Jean Pierre Polnareff ★ História

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Um resumo cronológico detalhado da vida de Jean Pierre Polnareff.


Jean Pierre Polnareff nasceu no interior francês, um usuário de Stand de nascença, embora ele não fosse perceber sua habilidade até um tempo mais tarde. Sua mãe morreu quando ele ainda era jovem,[1] o deixando sozinho com sua irmã Sherry. Polnareff perderia sua irmã, três anos antes dos eventos de Stardust Crusaders, sua irmã foi emboscada, estuprada e assassinada por J. Geil. Para vingá-la, Polnareff viaja pelo mundo e para encontrá-lo mas não sabe nada sobre ele fora o fato dele ter duas mãos direitas. Polnareff treinou extensivamente com seu Silver Chariot para se tornar um forte usuário de Stand.[2][3]

Seus poderes de Stand atraem DIO, que usou o Stand de Jonathan Joestar para prometer a ele uma visão do assassino de Sherry. DIO também plantou um de seus brotos de carne em Polnareff, o tornando um de seus servos.

Stardust Crusaders (1988)

Silver Chariot

Polnareff, usuário do Stand do Carro, confronta os heróis

Polnareff aparece pela primeira vez em Hong Kong. Abordando o grupo Joestar em um restaurante fingindo ser um turista, ele logo revela seus planos de atacar os Joestars, invocando seu Stand, Silver Chariot, e desafia Muhammad Avdol como sua primeira vítima. Polnareff revela quem ele é e mostra a grande habilidade de esgrima do Silver Chariot ao espetar cinco moedas lançadas no ar e cinco chamas em um só movimento. Avdol responde ao remotamente comandar as chamas para desintegrar uma mesa. Polnareff convida o grupo para o Tiger Balm Garden, um dos famosos pontos turísticos de Hong Kong onde um espaço aberto permitirá que o Magician's Red lute com todo seu potencial e torne a vitória de Polnareff ainda mais honrosa.

Silver Chariot vs. Magician's Red

Polnareff e Avdol começam sua batalha. Certo de sua vitória, Polnareff esculpe uma estátua do Magician's Red enquanto refletindo as chamas em uma pedra. Avdol usa uma técnica especial: o Cross Fire Hurricane. Magician's Red lança um ankh gigante de chamas que Polnareff facilmente reflete de volta para o Stand e o corta em dois. No entanto, Avdol enganou Polnareff com a estátua que o francês havia feito anteriormente e lança um segundo Cross Fire Hurricane. Polnareff continua ileso já que a armadura do Silver Chariot protegeu o Stand.

Tirando sua armadura, o Silver Chariot agora fica extremamente rápido, ao ponto de criar pós-imagens. O Magician's Red ataca novamente mas apenas consegue acertar o chão. Avdol então decide usar outra técnica: o Cross Fire Hurricane Especial ccom o Magician's Red disparando 6 ankhs de fogo. O Silver Chariot está pronto para se proteger mas é derrotado pelo ataque verdadeiro por baixo de Polnareff. Polnareff é derrotado e coberto por chamas, e Avdol o joga uma adaga para que ele possa matar a si mesmo em vez de sofrer. Surpreendentemente, Polnareff não tenta atacar Avdol com a adaga. Impressionado, Avdol cancela as chamas e o grupo Joestar decide salvá-lo. Jotaro então descobre o broto de carne em sua testa e o extrai.

No Mar

Main article: Strength (story arc)

Polnareff revela que ele está buscando o homem que matou sua irmã e decide acompanhar o grupo Joestar por enquanto. O grupo decide tomar a rota marítima e usar um barco tripulado por homens da Fundação Speedwagon. Os tripulantes encontram uma passageira clandestina que cai no mar infestado por tubarões sem querer e é salva por Jotaro. Entretanto, um Stand inimigo aparece das profundezas para atacar Jotaro e a garota é apenas salva graças ao Hierophant Green. O grupo se pergunta se a garota que Jotaro salvou é uma inimiga, mas Jotaro desmascara o capitão Tennille como um impostor. Jotaro é arrastado para baixo d'água e Polnareff e os outros testemunham a luta de Jotaro contra o Capitão Tennille Impostor e o Dark Blue Moon. Embora o inimigo seja derrotado, o capitão falso sabootu o barco e todos são obrigados a evacuar.

Strength aparece

Presos em um bote salva vidas, o grupo, e a passageira, Anne, logo se deparam com um navio misterioso. O navio é quase vazio exceto por um orangotango. O primata se revela ser um usuário de Stand cujo Stand é o próprio navio, Strength. Polnareff é preso quando todos os componentes do navio atacam o grupo mas Jotaro consegue derrotar o inimigo. O grupo Joestar e Anne são os únicos sobreviventes.


O grupo Joestar é finalmente resgatado e chega à Singapura. Logo após eles chegarem, um policial confunde o saco de Polnareff com lixo e tenta multá-lo. Por simpatia, o grupo também convida a garota para ficar no hotel até que seu pai supostamente venha buscá-la. O grupo chega ao hotel e Polnareff fica com um quarto só para ele. Assim que ele chega ele vê garrafas largadas no chão e fala para seu inimigo sair de dentro da geladeira. O novo inimigo se apresenta como Devo o Amaldiçoado e invoca seu Ebony Devil, mas o Silver Chariot de Polnareff consegue acertar Devo algumas vezes, forçando o usuário de Stand inimigo a fugir enquanto xingando o francês.

Polnareff lutando com o boneco do Ebony Devil

Nesse momento, o poder verdadeiro do Ebony Devil é ativado. Algo corta o tornozelo de Polanreff. Polnareff liga para o quarto de Avdol para contar a ele o que aconteceu e então liga para o serviço de quarto para pedir por um kit de primeiros socorros. Depois dele trocar um boneco estraho que devia ter caído no chão durante a luta, Polnareff nota que ele se enfaixou com uma cueca suja. Polnareff procura por suas chaves e estranhamente as encontra de baixo da cama. Rastejando em baixo dela para pegar as chaves, Polnareff ouve barulhos suspeitos. De repente, suas mãos e pés são amarrados a cama, xampu é jogado em seus olhos e as pernas da cama são cortadas, o prendendo. É revelado que o Ebony Devil, movido pelo novo ódio de Devo por Polnareff, possuiu um boneco estrategicamente posto no quarto.

Cegado, o Silver Chariot de Polanreff não pode lutar contra o boneco. O boneco morde um pedaço de seu pescoço e na confusão, o Silver Chariot quebra um espelho. O boneco derrama álcool na parte de baixo da cama e se prepara para jogar um secador de cabelo quebrado na poça para eletrocutar Polnareff até a morte mas ele acerta o boneco na cabeça, tendo quebrado o espelho para ver acima da cama com os estilhaços. Polnareff estraçalha o boneco, matando Devo no processo. Ironicamente, um Polnareff exausto se junta ao resto do grupo, que o repreende por ter chego tarde à sua discussão sobre como derrotar defeat Devo.

Mais tarde, Jotaro descobre através de Rubber Soul que o homem que matou a irmã de Polnareff está por perto e que sua habilidade envolve espelhos.

Emperor e Hanged Man

Hanged Man se revela a Polnareff

Quando o grupo chega em Calcutá, Polnareff é um dos mais afetados pelo choque de cultura. Em um restaurante, ele notavelmente descobre um porco saíndo de uma privada que ele estava prestes a usar. Logo depois, Polnareff é atacado por um Stand vindo de um espelho: o Hanged Man. Ele quebra o espelho e informa seus companheiros a respeito do inimigo, mas decide abandonar o grupo e ir atrás do assassino de sua irmã sozinho. Uma disputa com Avdol começa quando ele aconselha que ele não saia sozinho, mas Polnareff o chama de covarde esai de qualquer jeito.

Polnareff pergunta aos locais sobre um homem com duas mãos direitas mas acaba encontrando outro inimigo. Hol Horse, um pistoleiro, revela seu Stand Emperor e atira em Polnareff. O Emperor permite que Hol Horse controle as balas e Polnareff é quase baleado na cabeça, mas Avdol de repente aparece para empurrá-lo para fora do caminho da bala. Avdol repreende Polnareff novamente mas o Hanged Man e Hol Horse usam um ataque combinado para matar Avdol com um tiro na cabeça. Polnareff fica devastado.

Polnareff se vinga de J. Geil

Noriaki Kakyoin chega e presencia a morte de Avdol. Provocado pelo Hanged Man, Polnareff ataca sem sucesso e Hol Horse dispara outra bala. No entanto, Kakyoin lhe salva e a dupla dirigem para longe em uma caminhonete, seguidos pelo Hanged Man. Lá, Polnareff se desculpa por seu comportamento e Kakyoin lhe dá uma cotovelada no rosto como símbolo de seu perdão. O Stand inimigo força a caminhonete em que eles estão a capotr mas Polnareff descobre seu segredo: O Hanged Man é um Stand de luz que se esconde em superfícies refletivas, viajando entre as superfícies refletivas na velocidade da luz. Quando um garoto chega e pergunta se os dois estão bem, o Hanged Man fica prestes a atacar pelos olhos do garoto. Porém, Polnareff chuta areia nos olhos do menino, o forçando a fechá-los e o Hanged Man a viajar para seu próprio olho. Além disso, o Silver Chariot consegue cortar o Hanged Man enquanto ele viajava pelo ar, ferindo J. Geil. Polnareff e Kakyoin ouvem um grito de dor e vão direção da fonte, certos de que encontrarão o inimigo. No entanto, J. Geil os embosca com uma isca e atrai uma multidão de mendigos, dando a ele vários pontos dos quais atacar com o Hanged Man. Kakyoin resolve a situação ao jogar uma moeda para o alto enquanto Polnareff chuta areia nos olhos dos mendigos, forçando o Hanged Man a ir para a moeda. O Silver Chariot o corta uam segunda vez e J. Geil é derrotado. Como vingança, Polnareff o corta várias vezes e o lança voando para cima de uma grade, o deixando de cabeça para baixo.


Nena engana Polnareff em Benares

Polnareff e Kakyoin são confrontados por Hol Horse e eles lhe informam da morte de J. Geil. O pistoleiro logo entende que ele precisa correr e vai embora assim que Jotaro e Joseph chegam, uma jovem chamada Nena que está apaixonada por Hol Horse pula em Joseph e deixa Hol Horse fugir.

O grupo viaja até Varanasi com Nena junto deles. Na verdade, Nena também é uma usuária de Stand inimiga. Enquanto Joseph é atacado pelo Empress, Polnareff é distraído por Nena que finge estar apaixonada por ele. Quando Joseph finalmente derrota o Empress, Nena revela sua forma verdadeira como uma mulher feia que estava usando a pele de uma jovem garota, chocando Polnareff.

Wheel of Fortune

The Joestar Group flees Varanasi and make its way toward Pakistan on a car. On the road, they pick up the same runaway girl who was with them at sea. Soon, the group crosses path with another car with an unseen and aggressive driver. Because of it, they almost crash into a truck, only for Star Platinum to throw the car above it. The group decides to follow the enemy. In a roadside cafe name Cafe Marhaba, the group sees that the enemy car is parked nearby. Jotaro, Joseph and Polnareff decide to rough up the clients to discover the enemy, but they have already left with the car. The group is lured toward a cliff with the enemy car appearing from behind and pushing the heroes to their death. Polnareff notably tells the group to leave the car but releases the brakes, allowing their car to be pushed down. Thankfully, Jotaro and Kakyoin combine their abilities to save the group. However, it is revealed that the car is the Stand Wheel of Fortune, which comes back from the bottom of the cliff to attack. Wheel of Fortune uses an invisible attack that wounds Jotaro and the group decides to retreat further up. It is revealed that the car is shooting drops of gas at high pressure the driver lights the gas, setting Jotaro on fire. However, Jotaro digs a tunnel to fake his death and flanks the car. He swiftly defeats the enemy Stand User. The heroes leave ZZ, the driver, tied up.


Polnareff tenta conversar com a Velha Enya

After leaving the runaway girl on a plane back to Hong Kong, the group travels to Pakistan. They enter a foggy village, in which Polnareff, along with his companions, are unnerved by the strange inhabitants. They decide to rest there for the night and an amiable old woman invites them to her hotel. The woman is in reality Enya the Hag, one of DIO's followers. While the group rests in their room, Polnareff goes to the hall and almost surprises Enya trying to kill Hol Horse. Polnareff starts a conversation with Enya and soon infuriates her as he keeps mentioning her family, unaware that he just killed her son J. Geil.

When Hol Horse crawls out from under a couch and warns Polnareff, Enya reveals her true color and also the army of zombies she's gathered from the inhabitants. Terrified, Polnareff runs to safety and locks himself in the bathrooms, expecting the horde of zombies to eventually attack him. Polnareff cannot resist peeking through the keyhole and at this moment, a zombie's tongue lashes out of the hole and wounds his tongue. He's thus controlled by Justice through his tongue. As a first spiteful humiliation, Enya forces Polnareff to clean the bathroom with his tongue. Thankfully, Jotaro arrives and defeats Enya in short order. Hol Horse flees again and Enya is taken prisoner.


Em Karachi, Kakyoin & Polnareff enviam seus Stands para o cérebro de Joseph para lutar contra o Lovers

In Karachi, Steely Dan confronts the group and assassinates Enya. Worse, he sends his Lovers inside of Joseph's brain with some of DIO's cells to make them grow. While Jotaro is forced to stay with Steely Dan, Polnareff, Kakyoin and Joseph retreat. Joseph uses Hermit Purple on a TV set to look inside his brain. Thanks to that, Polnareff and Kakyoin can guide their Silver Chariot and Hierophant Green inside Joseph to reach Lovers. Silver Chariot is technically stronger than Lovers but the enemy Stand uses the cells in the brain to create duplicates of himself. Thankfully, Hierophant Green deploys its tentacles to secretly check every fake and wounds the real Lovers, driving it away. It is Jotaro who finishes off Lovers and defeats Steely Dan.


O grupo encontra o Sun

The Joestar Group reaches Abu Dhabi. Joseph decides to buy camels to cross the desert toward the village of Yabrin, but as they cross the desert, the group notices that the Sun is still up. It reveals itself as a powerful enemy Stand that bombards the heroes with lasers and they must hide under a rock with the scorching heat getting at them. Polnareff is the third to notice the enemy's hiding spot laughs alongside Kakyoin and Jotaro. Jotaro has Star Platinum throw a rock at the enemy and Sun is defeated.

Death Thirteen

Polnareff atacado pelo Death Thirteen

In Yabrin, Kakyoin is attacked by Death Thirteen in his sleep but Polnareff fortunately wakes him before he dies. Kakyoin has forgotten his dream but is clearly nervous. Meanwhile, Joseph has bought a Cessna and accepts to have a sick baby tag along with the group to be delivered to a hospital. In reality, the baby is Mannish Boy, Death Thirteen's user who plans to kill the group in their sleep. Polnareff and Kakyoin sleep again and find themselves in Death Thirteen's nightmare world. In here, Polnareff also learns about the Stand and is almost killed but is woken up to change the baby's diapers. Kakyoin is stuck in the nightmare but struggles so much he disturbs Joseph and causes a crash.

The group has to make camp for the night while rescue arrives. Kakyoin is still affected by his nightmares and suspects that the baby is the enemy. However, Mannish Boy manages to hide his true nature and the group thinks that Kakyoin is having a nervous breakdown. When Kakyoin summons Hierophant Green to attack the baby, Polnareff knocks him out. The whole group falls asleep and is victimized by Death Thirteen. However, Kakyoin reappears with his Stand, as being rendered unconscious with one's Stand out allows one to keep them while dreaming. Kakyoin defeats Death Thirteen and the whole group is saved.


Judgement aparece diante de Polnareff

The group reaches the Red Sea but they first stop by an island where Muhammad Avdol's father lives. Painfully reminded of Avdol's death, Polnareff walks alone on the beach and finds an oil lamp. He rubs it and discovers "Cameo" a genie who will grant him three wishes. Skeptical, Polnareff tells Cameo to make him rich and the Frenchman suddenly discovers a treasure. He is won over and hurriedly tells Cameo to bring back his sister Sherry. The wish turns against him as Sherry reveals herself as a flesh eating zombie. Moreover, Cameo reveals itself as Judgement and also "grants" Polnareff's wish of bringing back Avdol. The two keep attacking Polnareff who cannot bring himself to hurt them.

Suddenly, a second Avdol appears, summons Magician's Red, and defeats the zombie. Avdol reveals that Emperor's bullet merely grazed his skull and that he faked his death in Calcutta to recover in tranquility. Avdol easily defeats Judgement then the pair discover Cameo's hiding spot. They humiliate him and then quickly defeat him.

High Priestess

Polnareff attacked by High Priestess

Polnareff happily presents Avdol to the Joestar Group and is dismayed to learn that everyone already knew about his survival and kept Polnareff out of the secret for fear that he'd inadvertently reveal it. Avdol also reveals a submarine he's bought which will allow the group to reach Egypt undetected. However, in the middle of the underwater journey, the group is attacked by High Priestess. The enemy Stand is extremely nimble and deadly, and it sabotages the submarine, forcing the heroes to evacuate their vessel. High Priestess disguises itself as a regulator and enters Polnareff's mouth but thankfully, Hierophant Green and Hermit Purple pull it out of the Frenchman. The group successfully exits the submarine but High Priestess fuses with the seabed and turns into a giant head that swallows the heroes. Thankfully, Jotaro smashes High Priestess' rock teeth, taking out the User.

When the group reaches the surface, Polnareff goes to check on the enemy user but sees her ravaged face and tells the group to not bother. The heroes have reached Egypt.

Genesis of Universe, Cap. 1

(The Genesis of Universe: Capítulo 1: One-Way Trip from Desert to Hell)
(The italicized information below derives from a Light Novel not written by Araki. As such, it may or may not be considered canon.)
Polnareff was the one to defeat Michal, the wielder of the mirage-creator Stand Dark Mirage. When he finally discovered her location he was afraid of hurting the woman because of his policy of not hurting women, even if it's an enemy. To not hurt Michal, Polnareff ended the battle with a single blow with the back of Silver Chariot's rapier, knocking her out.

"The Fool" Iggy and "Geb" N'Doul

Polnareff and Iggy meet.

The group meets with a helicopter envoy from the Speedwagon Foundation. The crew delivers some supplies but more importantly, bring Iggy, a dog Stand User. The dog jumps on Polnareff's head, tear his hair, and then farts on his face. Enraged, Polnareff sends out Silver Chariot but Iggy also summons his sand Stand, The Fool. The Fool is made of sand and easily neutralizes Silver Chariot. Unbeknownst to them, the group is targeted by N'Doul, another one of DIO's henchmen.

The group finds the Speedwagon helicopter crashed in the desert. Soon N'Doul attacks the heroes with his remote controlled water Stand, Geb. Crouched together, Kakyoin tells Polnareff to attack the canteen from which Geb came out, which offends Polnareff since Kakyoin could do the attacking himself. Geb then suddenly comes from the sand and slashes Kakyoin's eyes. Polnareff is targeted as well, but thankfully, one of the dead pilots' wristwatch rings, distracting Geb which attacks the watch. Carrying his friend Kakyoin, Polnareff is pursued by the enemy Stand which slashes his leg. However, Joseph manages to catch him and Kakyoin with Hermit Purple. Helpless against Geb, Polnareff lets Jotaro and Iggy defeat N'Doul.

"Khnum" Oingo e "Tohth" Boingo

Polnareff unaware that "Jotaro" is an enemy

In Aswan, Polnareff plays a large role during Oingo and Boingo's attempt on the group's lives. He fatefully chooses the café in which he, Joseph and Jotaro will sit while Kakyoin and Avdol are treated by tossing his cigarette on the ground and choose wherever the cigarette points. Polnareff then unintentionally helps Oingo and Boingo as his cigarette starts a fire near another café, dissuading the suspicious group from leaving. While Polnareff, Joseph and Jotaro end up sipping poisoned tea, Iggy causes a scene, making the trio spit everything out and run after him.

Later, Jotaro splits from the group. Joseph and Polnareff surprise Oingo trying to break into their car but Oingo disguises himself as Jotaro, fooling the pair. Polnareff forces Oingo into the car and go to the hospital, cornering Oingo with Jotaro's face and a nearby bomb in an orange threatening to explode. On their way to the hospital, Polnareff keeps prying "Jotaro" about his new clothes and unusual behaviour, and Oingo ultimately manages to escape the car. Polnareff performs a trick when he manages to flip a lit cigarette into him mouth and then tells "Jotaro" to repeat his cigarette trick with five cigarettes. Ultimately, Oingo finds an excuse to get out of the car and runs toward a rock to change back. Polnareff then tosses the bomb out of the car, having been persuaded that it wasn't edible by Oingo. The bomb then lands near Oingo and explodes, taking out the assassin.


Polnareff encounters Chaka

The Joestar Group go up the Nile via boat, unaware that the sword Stand Anubis prepares its attack and possesses an innocent farmer named Chaka. The group stops at the temple of Kom Ombo. Polnareff is accosted by a local who tries to sell him a papyrus but Polnareff tears it apart, aware that papyrus is a stronger material. Polnareff is separated from the group and walks toward the temple of Kom Ombo, followed by Chaka. In the temple itself, the two formally present themselves and begin to fight/ The sword can shift through matter and injures Polnareff, forcing Polnareff to retreat a bit. Chaka hides momentarily only to make a pillar fall on Polnareff while he's perched behind it, ready to strike. Polnareff uses his secret technique: he can shoot Silver Chariot's sword blade from its handle and manages to hit Chaka in the neck, defeating him. Polnareff decides to take the sword and is almost possessed, but the group calls him out, breaking the spell for the time being.

Controlled by Anubis, Polnareff becomes evil.

In Edfu, Polnareff and Jotaro go to a barber's shop. The barber, Khan, is also possessed while Polnareff gets ready to be shaved. Polnareff fights him again but discovers with horror that the sword gets stronger and faster the more it fights someone and that it knows how to counter his secret technique. Jotaro must intervene and defeats Chaka with difficulty. Polnareff tries to sheathe the sword but a policeman tries to confiscate it and Polnareff accidentally grabs the sword and is fully possessed by Anubis. Combining Silver Chariot with Anubis, Polnareff easily gets the better of Star Platinum but Jotaro has baited Anubis into stabbing his stomach. Anubis is immobilized and Jotaro reduces the sword to pieces. One of the bigger shards attempts a last assassination by possessing a nearby child but Iggy accidentally makes the boy trip, sending the sword into the Nile.

"Sethan" Alessi

In Luxor, while Joseph and Avdol are attacked and isolated by Mariah, Polnareff and Jotaro decide to go look for them. The pair is followed by Alessi, another one of DIO's assassins. Polnareff sees Alessi and confronts him alone, testing whether he's a Stand User or not. Alessi sends his shadow Stand, Sethan, towards Polnareff who briefly touches it, but then the assassin runs away.

Reduced to a child, Polnareff is at Alessi's mercy.

Polnareff pursues Alessi but soon notices that he's de-aged into a small boy whom even Jotaro doesn't recognize. Alessi corners Polnareff in an alley but thankfully he was born as a Stand User and thus had Silver Chariot as a child already. Silver Chariot is overpowered by Sethan but the latter breaks Chariot's rapier and accidentally sends the blade into Alessi's shoulder, driving him away. Polnareff then meets a kind woman who mistakes him for a lost child and takes him to her home. Polnareff and the woman go into the bathroom to get cleaned but Alessi reappears and makes the woman disappear.

File:DIO before hoes.png
Polnareff leaves Malèna

Alessi almost drowns Polnareff but the small boy kicks his feces into Alessi's face, making him drop Polnareff in disgust. Polnareff discovers with horror that the woman has been turned into a foetus that will die soon and Alessi comes forward to attack again. The boy takes the foetus and runs away, cornering himself in a small closet. Polnareff cannot escape but engineers his own hiding spot by hiding his head inside a balloon and his body behind a mirror plunged in an aquarium. When Alessi breaks in, Polnareff ambushes him and stabs his nose, making the assassin run and jump down a window; causing Alessi to meet Jotaro.

Jotaro is unaware of Alessi's true nature and despite Polnareff's warnings, is de-aged as well. However, Jotaro pummels Alessi with his own hands. Sethan's power is cancelled, Polnareff and Jotaro are free to summon their respective Stands at full power to finish off Alessi. Afterwards, Polnareff crosses path with the woman again. She senses some familiarity with Polnareff but the Frenchman reluctantly denies knowing her to prevent her from becoming a target. Guessing the situation, Jotaro takes the time to comfort Polnareff.

D'Arby the Gambler

The Joestar Group arrives in Cairo and begins the search for DIO's Mansion. In a cafe of Cairo's outskirts, the group meets a peculiar card sharp man named Daniel J. D'Arby who claims to know about the mansion and asks the group to bet and win it. Frustrated by D'Arby, Polnareff angrily accepts to bet on which of two pieces of dried fish a nearby cat will catch first. Just before the cat sees the fish, D'Arby asks Polnareff to bet his soul and the Frenchman accepts, thinking D'Arby to be mad. Polnareff bets on the bigger piece of fish but he loses. At that moment, D'Arby's Stand, Osiris, appears to steal Polnareff's soul and effectively kills him. Polnareff stays dead until Jotaro manages to defeat D'Arby.

Hol Horse and Boingo

During an assassination attempt, Hol Horse puts his fingers in Polnareff's nose.

In the streets of Cairo, Polnareff senses someone trailing the group and confronts the enemy alone. He discovers Hol Horse and quickly dominates him then asks the gunman where is his partner, as Hol Horse wouldn't dare to fight the group alone. Polnareff notices Boingo's presence but is distracted, allowing Hol Horse to put his fingers in Polnareff's nose, confusing the gunman. Unfortunately for Hol Horse, the rest of the heroes come back toward Polnareff.

Hol Horse hides in a corner behind Polnareff and forces him to act as if nothing's wrong. Polnareff tries to signal the enemy with his tongue, unsuccessfully. Hol Horse discovers the ploy and almost kills Polnareff but the Frenchman sneezes, his nose having been irritated by Hol Horse earlier. Hol Horse is discovered and surrounded but a truck fortunately crashes into the group, taking most of them out. Hol Horse and Boingo hide again and see that Tohth predicts that Jotaro's face will be riddled with bullet at noon. Hol Horse hurriedly shoots into a network of pipes to shoot Jotaro from an unexpected angle, but as Jotaro tries to help Polnareff, the latter sneezes again. Jotaro backs away in disgust and evades the bullets, confusing Hol Horse. At the end, Hol Horse receives his own bullets in the face and is taken out while Iggy angrily defeats Boingo after the boy accidentally kicks a crate into him.

Genesis of Universe, Cap. 2

(The Genesis of Universe: Chapter 2: The Gravestone of Red-Hot Sand)
(The italicized information below derives from a Light Novel not written by Araki. As such, it may or may not be considered canon.)
Polnareff is defeated by The Scribe Ani, who believes him to be dead and leaves his body alone. Polnareff returns to help his friends against the enemy, successfully damaging his Stand Ptah by cooperating with Joseph.

The Gatekeeper of Hell, Pet Shop

In the streets of Cairo, Polnareff clashes with a beggar because he is unknowingly taking his spot. Avdol intervenes on the beggar's behalf and explains how the beggar community is organized. The group decides to ask the beggar to find DIO's Mansion and the latter accepts. Humourously, the beggar reveals he's wearing a suit and has a luxurious car. While the group awaits, Iggy is fighting Pet Shop, the falcon guardian of the mansion.

D'Arby the Player

After Iggy defeats Pet Shop and is saved, the Joestar Group reunites with the dog and Kakyoin. Iggy leads the group directly to DIO's Mansion and they begin their assault on the place. However, they are nearly immediately greeted by Telence T. D'Arby, the butler of the mansion and Daniel J. D'Arby's little brother. D'Arby reveals his Stand, Atum, and demonstrates his prowess by predicting and evading one of Jotaro's attacks. D'Arby then forcibly drag Jotaro, Joseph and Kakyoin into a hole that then disappears, splitting the group in two.

The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice

Polnareff encounters Vanilla Ice's Cream.

Polnareff, Avdol and Iggy wait a few minutes before deciding to enter the mansion. Discovering an impossible labyrinth, Avdol deploys a fire radar to detect a hidden enemy and Iggy swiftly defeats him. The illusion is dispelled, but then Vanilla Ice, one of DIO's most devout followers, ambushes the group. His Stand, Cream, can devour and send anything into a void dimension. Plus, Vanilla Ice can hide inside Cream's mouth and Cream can swallow itself to become an invisible void sphere, making the enemy nearly invincible. Vanilla Ice kills Avdol, who shoves his allies aside, and continues his assault.

Polnareff and Iggy are forced to retreat but are determined to fight, and thus run up to the first floor. Polnareff and Iggy try to trick Vanilla Ice with a DIO made of sand but he sees through the ploy and mortally wounds Iggy. Polnareff retaliates and Vanilla Ice hides in Cream's mouth again, but the Frenchman has the idea of scattering sand around the room to see the foe's position. He manages to ambush Ice and drives Silver Chariot's rapier in his mouth. However, Vanilla Ice refuses to die and threatens to break Silver Chariot's arm. Polnareff must push Ice away and is gravely crippled in the counterattack. He sends Silver Chariot to bring Iggy back to him, but he then notices that Ice is circling around him, shrinking the circle and slowly converging on Polnareff's position. Despite his best efforts, Polnareff is unable to avoid the incoming void sphere and says his goodbye to Iggy.

Polnareff defeating Vanilla

However, Polnareff is actually saved by Iggy, who uses the last of his strength to lift Polnareff to the ceiling with The Fool. Iggy dies but gives Polnareff the opening to fatally wound Vanilla Ice. Ice stands back up but Polnareff has guessed that he's become a Vampire and thus exposes him to the sun to finish him off. Polnareff then briefly sees the spirit of Avdol and Iggy saluting him one last time before ascending to the heavens.

DIO's World

Polnareff once again crosses paths with DIO

On the staircase leading up to the third floor, DIO confronts Polnareff. DIO tries to persuade Polnareff to join his side but Polnareff refuses. As he goes up the stairs to fight DIO, Polnareff suddenly finds himself at the bottom to which an amused DIO suggests that he subconsciously stepped back in fear. Nervous, Polnareff realizes that he's experiencing a glimpse of DIO's power and summons Silver Chariot to attack. In turn, DIO summons his Stand, The World. However, the clash is interrupted as the Joestar Group appears after destroying a wall, letting the sunlight in and making DIO retreat to the shadows.

Polnareff uses the respite to explain what he's experienced to the group. The group then follows Nukesaku up to the top of one of the tower in an empty chamber with a coffin at its center. The heroes force Nukesaku to open the coffin to attack but the Vampire suddenly finds himself in the same coffin, shredded to pieces. Sensing an incoming attack, the group jumps out of the window. As the sun sets, Polnareff disagrees with Joseph's decision to flee DIO until dawn as he wants to avenge Avdol and Iggy. While he leaves alone, Jotaro soon joins him.[4] Polnareff and Jotaro hijack a motorcycle and follow DIO as the Vampire pursues Joseph and Kakyoin.

Jotaro and Polnareff split and the Frenchman lies in ambush. Jotaro and DIO fight, but Jotaro finds himself on the ground, gravely injured and trying play dead. As DIO approaches Jotaro to finish him off, Polnareff jumps down from one of the roofs and Silver Chariot stabs DIO in the head. Unfortunately, the blow lacks the force and precision to hit the brain stem and DIO stops time. DIO then punches Polnareff into a wall and almost finishes him off, forcing Jotaro to nearly ruin his cover in order to save Polnareff.

The Faraway Journey, Farewell Friends

Polnareff leaves after the journey is complete

After DIO is killed, Polnareff parts with Jotaro and Joseph, refusing Joseph's offer to go to the US and instead going back to his motherland, France. The trio hugs a last time, exchanging banters until they go on their separate ways without looking back.

Vento Aureo (2001)

Polnareff encurralado por Diavolo

Antes dos eventos de Vento Aureo, Jotaro e Polnareff descobriram sobre as Flechas e começaram a investigá-las. Polnareff eventualmente foi sozinho à Itália mas suas investigações chamaram a atenção de Diavolo.

Polnareff eventualmente descobriu a respeito de Diavolo mas ele logo o confrontou e facilmente lhe derrotou graças a habilidade do King Crimson. Ele foi jogado de um penhasco e recebeu ferimentos graves, incluindo a perca de um de seus olhos e o movimento de suas pernas.[5] Embora ele houvesse sobrevivido, Polnareff estava incapacitado e não tinha maneira de contatar seus aliados, devido ao fato da Passione controlar os meios de comunicação da Itália. Se escondendo em uma casa numa fazenda local depois disso, certo dia Polnareff derrubou a Flecha em uma pequena brecha. Quando ele usou o Silver Chariot para tentar recuperá-lo, ele descobre sobre o poder que vai além dos Stands quando um toca na Flecha: tudo em um grande raio em volta dele adormece. Antes que ele pudesse perder o controle do Chariot, Polnareff tira a Flecha dele e o reverte de volta para sua forma original.[6]

Pronto! Na Linha

Polnareff nota os esforços da Equipe Bucciarati

Enquanto investigando bancos de dados policiais, Polnareff nota os esforços da Equipe Bucciarati para descobrir quem Diavolo é. Ele imediatamente lhes contata e consegue convencê-los de que ele é um aliado. Falando para eles irem à Roma e encontrar-lo no Coliseu, Polnareff usa a oportunidade para explicar a origem da Flecha e lhes apresenta seu potencial verdadeiro, guardando a exata natureza desse potencial em segredo até que eles se encontrem. Polnaref se esconde no Coliseu e espera pela equipe de Bucciarati.

Polnareff está presente em Roma quando a Equipe Bucciarati luta contra Cioccolata e Secco. Polnareff é mostrado observando a luta entre Bucciarati e Secco, pensando sobre a ironia desses desajustados tentarem salvar o mundo de Diavolo.

Uma Breve História do Passado

Depois de Bruno Bucciarati derrotar Secco, sua condição bizarra permite com que Doppio finja ser Trish e os dois entram no Coliseu sem serem percebidos pelo resto do grupo. Polnareff chama pela dupla do segundo andar e tenta checar se eles são confiáveis, encurralando Doppio quando ele pede para ver o Stand de "Trish". Diavolo age.

Seu Nome é Diavolo

Polnareff nota que o tempo foi pulado e percebe que Diavolo está por perto. O Chefe da Passione confronta seu antigo inimigo. Apesar de ter formulado uma maneira de detectar o poder do King Crimson ao morder seu dedo e observar as gotas de sangue, Diavolo toma cuidado o suficiente para evitar o contra-ataque de Polnareff. Como último recurso, Polnareff perfura o Silver Chariot com a Flecha, na esperança de que ela seria mantida longe de Diavolo.

O Que Há Além da Flecha

Polnareff é empalado pelo King Crimson

Diavolo atravessa seu punho pelo peito de Polnareff e o francês morre, se lembrando de sua aventura no Egito. Enquanto isso, o Chariot Requiem se manifesta completamente e faz com que todos em Roma adormeçam.

O Réquiem Toca Silenciosamente

Graças a habilidade do Chariot Requiem de trocar almas, a alma de Polnareff é transportada para o corpo de Coco Jumbo. Ele contata a Equipe Bucciarati e explica tudo a eles sobre a Flecha e Stands Requiem. Ele também lhes avisa sobre o fato de Diavolo estar trabalhando com outra pessoa. No entanto, é apenas quando Narancia Ghirga morre que ele percebe que Diavolo pode ter uma personalidade dupla, significando que o Chefe compartilha seu corpo com outra alma.

Acompanhando o grupo, Polnareff tenta pegar a Flecha de um Chariot Requiem desmembrado, na esperança de que seu estado sem Stand permitirá que ele toque nele. Em vez disso, o Chariot Requiem começa a perseguir Polnareff para tocá-lo. Embora o Stand o deixe, Polnareff descobre que seu corpo está se transformando em um monstro.

Quando Giorno alega que Diavolo possa estar possuíndo alguém no grupo, Polnareff concorda com a teoria e fala para Giorno fazer a si mesmo sangrar e observar as gotas de sangue e detectar quando o tempo for pulado. Diavolo eventualmente se manifesta e todos correm atrás do Chariot Requiem, deixando Polnareff no corpo da tartaruga para trás.
A alma de Polnareff permanece na sala do Coco Jumbo

Escravos Adormecidos

Depois de todas almas voltarem aos seus devidos corpos, Polnareff permanece no mundo dos vivos ao ficar dentro da sala do Mr.President. Após Giorno coletar a Flecha, Polnareff diz para ele pô-la dentro da tartaruga, aceitando o dever de proteger a Flecha.

É presumido que Polnareff passe seus dias na Passione como um companheiro do novo chefe Giorno Giovanna.

Batalhas Principais

Parte 3

Pré-Parte 5

  • Jean Pierre Polnareff vs Diavolo (1990s)

Parte 5


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