Joshu Higashikata

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Mas eu... nem tenho esse tipo de talento, ou será que tenho...? Mesmo que seja só um pouco... Eu tenho algo, certo?
—Joshu Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 57: Milagroman, Part 2

Joshu Higashikata (東方 常秀, Higashikata Jōshū) é um aliado secundário na oitava parte de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, JoJolion.

Joshu é o terceiro filho mimado dos quatro de Norisuke Higashikata IV que eventualmente se envolve com Josuke Higashikata sem realmente se tornarem amigos. Ele tem uma queda não-correspondida por sua amiga de infância Yasuho Hirose. Joshu eventualmente desperta o Stand, Nut King Call.


Joshu é um adolescente de 18 anos de altura acima da média e um porte médio. Seus olhos são puxados, e em sua primeira aparição, eram curvados em graus quase anormais. Depois de Yasuho passar por uma troca equivalente com ele para recuperar seu braço direito, Joshu perde o seu próprio.

Seu corte de cabelo distintivo é uma cabeça quase careca, com longas e lisas faixas retangulares de cabelo que crescem do centro de seu couro cabeludo e apenas caem na frente e atrás de sua cabeça, o deixando com franjas no nível das sobrancelhas na frente, e totalmente careca nos lados e em baixo; Kaato acredita que seja porque ele dificilmente bebia leite.[1]

Ele veste uma camisa com mangas até os ombros, com um colarinho elevado e uma gravata borboleta. A parte de frente é linhada horizontalmente, e tem duas flechas apontando para cima em seus ombros. Ele veste calças escuras com riscos nelas, e pulseiras grossos.

Desde seu primeiro encontro com Josuke nas Paredes Oculares, Joshu tem marcas de mordida em seu joelho esquerdo.

Esquemas de Cores

A obra é conhecida por sua mudança de cores entre as mídias, a informação apresentada abaixo pode ou não ser canônica.
Mangá ColoridoAll Star BattleEyes of Heaven
Skin(Fair, orange lipstick)
Eyes(Dark Green)
(Mint Green shirt with blue accessories, green wristbands, black pants with golden-yellow slashes.)
(Pink shirt and wristbands with pale pink accessories,brown-red pants with pink slashes.)
Skin(Fair, orange lipstick)
Eyes(Lime Green)
(Green shirt and wristbands with blue accessories, navy pants with yellow slashes.)


Joshu é um colegial de 18 anos e o terceiro filho de Norisuke Higashikata IV. Mimado, boca grande e egoísta, Joshu é o arquétipo de um adolescente mimado.

Uma das características mais prominentes de Joshu é sua desagradabilidade em geral. Ele é rude e desrespeitoso não com seu grupo normal mas também com a maioria das pessoas com quem ele interage. Em geral, Joshu é bastante vulgar e regularmente insulta ou desencoraja aqueles com quem ele interage. Parcialmente por ressentimento, Joshu regularmente xinga Josuke e em certo ponto o ridicularizou por não ter uma família.[2] Ele também tem o hábito de discutir e pregar peças em sua irmã Hato. Quando Hato revela seu namorado pouco atraente, Tamaki Damo à sua família, ele imediatamente ri de Damo[3] e também consistentemente age de maneira grosseira com a visita. Finalmente, quando Kaato Higashikata se revela à sua família, Joshu foi hostil com ela e a humilhou ao desmontar suas roupas, embora isso fosse notavelmente em retaliação por ela ter invadido sua casa e insultado seu cabelo.[1] Yasuho nota que Joshu tem poucas habilidades sociais, o que se torna irônico com sua busca educacional por estudos sociais.

Joshu também tem tendências violentas e é capaz de ignorar a lei por seus próprios interesses. Por exemplo, Joshu pegou uma faca com a intenção de usá-la contra Josuke durante uma disputa após tê-lo estapeado por ter aparentemente roubado seu dinheiro.[4] Ele também roubou a carteira de Zaihei Nigatake quando ele a deixou em um balcão e tirou dinheiro de sua conta bancária como uma vingança trivial, a justificando como Nigatake sendo "burro o suficiente para ter uma senha óbvia de cartão de crédito".[5]

Joshu compra nove assentos em um cinema para que ele não esteja perto de mais ninguém

Joshu também é bastante egoísta e tem uma visão centrada em si mesmo. Seu egoísmo é visto em várias ocasiões, por exemplo quando ele reclama de que o lugar central na fotografia da família foi pego dele por Josuke ou que seu quarto está sendo dado a ele, apenas para ser pacificado quando Norisuke o compensa com dinheiro.[6] Quando seu pai o aconselha arrumar um emprego para retribuir a sociedade, Joshu meramente ignora isso e pede dinheiro.[5] Seu egoísmo anda de mãos dadas com uma visão incrivelmente autosservidora do mundo. Joshu diz ter um tipo de relacionamento romântico com Yasuho Hirose, a chamando de "[sua] Yasuho" e ao mesmo tempo ignorando o fato de que Yasuho não gosta dele e tenta fugir dele em todas ocasiões. Ele interpreta o gesto de Yasuho dá-lo duas vezes mais mochis que Josuke como um sinal dela amá-lo "duas vezes mais" e prontamente interpretada errado as palavras de Yasuho como uma solicitação. Além disso, quando ele finalmente nota as muitas vezes em que o dinheiro do Milagro Man o dá ainda mais dinheiro, ele facilmente vê isso como ele sendo sortudo e até se parabeniza. De fato, ele é um pouco arrogante e se considera alguém em quem todo mundo conta.[7] No entanto, Joshu guarda algumas inseguranças: reconhecendo que ele não tem tlanetos especiais ou conquistas, Joshu se sente incerto sobre seu valor.[8] Após seu pai e irmão amis velho aparentemente morrerem, Joshu também se culpa por não ter conseguido proteger sua família e esmurra a si mesmo por se sentir culpado.[9]

Joshu também mstrou ser superficial e perdulário. Após roubar dinheiro de Zaiehei Nigatake, Joshu sai em uma onda de compras, o gastando em coisas como um relógio luxuoso, comprando nove assentos em um cinema para que ele possa se sentar sozinho no centro, ou indo à um clube de anfitriãs pondo coisas aleatórias nos peitos das mulheres, abertamente afirmando gostar de mulheres com seios grandes. Ele também gasta dinheiro em merchandise da idol Rena Nanami.[5]

Joshu parece facilmente desconfiar de muitas pessoas e organizações. Ele afirmou não crer em Deus, que a ideia de voar em um avião o assusta, e tem relutância em beber ou comer panquecas feitas com leite um dia mais velho que sua data de expiração, comparando isso a atravessar uma ponte quebradiça. Igualmente, ele fica altamente desconfiado de um pacote de salsichas de peixe, tentando gravar o tamanho de ditas salsichas para descobrir algum jogo sujo.

Joshu e Hato discutindo

A única pessoa que Joshu foi capaz de respeitar foi seu irmão mais velho, Jobin Higashikata. Joshu admira e elogia as conquistas e habilidades de Jobin, e é capaz de aguentar as ofensas de Jobin contra ele. Ele também tem um relacionamento brincalhão com Hato. Eles compartilham alguns momentos mas a maioria de suas interações são disputas triviai e pegadinhas. Joshu também interage um pouco com Daiya, agindo mais ou menos indiferente com ele. Durante os eventos recentes ameaçando a família Higashikata, Joshu mostrou um certo grau de lealdade a sua família. Após o pomar da família ter sido incendiado, Joshu seriamente propôs que eles convertessem a área em um tour de caçada à cogumelos ou um tour de caçada à bambus para que eles pudessem ter alguma renda.[10] Quando Tsurugi realmente adoeceu por causa da doença de pedra, ele não teve ideia do que fazer se não tentar alegrar e motivar Norisuke a encontrar uma solução juntos.[11] Quando a vida de Yasuho estava em perigo, é sugerido que Joshu desobedeceu as ordens de Jobin e agiu para salvar Yasuho de seu irmão mais velho, empurrando o celular em que o Paisley Park estava para perto de uma tomada enquanto Jobin planejava matar o Stand.[12] Após Norisuke e Jobin aparentemente morrerem diante de seus olhos, Joshu por final junta a coragem para agir e aparece para salvar Yasuho e realizar uma troca equivalente com ela, embora ele não perceba totalmente o que ele teria de sacrificar.[9]



Artigo principal: Nut King Call

o Stand de Joshu, o Nut King Call, permite com que ele facilmente desmonte ou funda objetos e pessoas ao plantar parafusos e porcas neles. Esses parafusos e porcas agem como objetos físicos que podem serem vistos e sentidos por não-usuários de Stand, os parafusos mostram não causarem dor ao alvo quando fundido neles ou quando desligando partes deles. A fusão ou desmembramento pode ser permanente ou temporária dependendo dos desejos de Joshu. O Nut King Call era originalmente ativado subconscientemente mas durante o curso de JoJolion, Joshu aprendeu a ser mais eficiente no uso de seu Stand.

Nut King Call (ナット・キング・コール)Link para essa seção
Desmontar com Parafusos

Habilidades Pessoais

Joshu tem um nível de competência em lutas, mostrado quando ele facilmente domina um Josuke recém-desperto que é visto sendo proficiente em combate mano a mano.



Antes dos eventos de JoJolion, Joshu presumidamente viveu uma vida normal, não tendo consciência dos fenômenos sobrenaturais de Morioh. Durante sua infância, Joshu se tornou amigo de Yasuho Hirose, por quem ele eventualmente se apaixonou. Joshu aplicou-se para estudar sociologia faculdade, notado como irônico por Yasuho devido a sua falta de habilidades sociais.[13] Ele e Yasuho também se beijaram uma vez.[14]


Conhecendo Josuke

Joshu ataca Josuke ao ver Yasuho com ele

Quando Yasuho resgata Josuke de baixo da terra nas Paredes Oculares, Joshu imediatante entende a situação de forma errada e tenta atacar Josuke com uma pedra. Ele é logo nocauteado por Josuke, que usa o Soft & Wet para remover a visão de Joshu.[15] Joshu é mais tarde visto no hospital, tendo recebido as mesmas marcas de mordida em sua perna que Josuke tinha em seu ombro. Joshu fica enciumado ao ver Yasuho com Josuke, mas se reassegura ao crer que ela o ama mais já que ela lhe deu uma caixa maior de bolinhos de mel.[16]

A família Higashikata dá as boas-vindas a Josuke, para a frustação de Joshu. Além disso, Josuke é dado o quarto de Joshu enquanto Joshu fica com outro quarto. Norisuke o cala ao dá-lo dinheiro. A família decide tirar uma foto mais comemorativa e Joshu fica irado ao ver Josuke pegar a mão de Yasuho para trazê-la para mais perto e então menciona que Jobin está ausente, fazendo Norisuke cancelar a foto.

Joshu tenta se acostumar a presença de Josuke. Certa manhã, Josuke pega a navalha de Joshu emprestada e se barbeia usando as bolhas de Soft & Wet; os rostos de Hato e Joshu acabam sendo cobertos por seu pelo facial como resultado.[17] Mais tarde, Joshu surpreende Josuke segurando suas roupas e pensa que ele está roubando dinheiro dele. Se recusando a ouvir Josuke, Joshu o dá um tapa e se prepara para usar uma faca em Josuke mas Norisuke intervem e acalma a situação.[18]

"Rua da Extorquida"

Josuke & Joshu se tornam alvos do povo da Rua da Extorquida

No dia seguinte, na mesa durante o almoço, Josuke pede um celular a Norisuke assim como a chance de ir para a escola. Norisuke concorda mas exige que Joshu lhe leve. Joshu testa Josuke com um problema de trigonometria, que ele resolve, antes de Joshu pedir que ele ande com ele até uma escola diferente como favor. Josuke e Joshu viajam para a Rua da Extorquida, conhecida por sua comunidade de golpistas. Joshu espera gravar a si mesmo sendo roubado para reclamar com evidência para a polícia a respeito de um crime anterior. Chegando lá, Joshu quebra o brinquedo de uma criança sem perceber e sua mãe exige ser compensada; assim como Josuke com um tanque de tartaruga na vitrine de uma loja próxima, aparentemente matando a tartaruga; pela qual o dono da loja extorque Josuke por ¥20,000 e planeja pagar ¥330,000. Joshu captura o evento com seu celular; descobrindo que Josuke pisou nas folhas, correu quase instantaneamente para o tanque, e voltou, sem perceber. Isso intriga Joshu.

Três marginais então confrontam Josuke e o acusam de ter feito um deles derrubar seu celular em uma poça. Assistindo outra gravação que ele acabou de fazer, Josuke se vê novamente deslizando para trás, batendo no homem, e voltando para sua posição original, novamente sem perceber. Os homens propõem que Josuke entregue um pacote abaixo de um vaso de plantas para uma mulher próxima como compensação. Tendo sido feitos entregar uma substância ilegal, os odis são logo presos por um par de policiais que estavam observando.

Joshu descobre seu Stand, Nut King Call

Enquanto isso, Joshu percebeu como as folhas gingko espalhadas são responsáveis por instantaneamente transportar pessoas e objetos. Ele se posiciona para interceptar seu pacote de dinheiro e pega um envelope antes de fugir. Os traficantes notam a artimanha de Joshu e perseguem-no, facilmente o alcançando usando as folhas de gingko. Um marginal se prepara para espancá-lo mas um parafuso e porca de repente se materializam em uma de suas mãos. Confuso; o homem a desparafusa, fazendo sua mão se desligar de seu pulso. Pânico cresce entre eles enquanto sua outra mão cai e mais parafusos se formam, antes que o Stand de Joshu, Nut King Call, seja totalmente revelado. Joshu escapa. Descansando em uma praça, Joshu fica feliz de ter sido mais esperto que todo mundo e expressa simpatia por Josuke. No entanto, ele descobre que seu dinheiro roubado é na verdade composto de folhas.

Ilusão Paper Moon

Mais tarde, Joshu nota que Josuke usou seu celular para ligar para Yasuho. Ele procura Josuke e o confronta, mal sabendo que Josuke está sob os efeitos do Paper Moon King. Josuke é confundido pela pessoa que está gritando com ele. Logo depois, Joshu liga para Yasuho. No entanto, Yasuho também foi afetada pelo Paper Moon King e confunde Joshu por Josuke. Yasuho abraça Joshu e diz que esteve esperando por ele, o que faz Joshu entrar em êxtase. O mal-entendido leva Joshu a pensar que Yasuho quer fazer sexo e ele a leva para um banheiro público sem pessoas. Joshu tira suas calças e começa a despir Yasuho mas percebe que algo está errado, antes de ter a tampa de um vaso sanitário esmagada contra sua cabeça, o nocauteando.

Joshu iria mais tarde acordar e se recordar do incidente de forma errônea, alegando a Josuke que eles estavam tendo um momento.

Todos os Dias São Férias de Verão

Joshu presencia a luta de besouros de Josuke e Jobin

When Jobin returns from his business trip to Southeast Asia and brings everyone gifts, Joshu receives a fake lobster, while the rest of the Higashikata Family seemingly receive funnier gifts. He mockingly asks Josuke what he's received only to be told that Josuke's been given a precious wristwatch and a rare beetle. At the Higashikata's, the family members are having fun showing each other the strange gifts Jobin got for them. Josuke asks if he can go to Jobin's room, saying he needs advice for raising his stag beetle. Joshu subsequently accompanies Josuke to Jobin's room. Josuke inspects the live beetles, and pointing at one Palawanicus, nonchalantly mentions that his Palawanicus could beat it in a straight fight. Joshu is angry at his conceitedness but Jobin is interested and challenges Josuke to a beetle fight. Josuke uses the opportunity to raise the stacks with a bet. The first round begins between the two Palawanicus. At first, Jobin's beetle gets the upper hand due to its sharpened mandibles and planted female pheromones from a brush, making it push Josuke's beetle to the border of the arena. The tables are turned when Josuke releases the pheromones he planted in the soft rush plants with his bubbles. Josuke's beetle then makes Jobin's beetle flee out of the arena. A frustrated Jobin shaves off his left eyebrow.

Despite his loss, Jobin is enjoying himself and challenges Josuke to another beetle fight, and again Josuke accepts. Moreover, Jobin orders his brother to cheer Josuke on, which Joshu accepts. Josuke then proposes to bet the Lamborghini Jobin owns. Jobin accepts and decides to use a Rosenbergi beetle. As the match begins, Jobin tells Josuke that if he wins, he is allowed to lick Josuke's eyeball. The Palawanicus' superior size and weight enables it to push the Rosenbergi to the border of the ring. However, the Rosenbergi suddenly moves in an unnaturally precise manner, knocking the Palawanicus over and biting off one leg. The Palawanicus is almost pushed over the border as Josuke reads from an encyclopedia that stag beetles instinctively play dead when feeling strong vibrations at their legs. Intrigued that the Rosenbergi could exploit this weakness, Josuke secretly deduces that Jobin could in fact remotely command it. As the Rosenbergi chomps off another leg, Josuke notices liquid oozing from its head. The Palawanicus falls from the ring, but since the clock went over 45 seconds, Josuke has not lost.

Before the second bout, Josuke secretly plunders the scent from Jobin's paintbrush and then inquires about the liquid. Jobin reveals that it's wax, that when melted will cause convulsions in the beetle and eventually kill it, but not before Jobin wins. As the second round begins, Josuke pops the bubbles that plundered the air around this paintbrush, and is baffled to discover that the paintbrush has exuded a temperature as high as 60 °C. As the Rosenbergi slowly overwhelms the Palawanicus with its precise movement, Josuke witnesses a faint apparition of Jobin's Stand. Josuke then realizes that the beetle fight has been a front for a Stand battle. Suddenly Joshu knocks his foot on the tank where the hornet was killed and asks where the lower half of it's body with the stinger went. The abdomen is shown to be near Josuke who is now showing confidence as the Rosenbergi goes mad and convulses. Josuke had planted some of the hornet's poison in Jobin's brush, which eventually killed his beetle, making Josuke the winner. Josuke takes the key and manages to escape even if Jobin wants to interrogate him. Joshu accuses Josuke of wanting the Lamborghini to check its event data recorder but Jobin doubts it. They do check the garage but see nothing suspicious.

Hato Trouxe um Namorado

Joshu é derretido pelo Vitamin C de Damo

Um dia, Hato traz seu primeiro namorado para casa. O namorado é revelado ser um homem baixo e acima do peso chamado Tamaki Damo, Joshu é grandemente divertido pela aparência dele. Sua zombaria logo se torna em desalento quando Damo é mostrado ser extremamente desajeitado e calvo. Joshu é dito para servir champanhe para o convidado e Joshu nota que seu bracelete caiu de seu pulso. Damo pergunta onde os banheiros ficam, e Joshu fala para ele ir à porta na direita no corredor. No entanto, Joshu vê Damo brevemente entrando no cômodo da esquerda, a despensa. Com suspeitas, Joshu checa o lugar e nota que o gabinete onde o sistema de câmeras fica foi quebrado. Ele toca no gabinete mas logo percebe que seu corpo está anormalmente macio. Antes que ele possa chamar ajuda, Joshu tropeça para dentro do ralo onde a água o empurra para dentro.

Entretanto, Damo é logo derrotado por Hato e Josuke. Joshu eventualmente surge de um esgoto, ileso.

Milagro Man

Joshu adquire uma grande soma de dinheiro

Two weeks prior to Kaato Higashikata's release, Joshu asks for money from his father Norisuke as he wishes to buy idol items. After the meet-and-greet, Joshu spends time choosing the goodies he wants to buy, only to be cut off by a fellow fan who already chose what he wanted. Upset, Joshu realizes that this man left his wallet on the counter and steals it just as the man returns to find his wallet. In the restroom, Joshu steals all the cash inside the wallet and the cash card, withdrawing 500,000 yen from his victim's bank account after correctly guessing the code. Happy to have outsmarted his victim, Joshu indulges himself in a shopping spree, trying to buy an expensive wristwatch, several movie tickets for one showing, and eating in a luxurious restaurant. At the same time, due to many coincidences, Joshu doesn't actually lose his money, but accumulates more and more as he tries to spend it. Thinking that he is lucky, Joshu doesn't pay much attention to it.

Joshu é eventualmente sobrecarregado pela quantia esmagadora de dinheiro que ele tem

However, when he tries to spend his money in a bar, the manager and several security guards interrogate him about the money. To Joshu's surprise, the owner is furious that he is trying to give him the money and mentions a "Milagro Man". For unknown reasons, the owner forces more money into Joshu's pocket and tries to beat him up. Joshu uses Nut King Call to fight back and flees. Joshu eventually notices that the staff put even more money inside his bag, making him feel suspicious. Nervous to have so much money and realizing that whenever he tries to spend his money, he instead receives more, Joshu examines the bills but sees nothing unusual. He decides to gamble in a boat race and wins 3.1 million yen. At first happy, Joshu then notices that the money inside his bag has somehow increased, making it impossible to close. Anxious that someone could discover his money, Joshu tries to hide it inside a coin locker. As he pushes the money inside, Joshu sees that the immatriculation of the bills all finish with "13R". The locker breaks down, letting some of the money fly away, but all the bystander then return the money without asking questions. Joshu then tries to take a taxi home, but the taxi driver then tries to return the money. Joshu insists that he keeps the cash, and the two eventually struggle to have the other one take the money. Joshu accidentally burns one of the bills and sees it multiplying at high speed and to his horror, the money begins to cover him.

Joshu passa o dinheiro de volta para Zaihei

Joshu wakes up on his home's couch, thinking that he's merely dreamed the past events. However when he returns to his room, it is flooded with money which falls into him. Joshu tracks down his victim, named Zaihei Nigatake, and blames him for what's happening to him. Zaihei, grateful toward Joshu for taking his "curse", explains everything to him. This cursed money which never goes away from its owner is said to have belonged to an arms dealer named the Milagro Man. The Milagro Man lost a lawsuit and went mad, killing his whole family and setting his mansion on fire, burning everything except a single scorched bill. The curse remained inside the money and two years ago, Zaihei unwittingly took the curse in Europe and returned to Japan, living hell waiting for someone to take the curse. Zaihei advises Joshu to have someone take the money and try to destroy it to pass the curse completely. When Zaihei takes a bottle of juice and opens it, Joshu reveals that he planted some of the money inside the wrapping. When Zaihei opened it, he unwittingly tore the bills inside, and he sees the money appearing around him and burying him. Zaihei begs Joshu, but the latter departs, cleared of the curse. On his way home, Joshu melancholically ponders his true worth in the world.

O Amanhecer da Família Higashikata

Kaato se reintroduz à sua família

One day, the matriarch Kaato Higashikata returns. Kaato, berating Norisuke for having never mentioned her, comments on how Daiya, Joshu and Hato have grown, exposing herself as their mother. Norisuke rebukes Kaato, saying that Kaato should have called to tell him that she was freed, but Kaato justifies herself that she wanted to see her children as soon as possible after 15 years in prison. Finally, Hato explains that she murdered a child. Unfazed by the revelation of her crime, Kaato demands that she has compensation for her time in prison. Daiya, curious about Kaato, is told by her mother to come hug her, but Joshu pushes a chair and makes Kaato trip. Joshu then begins to antagonize Kaato, then tricks her into undressing herself, exposing his skepticism about Kaato's relationship with the family. Kaato's cards fall over, causing a curious Joshu to pick them up, but a chair suddenly appears from one of them, impaling Joshu in the jaw. Furious, Kaato scolds Joshu for underestimating her and is outraged that her love for her family isn't returned. Kaato leaves, offended.

A Pressão do Ozon Baby

Joshu é visto na residência Higashikata, almoçando com sua família enquanto enterra o Ozon Baby no jardim. Ele mede o tamanho e peso das salsichas de peixe que a família está comendo para tentar descobrir se a companhia responsável por ela as fez menores para terem mais salsichas por pacote. Para seu desânimo, a família ignora sua "investigação" e come todas as salsichas. Depois do Ozon Baby ser ativado e a residência Higashikata ser afetada pela habilidade do Stand, Joshu é visto com seu rosto sangrando e inconsciente no sofá junto de seu pai.

Siga para o Hospital Universitário T.G.

O pomar da família é incendiado mas o ataque contra a família é cessado. Joshu furiosamente grita com Rai Mamezuku, um completo desconhecido, mas o mal-entendido é logo esclarecido. Ele o acusa de ter ateado fogo ao pomar, mas sua acusação é logo provada o contrário por Norisuke. A família, Josuke e Rai discutem o que aconteceu e o que fazer agora. Enquanto Hato se preocupa sobre o sustento da família, Joshu propõe a ideia de como a família poderia fazer dinheiro: um tour de caçada à cogumelos Matsutake (transformado em um tour de caçada à bambu na primavera), assim como a adoção pandas-vermelhos e construção uma pista de carte. Sua fantasia é interrompida por Daiya, que o notifica de que todo mundo já foi embora.

The Wonder of You (Seu Milagroso Amor)

On the day of the harvest, a string of events result in the Higashikata Family catching Jobin and Mitsuba trying to drown Paisley Park. Joshu is forced to see his family tearing itself apart as Norisuke exposes Jobin's murder of Ojiro Sasame and Jobin induces a heat stroke in Norisuke with Speed King. Unlike his sisters, he has the presence of mind to help Paisley Park escape the house, giving Yasuho a chance to survive. Jobin doesn't act on this. Eventually, the family sees that Jobin is victim of Akefu's Stand attack.

File:Joshu loses arm.jpeg
Joshu perde seu braço após comer a nova Locacaca com Yasuho
Dismayed by the disasters that have struck his family, Joshu still comes out of the house with the Locacaca in his hands and declares that he will save Yasuho. Blaming himself for not being able to protect his family from the calamities that have struck them, Joshu repeatedly punches himself. Yasuho tells him to seek Josuke or Rai Mamezuku, but Joshu dismisses these options as they may be under attack themselves and he probably won't be able to contact them. Joshu then shows the potted Locacaca to Yasuho, planning to use the Equivalent Exchange properties of the fruit to save his loved ones, beginning with Yasuho. At first, she doesn't want to eat a fruit because they're not ripe yet but the biggest fruit looks ripe. The two hear a noise but Joshu dismisses it as the wind. Yasuho accepts to perform an equivalent exchange and explains the details to Joshu. Too enthusiastic to realize what he's about to sacrifice, Joshu immediately accepts and fantasizes about the bond they're about to make. He sticks himself to Yasuho because he believes they need physical contact, which frustrates her greatly. When Yasuho eats the fruit, their legs temporarily merge, allowing the exchange. Yasuho's arm regrow but Joshu is shocked so see his arm shrink into a stub.
Joshu tenta atacar Tooru

While Yasuho prepares for battle, Joshu panics at the loss of his right arm because he wasn't fully aware of what he would sacrifice. Joshu quickly changes his mind due to the consequences of the Equivalent Exchange, and demands to have a second Equivalent Exchange with the only Locacaca left to have his arm back. However, Yasuho refuses, stating that the fruit is for Josuke. This enrages Joshu, who advances to attack Yasuho, even summoning Nut King Call to fight. However, he trips on the potted Locacaca and falls to the ground.

Joshu é acertado por uma calha por sua petulância

Tooru then appears to ask Yasuho to hand him the potted Locacaca. Regaining his senses, Joshu threatens Tooru for daring to speak so casually to her and summons Nut King Call. The three of them see something big falling towards them from the sky. Tooru grabs Yasuho, insisting that he must take the Locacaca before it is swept up in a calamity, which enrages Joshu. Joshu tries to attack Tooru, but a leaf cuts off two of his fingers. Overwhelmed, by the pain, Joshu trips on Yasuho, allowing Tooru to take the pot. At the plane slide panel comes dangerously close to Yasuho, Joshu promises to somehow protect her. As the panel nearly reaches Yasuho, Paisley Park suddenly comes out of Joshu's cell phone, bringing one of Josuke's bubbles with it. The bubble then flies towards Tooru. The invisible bubble flies towards Tooru and pops inside of his abdomen, saving Yasuho from the calamity. Over the phone, Josuke instructs Yasuho to point her phone at Tooru once more until she realizes that Tooru ate the other Locacaca plant and is now walking towards her. Joshu attempts to stop Tooru when he starts sprinting but gets struck on the head by the house's rain gutter due to the calamity. Yasuho finally faces her phone at Tooru's direction and is hit by the invisible bubble. Meanwhile, Kaato strangely appears inside the house. He lies still on the ground as Kaato begins to pin down Tooru with her ability and use his body for an equivalent exchange with Tsurugi Higashikata who was hidden in her cards.

While Joshu is incapacitated, the exchange is successful with the help of Kaato's Space Trucking - Tooru completely disintegrates into the air and Tsurugi recovers, although Kaato is revealed to have been stabbed during when she crushed the branch due to Wonder of U's ability. With the family curse broken, the Higashikata family attend to Norisuke, who is in an incapacitated state, while an ambulance arrives in the estate. Joshu is taken away by the ambulance, still unconscious.

Fim de JoJolion

Dias depois, Joshu se recupera completamente, e a família Higashikata vai decide ir à quitanda Higashikata para pedir um bolo como celebração da alta de Norisuke no dia seguinte, assim como um novo começo na história da família Higashikata. Tendo escolhido um bolo feito pela quitanda, todos choram, incluindo Joshu, Daiya, Hato, Tsurugi, e Mitsuba. Tsurugi então insiste que Josuke escolha o bolo. Com a família novamente reunida, Yasuho Hirose derruba uma lágrima antes de sair da quitanda.



  • Josuke Higashikata: Joshu's adoptive brother. Joshu initially attacks him during their first meeting, fueled by his jealousy after seeing him nude beside Yasuho, before he is subdued by Josuke himself. Joshu retains a powerful sense of insult after the Higashikata family adopts Josuke and his relationship with Josuke remains neutral later on. When the two pass through Shakedown Road while travelling to school together, Josuke exerts an arms-length reception of Joshu, who persistently curses and discriminates against him. However, during the end of the Radio Gaga Incident arc, he seems to fully accept Josuke as part of the Higashikata family, alongside the rest of his siblings.
  • Norisuke Higashikata IV: Joshu's loving father. While Norisuke spoils his youngest son like with his siblings, Joshu often exploits this, straightforwardly asking his father to give him money to attend a meet-and-greet with his idol.[19] Norisuke considers Joshu a problem child and often scolds him for his attitude.
  • Jobin Higashikata: Joshu looks up to his eldest brother with respect. When Jobin shows Josuke his stag beetle collection, Joshu displays an extensive amount of knowledge on the creatures, implying that his brother may have taught him before. He sides with his brother during his beetle match against his adoptive brother.
  • Hato Higashikata: Unlike with his other siblings, he and Hato share the most quips and antics. They have a playful sibling relationship, as seen from their banters in the household. Joshu likes to tease Hato and in return, she also picks at him. When Hato introduces her boyfriend, Damo, to the family, Joshu wastes no time to devise his plans to tease Damo of his mannerisms and even attempts to fully expose his bald spot by shooting a champagne cork. Nevertheless, the brother and sister love each other unconditionally and both care for the other as siblings.
  • Daiya Higashikata: Joshu's youngest sister. They do not talk with each other much in the household, save for a few family interactions.
  • Kaato Higashikata: Because of their mother having been arrested before they were mature enough to know what had happened to her, both Joshu and Daiya have only known her from the words of their father, who told them that she either died or went missing. As a result, they do not recognize Kaato as their mother during their visit to the Higashikata household after her release from prison. True to his foolish behavior, Joshu makes his own mother trip on a chair and even attempts to undress her. Furious, Kaato uses her mysterious card Stand ability and impales Joshu on the jaw with a chair that appears under one of the cards.

Interesse Amoroso

  • Yasuho Hirose: Joshu's childhood friend whom he is also in love with. Despite of Yasuho constantly rejecting his feelings, he seems to pursue her no matter what, often with the intention to make Josuke jealous. When she was under Paper Moon King's effects, she mistakes Joshu for Josuke and he interprets her comfortableness with him at the time as her wanting to have sex. However, Joshu realizes something is wrong and stops, only to be knocked out by Yasuho. Later, devastated by his family's tragedy, Joshu tries to protect an injured Yasuho during the calamity cast by Tooru and his Wonder of U.


  • Tooru: Joshu first encounters Tooru during his attack on the Higashikata family, and lacking any familiarity immediately determines that Tooru is an enemy. Joshu repeatedly insults Tooru and attempts to attack him to no avail. Tooru pays no real mind to Joshu as a threat.


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  • Whyyyy? How could this happeeeen?! Just try to come up with an excuse!
    —Joshu Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 1: Welcome to Morioh
  • H... How could you do that to... my Yasuho... (お…オレの(やす)()に……よ…よこも)
  • ...Thank goodness... aaah... It's my vomiiiit... (……よかったア…アア…オレのゲロだぁぁぁぁ)
  • The hell's with that face?! You're a thief that got caught and you're getting angry at me?! That's damn funny! It's funny as heeeell! Just try it, you bastard!
    —Joshu Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 12: "Paisley Park" and "Born This Way", Part 1
  • I didn't [put on a bathing suit] because I don't believe in God. There's no way in hell I'd get on something insecure like an airplane in the first place. So there's no way I'm going to Hawaii. Not now, not ever.
    —Joshu Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 18: "Shakedown Road", Part 1
  • Yasuho is my woman. She even let me kiss heeer...... It was a deep and hot one... rerorerorerorero...
    —Joshu Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 18: "Shakedown Road", Part 1
  • This era is all about appearance. People only pretend to follow rules. They just dress thing up so the surface is pretty. You're better off beating them up before you get beaten yourself, right?
    —Joshu Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 18: "Shakedown Road", Part 1
  • Somebody like you is gonna get teased. So instead you're gonna be the one ripping them off... okay?
    —Joshu Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 18: "Shakedown Road", Part 1
  • Okay, so now that guy probably got arrested I guess. Josuke. It was kinda creepy how he waltzed into my house without any memories. But I was surprised... he's actually a pretty straightforward and nice guy. It was pretty fun hanging out with him... I wouldn't have minded growing up together. Maybe once he pays for his crime and eventually gets freed from the detention cell or whatever... maybe I'll treat him to some Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki from that place in front of the train station, eh?
    —Joshu Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 21: "Shakedown Road", Part 4
  • Joshu suki~~! Ahahahaha, reallyyyy?! ...Ehehehehehehehe Yasuhoo~~ You're finally back, huuuuuh? (常秀好きイイ~~~!!アハハハハ本当かアツ!!⋯エへへへへへへへ康穂オ~~♡やつと戻つてきてくれたか一一一)
  • Wet...? F... From when I called you~~? ...Already?
    —Joshu Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 25: Paper Moon Deception, Part 3
  • Yasuhooooo! I loooove you!
    —Joshu Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 25: Paper Moon Deception, Part 3
  • Hey... Josuke. Did you hear that my big brother got back from his trip? He got me a souveniiir! Eheheheheheheh! Check it out! Looks real as hell, doesn't it? It's a spiny lobster figure! Sooo cooool!
    —Joshu Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 34: It's a Summer Vacation Everyday, Part 1
  • Go get 'i~m! Yay!
  • Geh! Warning, gore! Warning, gore! (ゲつ!グロ注意ツ!グロ注意だツ!)
  • There's seriously 500 grand here. Awesome!... but hold on, did I do something bad? No... it's his fault for leaving his walet at the register. Though I guess I have a duty to give back the wallet I picked up. And it's on him for having such a dumb way to get into his card! It's pretty much the same as him telling me it's okay to take the money at that point!
    —Joshu Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 56: Milagroman, Part 1
  • Whenever I see a 3D Johnny Depp pirate movie... I hate it when noisy people are next to me... so why not buy 9 seats and sit by myself in the middle?!
    —Joshu Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 56: Milagroman, Part 1
  • Something's weird... Like... I just keep getting more money, even though I'm trying to spend it... naaaaw, couldn't be! Gahahahahaha! I'm just a guy who's got luck with money is all!
    —Joshu Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 56: Milagroman, Part 1
  • If you wanna play old maid, find somebody else. And just to make sure you never show your face around me again, I'm gonna beat the shit out of you!!
    —Joshu Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 57: Milagroman, Part 2
  • Hpmh! These guys make shitty unbearable music that's a total ripoff of other shit, yet for some reason, they're successful...But I... don't even have that kind of talent, do I...? Even if it's just a little... I have something, right? I'm the... same age as them...
    —Joshu Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 57: Milagroman, Part 2
  • Hey, hey, heeeey! You've got some pretty big tits, don't yaaaa?! Are you really our mom?! Why don't you let me suckle a bit! It's not too late, c'mon!
    —Joshu Higashikata to Kaato, JoJolion Chapter 58: Dawn of the Higashikata Family
  • I'm not gonna be a disgrace anymore. I'm gonna save everybody!
    —Joshu Higashikata to Yasuho, JoJolion Chapter 101: The Wonder of You, Part 18
  • You're sayin' you're gonna go fondle Josuke's balls with my right hand, you fucking sluuut?! I ain't gonna let that happeeeen! Gimme my arm back nooooooow!
    —Joshu Higashikata to Yasuho, JoJolion Chapter 102: The Wonder of You, Part 19
  • Also, where do you get off talking to Yasuho all casual like that?! Anybody that talks to Yasuho like that is my enemy!
    —Joshu Higashikata to Tooru, JoJolion Chapter 104: The Wonder of You, Part 21
  • Josuke... Just... Choose one.
    —Joshu telling Josuke to pick a cake, JoJolion Chapter 110: Higashikata Fruit Parlor


All Star Battle (PS3)

Joshu appears as a stage hazard and Situation Finish in the Wall Eyes stage. If one of the fighters is knocked down on the "hazard" indication area, Yasuho Hirose backs away in fright, causing Joshu to appear and run through the stage, knocking anyone who gets in his way down with a rock until he reaches her. Afterward, he can be heard having a conversation with Yasuho in the background.

As a Situation Finish, the losing side is knocked out near Yasuho, causing her to scream. Joshu becomes angry, walks up to the downed character, and finishes them off with the aforementioned rock (similar to how he attacks Josuke during their first encounter at the very beginning of Part 8).


Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)

Joshu makes his first playable appearance in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven and was confirmed for the game alongside Josuke (JoJolion), Narciso Anasui, and Enrico Pucci with C-Moon.

Due to Joshu's lack of combat experience, having only recently discovered his Stand at the time of the game's development and release, his skillset is somewhat limited compared to other characters. His inclusion might simply be a result of Josuke lacking a proper partner to team up and have a Special Dual Heat Attack with. However, while sporting a low amount of abilities and skills, Joshu remains a viable fighter regardless. Joshu also has the slowest base movement speed in the entire game, but certain conditions can increase it to the fastest as well.


He is paired with Diavolo in the Eyes of Heaven Tournament, having been placed in the F Block series of battles to be incorporated into the main Tournament. They were eliminated in the first round by Bruno Bucciarati and Trish Una.


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