
安逹 晶彦
服部 照美
Hideyuki Iwatachi
Choju Inami
岩立 秀之
伊南 寵樹

Studio Gimlet
Triple A
Studio CL
Triple A
Cooperador de Design (デザイン協力)
Eita Toshima
Eri Kojima
豊島 英太
小島 えり
IKIF+, Inc.
IKIF+, Inc.
CG Animator
Hiroyuki Sato
Kiyoshi Hara
Kengo Nakatani
Yudai Ueno
Akira Suzuki
佐藤 博行
原 聖
中谷 謙吾
上野 雄大
鈴木 朗
Ilustração de Eyecatch (アイキャッチ原画)
石本 峻一


Stone Ocean Episode 3: The Visitor, Part 1
Começo Fim Título OST Descrição

Explanation of Stone Free
The rules of the phone booths
Gwess tells Jolyne to assert herself
The blonde girl tries to bully Jolyne
Jolyne spikes the bully's coffee
Emporio warns Jolyne
Johngalli A. learns about Jotaro's visit
Jolyne going to the visiting room/Emporio's second warning
The Fate Which Still Remains
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Morning Morioh Cho~
Jotaro Kujo appears
Jolyne flashback/Jolyne hitting the guard
Jotaro explaining Johngalli A.'s plan
Johngalli A.'s grudge/Jotaro plan on breaking Jolyne out
Something is wrong?
Jolyne is shot
Discussing how Johngalli A. could have a sniper rifle/Manhattan Transfer appears
Distant Dreamer
Distant Dreamer

Diferenças entre Mangá/Anime

  • Removed Gwess saying that she'll be like a servant to Jolyne and that she came to check up on her because she was worried.
  • Changed the book the blonde prisoner was reading from Le Comte de Monte-Cristo to "Artemis's Angels", a reference to Apollo's Angels by Jennifer Homans.
  • Changed the books that two other prisoners were reading.
  • Removed the blonde prisoner trying to call the guard to open the gate so she could leave when Jolyne first refuses to get out of the washroom.
  • Removed Gwess and the other prisoners looking alert after Jolyne is attacked by a guard.
  • Removed Jolyne yelling in her head about who the kid she saw was before she passes out.
  • Moved Johngalli A.'s introduction to be earlier.
  • Removed scene of male prisoners playing cards outside when the wind starts picking up and blows their cards away. The prisoners try picking up all the cards while Johngalli mutters to himself about what's happening outside.
  • Added scene of Johngalli handing over his $10 bill to the guard.
  • Shortened the visitation rules explained by the guard. Removed him mentioning the reason for kisses and undressing being forbidden is due to prisoners possibly being able to exchange objects if they do so. He also doesn't mention that conversations are recorded.
  • Added scene of the guard telling Jolyne to stop dawdling and to get in the room.
  • Moved the flashback from SO Chapter 75 of 14-year-old Jolyne to show now. However, it doesn't show the beginning where Jolyne is framed by a boy's father for stealing the kid's wallet and their car.
  • Removed Jotaro mentioning that Jolyne's lawyer could spin the law anyway he wants and that since Jolyne already has a charge for vehicle theft, it was easy to pin another crime on top of that.
  • Added scene of Jotaro telling Jolyne to sit down. In the manga, they're standing the whole time but are sitting when the illusion takes place.
  • Added Jolyne saying she doesn't understand and thought Jotaro was just a marine biologist.
  • Added Jolyne being surprised when Jotaro mentions Stands and realizing that Jotaro has one too.
  • Removed Jolyne saying that Jotaro always mentions something bad every time they meet, like that he will be getting divorced with her mom.
  • Added scene of Jolyne standing up and then realizing her handcuffs disappeared.
  • Added scene of water dropping before Jotaro realizes that a cigarette has suddenly been lit.
  • Changed Jotaro asking Jolyne who was smoking and Jolyne saying she doesn't smoke to Jotaro realizing the brand was different in his head.
  • Changed Jotaro saying "Star Platinum" to "Star Platinum: The World".
  • Removed Star Platinum flicking away the bullet from Jolyne's string net and Jotaro being impressed that she was quickly able to create it.
  • Removed Jotaro ordering Jolyne to put out the cigarette since he thinks Johngalli was using it to track Jolyne's movements. Jolyne yells at him to stop acting so high and mighty and then puts it out.
  • Jotaro saying that Jolyne survived due to coincidence and good fortune is moved. He only says it after they see Manhattan Transfer.
  • Removed Jotaro saying that they can't predict the timing of Johngalli's next shot, especially if he has a silencer on his gun. Instead, Jotaro says Johngalli A. is undoubtedly a Stand user.
  • Removed Jotaro thinking that his Star Platinum can stop time for two seconds and wondering when he should stop time next.
  • The scene of Jolyne asking Jotaro if he knows what the bone that Emporio gave her is has been moved to occur later instead (SO Episode 5).
  • Removed Jotaro stopping time when he tries to protect Jolyne and commenting to himself that he was too late.


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