Enrico Pucci ★ História

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Um detalhado resumo cronológico da vida de Enrico Pucci.


Pucci conhece DIO

Pucci nasceu com um pé esquerdo desfigurado, embora isso aparentemente não tenha afetado sua habilidade de andar. Tendo vindo de uma família italiana de influência, ele cresceu de maneira luxuosa e era gostado por todos. Certo dia, o pequeno Enrico visitou a tumba de "Domenico Pucci" e perguntou quem ele era, apenas para ouvir que ele era seu irmão gêmeo, que morreu logo após o parto. Chocado em saber que ele havia vivido enquanto seu irmão gêmeo morreu, a mente de Enrico encarou questões filosóficas como o destino e a desigualdade, o que o levou a sua decisão de se tornar um padre. Ele também já estava no caminho do sacerdócio aos seus quinze anos, uma ação permitida por seus pais devido ao histórico religioso da família. Certo dia enquanto varrendo o chão da igreja, ele encontrou o pé de DIO em baixo de uma mesa. Curioso, ele conversou com DIO, e embora ficasse alarmado quando DIO pegou em seu pé torto, ele não pensou que fosse nada especial. Não foi até Pucci remover seu sapato que ele notou que seu pé havia sido curado.[1]

Pucci descobre sobre Wes

Por volta da mesma época, uma mulher, em prantos, veio ao confessionário, implorando para ser uvida. Escolhendo ouvir no lugar do padre ausente, ele ouviu sobre como essa mulher havia trocado seu bebê adoecido pelo gêmeo fraterno. Quando ele perguntou qual seu sobrenome, ele ficou chocado em descobrir que era Pucci.[1] Não muito tempos depois, sua irmã, Perla se apaixonou com um trabalhador de meio-período chamado Wes Bluemarine. O homem com quem sua irmã estava namorando era seu irmão gêmeo, quem ele acreditava estar morto. Apesar da descoberta, Pucci não pôde contar a ninguém devido a sua obrigação como padre de preservar a privacidade das confissões.[2]

O propósito da gravidade e o novo objetivo de Pucci de ater o céu.

Para proteger sua irmã de saber do incesto, Pucci secretamente contratou um grupo para forçarem Wes e Perla a terminarem. No entanto, ele não sabia que dito grupo tinha as crenças da KKK, que descobriu que o presumido pai de Wes era um afro-americano e atacaram o garoto. Wes foi baleado e pendurado de uma árvore em um penhasco enquanto Perla foi agredida.[2] Na manhã seguinte, Pucci descobriu o cadáver de Perla de seu suicídio e segurou seu corpo em tristeza. Ele notou um disco surgindo de sua cbeça, devido a influência de DIO com a Flecha de Stand. Pucci queria seguir DIO, encantado por suas palavras, mas não antes de cuidar das coisas mal-acabadas do passado. Ele se aproxima do Wes pós-traumático, que estava furioso com a interferência de Pucci em seu relacionamento com Perla, Pucci rapidamente lhe disse que eles eram irmãos antes de remover o disco de memória de Wes dele.[3] Wes então foi preso na Prisão Green Dolphin Street por tentativa de homicídio e adotou o nome Weather Report para compensar a falta de conhecimento de seu nome.

Pucci se torna o discípulo de DIO

Pucci formou um relacionamento próximo com DIO. Dele, ele aprendeu sobre os "ingredientes" necessários para formular o "mundo perfeito".[4] DIO passou a confiar em Pucci inteiramente, e deu-lhe um de seus ossos do pé como um fragmento restante caso ele morresse.[5]

Certo dia Pucci perguntou a DIO sobre qual Stand ele acreditava ser o mais fraco e DIO respondeu que era o Survivor, acreditando que ele apenas deixava as pessoas com raiva, o que causaria batalhas internas em um grupo sem nenhum benefício. Pucci perguntou se ele poderia tê-lo, acreditando que ele poderia ser útil algum dia.[6]

Os restantes dos anos da vida de Pucci foram movidos por sua obsessão com esse lugar prometido, e ele esperou pela preparação de dito dia. Para aumentar sua mobilidade, ele terminou seu sacerdócio e se tornou um padre para aqueles que necessitavam. Ele se aliou com Johngalli A. em um plano para vingar DIO ao prender sua filha Jolyne e atrair Jotaro para matá-lo e completar os planos de DIO. Determinado em cumprir a profecia de DIO, ele assegurou um emprego na Prisão Green Dolphin Street, onde ele passou os próximos 8 anos como o padre principal e então se tornou o funcionário que trabalhou por mais tempo na prisão.[7]

Em Green Dolphin Street, Pucci começa a colecionar discos de Stand. Ele notavlemente mata a mãe de Emporio Alnino.[8] Ele guarda seus discos de Stand dentro de um trator[9] na fazenda da ilha da Green Dolphin Street e cria Foo Fighters ao jogar um disco na água, lhe ordenando a proteger os outros discos.[10]

Stone Ocean (2011-2012)

O Caminho ao Céu

Incriminando Jolyne Cujoh

Para cumprir o plano secreto de DIO, Pucci precisa das instruções escondidas contidas dentro do Diário de DIO, que Jotaro Kujo havia queimado. No entanto, Pucci sabe que Jotaro deve ter lido seu diário. Para recuperar as instruções e vingar DIO, Pucci e Johngalli A. formulam um plano para atrair Jotaro para a prisão.

Como um criminoso conhecido, Johngalli A. abertamente age ao ordenar que alguns marginais joguem um mochileiro no carro em que Romeo Jisso e Jolyne Cujoh, a filha de Jotaro, estavam. Johngalli A. então diretamente contratou um advogado corrupto para proteger Romeo e incriminar Jolyne por homicídio em circunstâncias agravantes que garantiriam sua transferência para a Prisão Green Dolphin Street. Dessa maneira, Jotaro poderia investigar as circunstâncias e encontrar Jolyne na prisão.[11]

Batalha contra Jotaro Kujo & Jolyne Cujoh

Whitesnake rouba as memórias e Stand de Jotaro
Quando Jotaro eventualmente Jolyne, Pucci coopera com Johngalli A. para eliminá-lo. Na sala de visitas, Pucci faz com que o Whitesnake prenda os dois em um cenário de combate ilusório, do qual os dois eventualmente escapam. A família se libertando da habilidade do Whitesnake é inesperado mas, no corredor, Johngalli A. e Whitesnake conseguem encurralar Jotaro e forçá-lo a proteger sua filha.[12] É nesse momento em que o Whitesnake rouba dois discos de Jotar. Para ler o plano de DIO para alcançar o Céu, Pucci toma o disco de memória de Jotaro; para vingar seu amigo, ele também rouba o Stand Star Platinum de Jotaro. Whitesnake então rapidamente desaparece, deixando Johngalli A. sozinho para ser derrotado por Jolyne.[13]

Pucci então faz o Whitesnake acabar com o franco-atirador com sua própria arma para que sua identidade secreta não fosse descoberta.[8]

Com Jolyne Cujoh sendo jogada na solitária, Pucci tem várias semanas de tempo livre. Durante esse tempo, ele olha as memórias de Jotaro para descobrir o plano de DIO. Além disso, não tendo utilidade para o disco do Star Platinum de Jotaro, ele o guarda em seu esconderijo secreto nos campos de fazenda. Ele também dá o Stand Highway to Hell a Thunder McQueen.[9]

Tentativas de Eliminar Jolyne Cujoh

Após a batalha entre Jolyne, Ermes Costello e Foo Fighters, Pucci participaa da busca pelos prisioneiros desaparecidos que foram mortos durante dita batalha e nota que seu esconderijo inteiro de discos foi pego e que não há sinal de Foo Fighters. Ele conclui que Jolyne é uma oponente mais perigosa do que o imaginado e que ela adquiriu aliados.[14]

File:Pucci miraschon gives disc.png
Pucci dá um disco a Miraschon

Mais tarde, Pucci se encotnra com a prisioneira chamada Miraschon que expressa arrependimento por seus crimes. Pucci discute a diferença entre animais e homens e afirma que não há diferença principal entre os dois e que as pessoas buscam o "Céu" e vê isso como o que é beo nos humanos. Incidentemente, ele também come uma cereja inteira e consegue amarrar sua raiz na sua língua. Pucci promete falar bem sobre Miraschon para o comitê da liberdade condicional, a deixando feliz, mas de repente bate sua cabeça cotnra o canto da mesa por ela ter roubado uma cruz valiosa. Para assassinar Jolyne e suas aliadas, ele decide usá-la e lhe dá um Stand que irá combinar sua personalidade: o Marilyn Manson.[15] Porém, Miraschon é logo derrotada, sem perdas no lado dos heróis.[16]

Pucci mais tarde despacha Lang Rangler para matar Jolyne e recuperar o disco de Stand.[17] Além disso, Pucci também intercepta a ligação de Jolyne para a Fundação Speedwagon e sabe que ela pretende entregar o disco do Star Platinum no pátio.[18] Ele então começa a ir à fábrica. Como precaução, ele faz com que um guarda fique de guarda no pátio. Porém, Lang é derrotado.[19]

Pucci preso na chuva de sapos

Quando Pucci chega a fábrica ele se depara com Jolyne. Ele tenta soar o alarme mas Jolyne o para e tenta persuadi-lo a deixá-la passar, já que ela desconehce a verdadeira natureza do padre. Suspeitando que haja um aliado de Jolyne por perto, Pucci mantem a fachada e a deixa ir, deixando o guarda para cuidar dela enquanto ele observa.[20] De repente, uma chuva de sapos venenosos acontece e cobre todo o pátio.[4] Pucci perde seu passe por causa dos sapos e é encurralado. Ele percebe que Weather Report está lá. O guarda vai até ele e Pucci pede que ele lhe dê seu cartão, mas o guarda sucombe antes que ele possa chegar a Pucci e seu passe é soterrado pelos sapos. Ele pede por ajuda e um guarda aparece, mas o guarda hesita e dá a si mesmo uma desculpa para fugir. Por sua vez, Pucci chuta um sapo no rosto do guarda, fazendo com que ele exploda e cegue o guarda; desse jeito ele lhe força a obedecer suas instruções.[21] Pucci escapa da chuva e quando ela acaba, ele envia o Whitesnake para recuperá-lo.

Jolyne, que estava aparentemente coberta por sapos, se revela estar viva graças a rede que ela fez para amortecer a queda dos spaos e se proteger. Ela rouba o disco de volta e o dá para o pombo-correio especial enviado pela Fundação Speedwagon. O Whitesnake tenta usar uma arma mas ela está vazia e o Whitesnake só consegue voltar até seu usuário rancorosamente. Pucci encontra um fio preso ao Whitesnake mas o corta. Seus planos ainda não foram alterados já que ele ainda tem as memórias de Jotaro.[22]

O Nascimento do Bebê Verde

Pucci então segue com seu plano original e se encontra com Sports Maxx na capela. Ele então pede que Maxx reviva o osso de DIO com seus poderes, o que resulta na desaparição do osso. Após um curto momento de pânico, Pucci entende que o plano está dando erto e resolve esperar que o osso apareça sozinho. Entretanto, Sports Maxx revela que ele sente a presença do osso na Unidade de Segurança Máxima.[23]

Pucci confronta Foo Fighters

Após a batalha de Ermes contra Sports Maxx, Jolyne é posta na Unidade de Segurança Máxima. Pucci decide enviar quatro assassinos para matar a Jolyne isolada antes que ela ponha suas mãos no osso.[24]

De qualquer jeito, três dos assasinos são mortos e apenas D an G permanece vivo. Quando Pucci chega a Unidade de Segurança Máxima, a população inteira foi transformada em uma árvore gigante, com apenas D an G e Guccio ainda vivos, porém feridos. Enquanto isso, Jolyne e Narciso Anasui escapam para os pântanos. Vendo que ele está mais próximo do Céu, Pucci encontra o cadáver de Guccio e celebra a chegada do céu ao ouvir o Messias de Handel ao usar Guccio como um alto-falante. Pucci planeja interrogar D an G sobre o osso, mas seus planos dão errado.[25]

Pucci vê uma F.F. disfarçada se aproximando de D an G para assassiná-lo. Preocupado, Pucci lança um disco no guarda par controlá-lo e evitar com que F.F. atire na cabeça de D an G. Pucci confronta F.F. abertamente e lhe dá a escolha entre matar a ele ou D an G primeiro.[25] F.F. hesita, permitindo com que o Whitesnake infiltre a ambulância e proteja D an G. Whitesnake então golpeia a cabeça de F.F., buscando remover seu disco de Stand. F.F. atira em sua própria cabeça, dispersando os plânctons em D an G e se decapitando por dentro. Ela se recompõe na cabine do motorista e procura por outra torneira.[26] Entretanto, o Whitesnake entra na cabine e tira proveito do combate em curto-alcance. Desesperada, F.F. atira na porta e foge. Pucci tenta interrogar F.F. sobre a vida que foi criada mas percebe que o disco de Stand está nas pernas da F.F. que estão correndo em direção da torneira. Whitesnake insere um Stand que ferve água na parte secundária de F.F., fazendo com que a parte primária se exponha a água escaldante, matando a maioria da colônia.[27] Porém, pedaços da Foo Fighters alcançam um rádio e se comunicam com Weather Report, que faz chover e criar uma névoa. F.F. se regenera.[28]

Batalha contra Jolyne Cujoh

Pucci luta contra Jolyne
Pucci se funde ao Bebê Verde

De qualquer jeito, Pucci disfarça o Whitesnake como Weather Report e engana Foo Fighters, que lhe traz a Jolyne e o Bebê Verde. Whitesnake empala Anasui e Foo Fighters,[29] mas Jolyne se algema a Pucci.[30] Pucci tem uma vantagem no fato dele meramente precisar extrair o disco de Stand ou memória de Jolyne para vencer, mas ele é sobrecarregado e deve usar o disco de memória de Jotaro. Ele lança o disco em um Anasui a beira da morte,[5] forçando ela a tentar salvá-lo enquanto Pucci finalmente se junta ao Bebê Verde. Pucci diz ao bebê as 14 frases que resultam na sua fusão.[31] Pucci agora entrou mundo de DIO. Não tendo mais necessidade para a prisão, Pucci parte para o Cabo Canaveral onde a próxima fase de seu plano será realizada.[32]

Partindo ao Cabo Canaveral

Os Filhos de DIO

Pucci deve agora alcançar o Cabo Canaveral e esperar pela lua nova, que permitirá que Pucci cumpra a próxima parte do plano de DIO. No caminho ao Cabo Canaveral, Pucci fatidicamente conhece três jovem rapazes: Ungalo, Rikiel e Donatello Versus. Todos três foram levados a um hospital, perto do qual Pucci é usado como refém por Ungalo.[33] No entanto, Pucci eventualmente leva Ungalo para seu lado e faz todos três homens perceberem que eles são os filhos de DIO, e lhes ajuda a despertar e dominar seus Stands.[34] Pucci passa os próximos três dias esperando com o Donatello acamado enquanto Ungalo e Rikiel confrontam o grupo Joestar.

Três dias antes da lua nova, Jolyne e Ermes conseguem chegar ao hospital.[35] Donatello então desperta o seu Under World e atrai as duas para uma caverna onde uma batalha começa. Durante a batalha, Pucci fica passivo e aconselha Donatello, que fica cada vez mais frustado com o que ele acredita serem repreensões da parte de Pucci.[36] Donatello usa o Under World para encontrar o disco de memória de Weather Report em Pucci e o lê.[37] Quando ele é derrotado, ele lhe dá a Weather que estava perto do hospital, enfurecendo Pucci.[38]

Heavy Weather Desencadeado

Heavy Weather's power begins to wreak havoc in Orlando as Weather's Memory DISC was returned to him by Donatello Versus' Under World.[39] Pucci thus leaves the hospital and begins chasing Weather. Knowing about the subliminal power of Heavy Weather, Pucci hides in ambush under a mass of snails. He manages to cut off Weather's right leg during a surprise attack.[40] When Anasui tries to rush toward Pucci to attack him, several snails lunge toward him, infecting him as well. Pucci declares himself victorious and turns his back to the duo, but Weather suddenly jumps to him, his right leg replaced with that of Diver Down. A close quarter fight ensues, but Weather Report is more powerful and its ability to manipulate gusts of winds violently propel Pucci toward a car. Weather closes in and uses a karate chop on Pucci, but the priest decides to reflect the sun's rays with a wing mirror. Anasui's transformation is drastically accelerated and Diver Down is disabled, crippling Weather again.[41]

Pucci quase morre mas por sorte escapa

Pucci cuts off Weather's remaining leg, shocking Anasui who attacks the priest. Angry, Pucci punches Anasui with Whitesnake and almost finishes him off. However, Pucci suddenly impales his foot on an ice spike, and finds himself unable to move without risking impalement. Weather used his Stand to freeze his blood which has splattered all over the place and trap Pucci in a maze of spikes, cornering him. Weather crawls toward Pucci to attack him while he's immobilized, but Pucci plunges Whitesnake's hand into Anasui's head to brainwash him, forcing him to reveal the positions of the spikes and escape. However, Anasui notices too late that a spike has formed on Pucci's chest, menacing to impale the latter's head.[42] Moreover, Weather uses the air pressure to disequilibrate him, but Pucci is determined to avoid the attack; he breaks several spikes, throwing them at Weather in the hopes that Weather tries to protect himself and weakens his attack. However, Weather calmly suffers being impaled by the spikes thanks to his death wish, only freezing the blood further to tie Pucci. Now in range, Weather Report punches Pucci and immobilizes him to the ground. Pucci tries to beg Weather, but he shuts him up, declaring that Pucci is an evil oblivious of his evilness, and goes for a finishing punch.[43]

Suddenly, a car crashes next to them, causing chaos and separating the twin brothers. It was Versus, who rode alongside Jolyne, Ermes and Emporio but crashed, unable to control the car after Weather unwittingly created a cloud of dust. Jolyne feels that Pucci is nearby, but the priest has already punched through Weather's chest, supposedly aided by Fate.[43] Pucci then departs for the Kennedy Space Center.

Contagem para o Céu

C-Moon Desperto, Batalha contra Jolyne Cujoh

Lutando contra Jolyne com o C-Moon

In Cape Canaveral, the Kennedy Space Center, Pucci begins to feel his Stand turning into something else entirely. He eventually awakens C-Moon, which manipulates the surrounding gravity, and Pucci becomes the center of a gravitational anomaly.[44] When the Joestar Group and Ermes arrive at Cape Canaveral, Pucci hides and sends C-Moon to battle them. Although C-Moon proves to be dangerous, Jolyne's experience allows her to take advantage.[45] Pucci is forced to reveal himself and personally pilot it.[46] Using himself, he puts Jolyne at a disadvantage and has C-Moon strike Jolyne at the heart. Jolyne "falls" away from him, and Pucci is sure of his victory.[47]

However, Jolyne survived thanks to Stone Free and continues to battle him.[48] Pucci grabs a gun, but Jotaro Kujo freezes time and uses his stand to punch Pucci. Jotaro and Ermes have rejoined with the group and Pucci finds himself cornered.[49]

Made in Heaven Desperto, Batallha contra o Grupo Joestar

Pucci e o Made in Heaven

At this moment, he realizes that his condition allows him to recreate the exact environmental conditions needed to awaken the ultimate power.[49] Pucci gravitates to a space shuttle, even avoiding a spear thrown by Jotaro, thanks to a lingering ability to move in the time-stop, and subsequently evolves his Stand further.[50] The priest now commands Made in Heaven and begins the next step of his plan. Pucci accelerates time, causing chaos across the earth as all living beings are left lagging behind.[51]

Pucci's time acceleration gives him a great edge in battle, but Star Platinum's time stop still represents a danger, despite Pucci's time acceleration being able to cancel Jotaro's time stop early.[52] Pucci carefully corners the group on a roof[53] but his attempt to slit Jotaro's throat is thwarted by Anasui's Diver Down which takes the brunt of the damage.[54] The group then goes into the sea, where Pucci would be easily seen. However, time starts to accelerate even more, throwing a wrench in their plan. Pucci grabs Stone Free's hand and uses it to attack Anasui.[55] He also brings down knives upon the group, forcing Jotaro into another dilemma and then kills him by splitting his face in two, bisecting his head. A knife falling down hits Jolyne and then Pucci chops Ermes's left arm off. Believing Emporio to be the only left alive, Pucci offers him a chance to shoot him and die as a martyr.[56] Pucci dodges the bullets, but then he's surprised by Emporio seemingly hovering over the water and moving away, Pucci then notices that Jolyne isn't dead and gets attacked by her as she ties Emporio onto a dolphin and sacrifices herself for him to escape.[57] Time proceeds to accelerate even more leading to a new universe to be created.[58]

Um Novo Universo

Pucci recriando o universo

Batalha contra Emporio

A new universe is born in which every person has received precognitive abilities for the purpose of accepting their fate. However, the only obstacle that remained in his way is Emporio Alnino. Thus, Pucci stops the acceleration at the time of Jotaro's visit to the prison in order to prevent Emporio from interfering and eventually grow into yet another threat.[58] Chasing the child throughout the Green Dolphin Street Prison of his alternate universe, Pucci explains his beliefs and eventually corners him in his ghost room. However, when Emporio flees through the crack leading to the ghost room, Pucci inadvertently pushes the Weather Report DISC into Emporio who exploited the blind angle created when Jolyne cut his eye.[59]

A morte de Pucci pelas mãos de Weather Report

Now with Weather Report, Emporio has the power to fight Pucci. The priest accelerates time, but collapses to the ground; Weather Report has increased the oxygen level of the atmosphere and turned Pucci's power against him by accelerating his oxygen poisoning. Pucci angrily demands that Emporio stop Weather Report from killing him, saying that his ideal world for humanity's happiness would be ruined, only to be told by Emporio that he lost to "fate" and that it's the true path of justice before finally being beaten to death by Weather Report. His universe then resets into an alternate timeline, in which Jolyne and company meet up coincidentally and the Joestar bloodline survives.[60]

É desconhecido o que aconteceu com Pucci depois disso. Isso pode sugerir que ele foi completamente apagado da existência, ou trocado por uma contraparte alternativa.


A informação abaixo é derivada de uma fonte que não foi escrita pelo Araki. Como tal, ela pode ou não ser considerada canônica.
Pucci e o Whitesnake

In the light novel JORGE JOESTAR, an incarnation of Enrico Pucci lives in the 37th universe. He is a secondary antagonist in the novel. Like his original universe counterpart, he wields Whitesnake, which later evolves into C-Moon and Made in Heaven throughout the story.


17 year old Pucci sleepwalking

When Pucci was seventeen, he had a habit of sleepwalking out of the house. His family moved to Cape Canaveral since it was easier to keep an eye on him there with the air force base, but Pucci still slipped out one night in July, 1997, and awoke at the church his father worked at. When he rushed back home, he found he no longer had a home, as it was crushed by a falling meteor. It wasn't a rock which killed his family, but rather a metal plate from the Giotto probe. Besides the ID, fourteen phrases written in Italian and English were scratched onto the metal plate along with an excerpt of how to reach heaven.

Pucci was in a seminary school at the time. He then served as the priest at a prison before suddenly becoming an astronaut. Trying to find the way to heaven, he joins Captain Funnier Valentine, Goyathlay Soundman, and Pocoloco Tripleseven on a trip to Mars.


Pucci with the other astronauts

Aboard the H.G. Wells Spaceship in 2012, two boys named Jorge Joestar and Narancia Ghirga suddenly arrive from thin air. They are caught and tied up by Funnier and his group of astronauts. Pucci introduces himself and asks for their names. Since Narancia couldn't speak English, Jorge answers for him. Pucci sees the mark of Passione on Narancia's knife and moves onto other questions. The crew is surprised to learn that they somehow appeared there from Morioh and Nero Nero Island. Jorge also recalls that he read about Pucci in the news, due to his sudden change in occupation. Narancia attempts to attack the astronauts but Pucci eventually puts him into an illusion with Whitesnake's "Melt Your Heart" ability. He then uses Whitesnake to pull out two DISCs from Narancia's head and one DISC from Jorge's head. Pucci reads their memories before putting Jorge's DISC back in, and then informs Jorge that the boy still doesn't properly understand what Tsukumojuku Kato told him yet.

Slapping Narancia

Pocoloco notices that someone from outside is approaching them, about to destroy the spaceship. He tells Pucci to wake Narancia up to see if he could move his submarine Stand. Pucci inserts Narancia's DISCs back in and tells him that God has forgiven his sins already. Narancia is extremely confused when he wakes up, as he had been seeing an illusion that he killed all of the astronauts already. Pucci manipulates him by saying Narancia has no reason to kill them as they are his friends. Narancia doesn't argue back and Jorge is terrified of Pucci's manipulative capabilities, certain that Pucci must be evil. Narancia explains that he can't move his submarine because it can only move inside living things or other Stands, but Soundman's Dune had gone too far and became ordinary sand again. Narancia enthusiastically suggests blowing up the third moon, causing Pucci to slap him. His DISC ejects but Pucci pushes it back in after saying he hates boys who don't have manners.

When The Funniest Valentine transmits photographs of The Eyed Balloon's interior, Pucci notices the multiple Giotto probes and wonders if it has something to do with the fourteen words. The Funniest then gives them an ultimatum to escape The Eyed Balloon's tentacles in ten minutes or they will detonate the H.G. Wells spaceship remotely to prevent Kars from returning to Earth. Soundman and Pucci go with Narancia on a giant U-Boat submarine toward Kars. A couple of minutes later, Funnier suddenly betrays his crew. He kills Pocoloco, then shoots Narancia as well. He insults Pucci for being a self-absorbed sinner and reveals that he has been negotiating with Kars for eleven years ever since he read the message on the metal plate that fell on Pucci's house. He shoots Pucci and Soundman attempts to fight Funnier, but is killed. As Funnier escapes, Narancia reveals that U-Boat caught the bullet in his forehead so he didn't actually die. He fires a cruise missile which collides with the escape pod, killing Funnier.

Before the H.G. Wells ship explodes, Jorge jumps into the hole of the submarine and Narancia immediately pilots it away. However, Kars also enters the submarine. Kars declares that he can finally go back home but with the three of them there, the oxygen in the submarine would only last four hours. The Eyed Balloon is revealed to be 36 different versions of Kars, who sacrifice themselves to make a new spaceship as well as fuel. Kars then carries the submarine into his spaceship after ordering Narancia to shrink it. Jorge wonders why Kars said there were three of them since Kars doesn't need to breathe, and then notices Pucci lying on the ground. Pucci had been saved by Soundman's sand, so Funnier's bullet did not reach his head.[61]

Punched by Whitesnake Ultimate

Narancia tries sneakily putting U-Boat inside Kars, but Kars feels it inside him and pulls it out. After dismantling it and learning how it works, Kars creates his own version. Experimenting with his new Stand, Kars generates an extremely loud sonar sound from within Jorge and Pucci's bodies. Kars discovers that Pucci has a Stand as well and drags Whitesnake out of Pucci's back. Pucci has Whitesnake punch Kars, but rather than one or two DISCs emerging, a whole flood of DISCs spill out of Kars's head. Understanding how Whitesnake works, Kars develops his own version, Whitesnake Ultimate. Whitesnake Ultimate pulls out Pucci's Stand and memory DISCs. He then watches Pucci's memories and sees that the priest got his Stand from the Devil's Palm, a holy spot in America that moves itself from place to place and those that wander into it would either unleash their Stand or die. Kars is disappointed at how dull human memories are and slams the DISC back into Pucci's head. However, he reveals that thanks to Pucci's memories, their six month trip back to Earth will only take four hours. Kars projects an image from Pucci's memories showing a vampire in the sky at the time Pucci's house was destroyed. Kars wasn't the one who threw the metal plate that killed Pucci's family, but instead this vampire did.

Realizing "Via Dolorosa"

At Earth's orbit, Pucci informs the deaths of Funnier, Sandman, and Pocoloco to the communications officer over the radio. As Pucci stares at the islands and Arrow Cross House out the window, he points out the "Rhinoceros Beetles" and the "Via Dolorosa", which are part of the fourteen words carved on the Giotto plate.[62]


The spaceship of Kars smashes into the Arrow Cross House as Jorge assumes that they all are about to die. However, Kars saves them by transforming his body into a sphere. Kars returns to his humanoid form, albeit in a damaged state. The extra Kars that were covering the spaceship burned up just above the surface of Earth. Kars thinks that they were short of one extra version of him for a proper landing but Pucci states that 36 should have been enough, believing the number to have holy significance. As they step outside, Jorge realizes that they are actually in England from the original universe rather than the 37th universe's Morioh.

Jorge tells Narancia that they should check out the other Jorge's home but Pucci says that they should go to the capital, London, as something waits for them in 'Desolation Row'. However, Narancia then sees three zombie men fighting to eat a little girl. Narancia kills the three men but the girl becomes a zombie herself. Jorge, Narancia, and Pucci fight off the zombies with their Stands. Riding a large U-Boat, they decide to flee to the Joestar mansion and take Kars with them.

Pucci reveals the "Fig Tart"

After Jorge talks with Penelope de la Rosa, she decides to join their group and heads back with him to U-Boat. Penelope introduces herself to Kars and Pucci and then explains everything that happened so far in England, as well as her abilities. After talking with Jorge, Pucci is happy to learn that all they need now is one more 'Rhinoceros Beetle', a 'Spiral Staircase', two 'Singularities', and the 'Secret Emperor'. He reveals that the 'Fig Tart' was the sweet scent made from Kars's body burning during their reentry to Earth.

Pucci and C-Moon
Meeting the "Secret Emperor"

The group arrives at London, where Pucci is greeted by Funny Valentine. Funny reveals that Manhattan Island is the final 'Rhinoceros Beetle'. With Funny's help, Pucci learns that the two 'Singularities' is his connection with himself. Pucci knows Funny Valentine well in his own universe, but not this version of Funny from another universe, thus creating a 'Spiral Staircase'. Finally, Funny introduces them to the 'Secret Emperor', Dio Brando. Seeing holes in Dio's hands and feet, Pucci weeps for his lord as arrows appear all over Whitesnake's body. Pucci levitates and becomes the center of gravity, unleashing his new Stand C-Moon. However, C-Moon's body then cracks and Made in Heaven emerges from it.

Pucci and Made in Heaven

Just before Pucci could activate Made in Heaven, Dio holds up his hand. The giant wall surrounding Great Britain formed the upside-down upper half of a giant version of Antonio Torres. The giant Antonio looks down at them and grabs Pucci, swallowing him to send him outside of the barrier. Pucci then activates Made in Heaven within Antonio's belly, speeding up time outside England. The universe loops 36 times, bringing the island of Great Britain to 2012 in the 37th universe. Jorge wonders if their six month journey from Mars back to Earth only took four hours because of Pucci, but Kars reveals that the priest had a complicated flow of time compressed within him. At the same time he was on the spaceship with them, he was also in another universe killing someone.[63]

Arrow Cross House

In the 37th universe, Pucci lures Yoshikage Kira (actually Kosaku Kawajiri) and Diavolo to Arrow Cross House after setting the two against each other. As time loops from Bites the Dust and King Crimson constantly activating, Pucci speeds up time with Made in Heaven and compresses it until neither of them could move at all, then slits their throats.

Pucci's arrival
Furious with Giorno

At night, the original universe's George Joestar deduces how the two criminals were killed in Arrow Cross House. After learning that Diavolo is actually an alternate personality of Giorno Giovanna, Pucci arrives, stating that Giorno shouldn't blame God for abandoning him. Pucci divulges that Giorno couldn't bear the burden of his sins and created an alternate personality in his mind, so he could play the hero while his alter ego, Diavolo, was punished for his dirty deeds. Giorno smiles, revealing that manipulating Pucci was all part of his father's plan and now the priest no longer has any use to him. Flustered, Pucci tells Giorno to shut up and rapidly speeds up time, threatening to slaughter all of Giorno's men.

Giorno points to a rhinoceros beetle flying in the air, turning it back into an Arrow with his Gold Experience. He had turned Reimi Sugimoto's Arrow into a living being to prevent the flow of time from damaging it. Giorno then explains that there are actually three more Arrows, causing Reimi to violently eject the remaining ones out of her as well. Giorno laughs about these Arrows being the real four rhinoceros beetles. With the Arrow, he evolves his Stand into Gold Experience Requiem. His evolved Stand immediately sends Pucci to a world where he'll wander for eternity with all his desires and actions being in vain.[64]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Stone Ocean Chapter 127: Heavy Weather, Part 3
  2. 2.0 2.1 Stone Ocean Chapter 128: Heavy Weather, Part 4
  3. Stone Ocean Chapter 129: Heavy Weather, Part 5
  4. 4.0 4.1 Stone Ocean Chapter 48: Torrential Downpour Warning, Part 1
  5. 5.0 5.1 Stone Ocean Chapter 94: Time for Heaven
  6. Stone Ocean Chapter 61: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 2
  7. Stone Ocean Chapter 87: Awaken, Part 3
  8. 8.0 8.1 Stone Ocean Chapter 20: Prisoner of Love
  9. 9.0 9.1 Stone Ocean Chapter 26: There's Six of Us!, Part 1
  10. Stone Ocean Chapter 30: There's Six of Us!, Part 5
  11. Stone Ocean Chapter 12: The Visitor, Part 2
  12. Stone Ocean Chapter 18: The Visitor, Part 8
  13. Stone Ocean Chapter 19: The Visitor, Part 9
  14. Stone Ocean Chapter 33: Foo Fighters, Part 3
  15. Stone Ocean Chapter 34: Debt Collector Marilyn Manson, Part 1
  16. Stone Ocean Chapter 39: Debt Collector Marilyn Manson, Part 6
  17. Stone Ocean Chapter 41: Operation Savage Garden, Part 2
  18. Stone Ocean Chapter 44: Operation Savage Garden, Part 5
  19. Stone Ocean Chapter 46: Operation Savage Garden, Part 7
  20. Stone Ocean Chapter 47: Operation Savage Garden, Part 8
  21. Stone Ocean Chapter 49: Torrential Downpour Warning, Part 2
  22. Stone Ocean Chapter 50: Torrential Downpour Warning, Part 3
  23. Stone Ocean Chapter 58: Ultra Security House Unit
  24. Stone Ocean Chapter 60: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 1
  25. 25.0 25.1 Stone Ocean Chapter 84: F.F. - The Witness, Part 2
  26. Stone Ocean Chapter 85: Awaken, Part 1
  27. Stone Ocean Chapter 90: Whitesnake - The Pursuer, Part 2
  28. Stone Ocean Chapter 91: Whitesnake - The Pursuer, Part 3
  29. Stone Ocean Chapter 92: Whitesnake - The Pursuer, Part 4
  30. Stone Ocean Chapter 93: Whitesnake - The Pursuer, Part 5
  31. Stone Ocean Chapter 95: New Moon! New Priest
  32. Stone Ocean Chapter 96: Jail House Lock!, Part 1
  33. Stone Ocean Chapter 103: Three Men Taken to the Hospital
  34. Stone Ocean Chapter 112: Sky High, Part 1
  35. Stone Ocean Chapter 118: Time for Heaven: Three Days Until the New Moon
  36. Stone Ocean Chapter 121: Under World, Part 3
  37. Stone Ocean Chapter 122: Under World, Part 4
  38. Stone Ocean Chapter 124: Under World, Part 6
  39. Stone Ocean Chapter 125: Heavy Weather, Part 1
  40. Stone Ocean Chapter 133: Heavy Weather, Part 9
  41. Stone Ocean Chapter 134: Heavy Weather, Part 10
  42. Stone Ocean Chapter 135: Heavy Weather, Part 11
  43. 43.0 43.1 Stone Ocean Chapter 136: Heavy Weather, Part 12
  44. Stone Ocean Chapter 138: At Cape Canaveral
  45. Stone Ocean Chapter 141: C-MOON, Part 1
  46. Stone Ocean Chapter 143: C-MOON, Part 3
  47. Stone Ocean Chapter 144: C-MOON, Part 4
  48. Stone Ocean Chapter 146: C-MOON, Part 6
  49. 49.0 49.1 Stone Ocean Chapter 147: C-MOON, Part 7
  50. Stone Ocean Chapter 148: C-MOON, Part 8
  51. Stone Ocean Chapter 149: Made in Heaven, Part 1
  52. Stone Ocean Chapter 150: Made in Heaven, Part 2
  53. Stone Ocean Chapter 151: Made in Heaven, Part 3
  54. Stone Ocean Chapter 152: Made in Heaven, Part 4
  55. Stone Ocean Chapter 153: Made in Heaven, Part 5
  56. Stone Ocean Chapter 154: Made in Heaven, Part 6
  57. Stone Ocean Chapter 155: Made in Heaven, Part 7
  58. 58.0 58.1 Stone Ocean Chapter 156: Made in Heaven, Part 8
  59. Stone Ocean Chapter 157: Made in Heaven, Part 9
  60. Stone Ocean Chapter 158: What a Wonderful World
  61. JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 10: H.G. Wells
  62. JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 12: Rhinoceros Beetle
  63. JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 14: Desolation Row
  64. JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 15: Beyond

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