Leone Abbacchio

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Eu vou usar meu Stand para resolver o mistério! (オレのスタンドで「謎」を解くッ!)
ALERTA DE SPOILERS: Spoilers da Parte 5 podem estar presentes abaixo.

Leone Abbacchio (レオーネ・アバッキオ, Reōne Abakkio) é um aliado principal na quinta parte de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Vento Aureo.

Abbacchio é um dos membros da Equipe Bucciarati e por extensão da Passione. Ele antigamente era um policial que aceitava subornos e foi subsequentemente demitido, apenas para ser recrutado pelo Bruno Bucciarati. Ele acompanha Bucciarati e Giorno Giovanna em sua missão para proteger Trish Una.

Abbacchio é um usuário de Stand, que possui o Moody Blues.



Abbacchio é um homem alto de porte magro. Em sua cabeça ele veste um chapéu serrado que serve de elástico de cabelo.[1] Ele tem um cabelo longo e claro, que se divide em espinhos angulados para fora ou para cima em suas pontas, indo até seus ombros em sua primeira aparição e ficando maior até a metade de seu tronco. Ele também usa um batom de tom escuro.

Ele veste um sobretudo longo, escuro e sem lapelas com laços que cruzam seu peito, calças pantalona escuras, e sapatos pretos. A fivela de seu cinto possui uma insígnia prateada/dourada com a letra "A".

Quando mais jovem, durante seu serviço como um policial, seu cabelo era curto no estilo militar, e ele não foi visto em usando usando outras roupas além de um uniforme policial italiano padrão.

Esquemas de Cores

A obra é conhecida por sua mudança de cores entre as mídias, a informação apresentada abaixo pode ou não ser canônica.
Mangá ColoridoGioGioEyes of HeavenAnime
Skin(Fair, black lipstick)
Eyes(Light Blue)
(Dark teal suit with green laces, gold cuffs and emblem, and dark teal shoes. Light blue headpiece.)
Skin(Pale, black lipstick)
Hair(Light Gray)
(Black suit with gray laces and cuffs, gold emblem, and black shoes. Light blue headpiece.)
Skin(Fair, black lipstick)
Hair(Light Gray)
(Dark teal suit with dark green laces, gold cuffs and emblem, and dark teal shoes. Light blue-gray headpiece.)
Skin(Fair, light purple lipstick)
Hair(White tinted violet)
Eyes(Yellow-purple gradient)
(Dark indigo suit with purple laces and cuffs, gold emblem, and dark purple shoes and headpiece.)

Jolyne, Fly High with GUCCI

Abbacchio faz uma aparição no one-shot usando uma jaqueta verde com botões azuis, um pullover branco, e sapatos vermelhos. Ele é consistentemente retratado com um chapéu e cabelos azuis.


Um jovem e mais alegre Abbacchio
Havia uma época em que eu queria ser um policial. Desde que eu era criança. Eu queria ser um policial justo. Havia uma época em que eu tinha uma força de vontade assim como a sua... mas eu ferrei tudo. Eu sou esse tipo de pessoa.
—Abbacchio admitindo seu fracasso, Chapter 550: Beneath a Sky on the Verge of Falling

Leone Abbacchio é um membro melancólico, amargurado e ainda assim dedicado da equipe de Bucciarati.

Como policial, Abbacchio queria manter as ruas seguras e jurou dedicar sua vida à busca por justiça. Entretanto, a taxa alta de crime entre os cidadões, sua ingratidão, e os muitos criminosos que evitavam seu punimento através de subornos corroeram seu senso de justiça e ele começou a aceitar subornos, dizendo para si mesmo que ele ainda sim estava mantendo a paz da cidade. Entretanto, quando ele fracassou em prender o homem que o subornou por medo de ser exposto como corrupto, Abbacchio presenciou seu parceiro ser fatalmente alvejado ao se sacrificar por ele. Despojado de seu cargo e além disso abertamente se assumindo um criminoso como qualquer outro, Abbacchio se tornou depressivo e eventualmente se juntou a Passione, somente se sentindo em paz quando com o reto Bruno Bucciarati.[2][3]

Abbacchio é um dos membros mais sérios da Equipe Bucciarati. Do grupo, ele é o mais sensato dos membros, levando os objetos à sério e apenas se entretendo com poucas coisas. Das as poucas vezes que ele é visto sorrindo a maioria é por despeito de outras pessoas (ex. rindo das previsões aparentemente absurdas de Giorno e perguntando com humor à Illuso se ele havia perdido algo após conseguir tirar a chave de Mr.President de perto dele[4]). Abbacchio nunca participa das travessuras de seus companheiros. Entretanto, ele ainda frequentemente participa de um punhado de conversas casuais do grupo, especialmente durante uma refeição. Em múltiplas ocasiões, Abbacchio tomaria parte das conversas de Mista e Narancia apesar dos assuntos aleatórios dos dois, dando respostas lógicas entre suas baboseiras sem sentido (ex. falando sobre o que vegetarianos usariam ou se carne humana tem um gosto bom).

Abbacchio é determinado à cumprir suas missões à qualquer custo

Durante batalhas, Abbacchio expressa um lado agressivo, primeiramente o demonstrando em ameaças verbais e insultos quando falando sobre ou com o inimigo. Abbacchio é altamente dedicado à missão de seu grupo, almejando se absolver ou esquecer de seu erro passado, e também faz isso como maneira de se livrar da memória. Abbacchio é dito ter desistido de sua vida após o incidente que acabou com sua carreira, apenas sendo capaz de dar seu corpo como um tipo de 'soldado' para que seus superiores alcancem seu objetivo.[3] Em adição, ele considera sua habilidade de cumprir uma missão dada uma fonte de honra e orgulho. Como tal, ele prioritiza a realização de uma missão antes da vida de seus aliados, e demonstra prontidão em deixar Fugo para trás.[5] Durante a batalha contra Illuso, ele facilmente corta sua mão direita para levar a chave de Mr.President para Giorno, aceitando sua morte iminente imediatamente antes de Giorno o salvar.[6]

Abbacchio secretamente inveja aqueles que são capazes de buscar a justiça apesar das chances estarem contra eles e como a justiça parece ser com a presença de dinheiro.[7] Embora Abbacchio admita que ele nunca foi capaz de seguir seu sonho, o espírito de seu parceiro o corrige que ele sempre manteve seu senso de moralidade até depois de se tornar um gângster.[8]

Abbacchio e Giorno entram em conflito

Durante seu tempo juntos, Abbacchio nunca cessa seus confrontos com Giorno e expressa desprezo pelo novo membro. Ele não apenas se manteve altamente crítico de cada movimento e dizer de Giorno, mas também recusa mostrar seu Moody Blues na frente dele, não confiando o segredo de seu Stand com ele.[9] Um tanto orgulhoso, Abbacchio promete dar uma surra em Giorno quando o jovem consistentemente prova que o curso de suas ações são melhores sempre que suas opiniões se diferem. Mas, embora ele deteste Giorno e o maltrata de tempos em tempos, ele nunca vai tão longe a ponto de bater nele. Apesar disso, Abbacchio se impressiona com as ações de Giorno. Por sua vez, Giorno respeita Abbacchio como um membro mais velho da equipe.

Quando Abbacchio visita Pompéia, ele menciona que quando criança, ele costumava andar até lá de Nápoles.[10] Isso demonstra que ele havia um interesse nas ruinas.



Artigo principal: Moody Blues

O Stand de Abbacchio, Moody Blues, reencena os eventos que ocorreram em um dado lugar dentro um tempo especificado por seu usuários.

Moody Blues (ムーディー・ブルース)Link para essa seção



Um Abbacchio mais novo, trabalhando como policial

Abbacchio became a police officer after graduating high school. He was very sincere about protecting people, but not long after he was stationed in his area, he realized his job had a lot of contradictions. Though the police officers risked their lives to protect the people, the people are not grateful, always trying to get out of punishments and sometimes even accusing the officers of not doing their job. And even the criminals who have been put away by the police can easily be released if they have enough money. Abbacchio began to learn of these contradictions, and one night while on patrol, he came across a man working with a harlot. The man said that he and the girl were just trying to help the girl's father repay his debts, and quietly hands Abbacchio some money as a bribe. Abbacchio is conflicted as to whether or not he should accept the money, but reasons with himself that the streets are full of people like him and even if Abbacchio did send the man to jail, he could easily pay off the lawyer and judge to get out, and that he was still protecting the streets by accepting the money.

One night a thief was reported breaking into an old man's house. Abbacchio and his partner arrived on the scene and split up to try and trap the thief. As Abbacchio entered the house, he stumbled upon the thief, who was trying to escape through a window. It turned out the thief was the same man Abbacchio had accepted the bribe from before. The man recognized Abbacchio and tried to reason with him that if Abbacchio let him go, the man wouldn't cause any more trouble, but Abbacchio was adamant that he was arresting the man. The man said that if Abbacchio arrested him, then everyone would know that Abbacchio accepted bribes. As he talked, Abbacchio became more and more swayed by his reasoning, not knowing that the man began to withdraw a gun.

O parceiro de Abbacchio morre tentando salvá-lo

Before he could shoot Abbacchio, Abbacchio's partner burst in, shooting the man, but also getting shot in Abbacchio's place. Abbacchio was punished and discharged for having accepted a bribe. More than that, however, the fact that his partner died because of his corruption would haunt Abbacchio. He lost his life's purpose, seemingly unable to find any form of happiness or other great emotion. At some point, Abbacchio would join Passione, working under Bruno Bucciarati. From then on, he was only ever happy when he received a mission of high importance because it allowed him to forget everything else.[11]

Vento Aureo

O Tesouro de Polpo

Primeira aparição como membro da Passione

Abbacchio was introduced to Giorno as part of Bucciarati's gang along with Narancia, Fugo, and Mista. In an attempt at hazing Giorno, Abbacchio urinates in a tea pot and offers some to him under the pretense of friendship. However, Giorno then turns the situation around by actually seemingly gulping down his cup, suprising Abbacchio and impressing the rest of the group.

After boarding the ship heading for the island of Capri in order to retrieve Polpo's hidden treasure, the team is attacked by an enemy Stand. One by one the members suddenly disappear, with only Bucciarati, Abbacchio, and Giorno left on-guard. Abbacchio, distrustful of Giorno, refuses to reveal his Stand in front of him, to Bucciarati's dismay. Seeing no other choice, Giorno sacrifices himself to not only allow Abbacchio freedom to use his power, but to also help them figure out the enemy's attack, leaving behind a fly made from Narancia's shoe that tracks where the enemy is.

Abbacchio revela seu Stand, Moody Blues

After him and Bucciarati jump below deck, Abbacchio decides to bring out Moody Blues, using its ability to track Narancia up to the moment he's attacked. They find his body being deflated while kept alive and being pulled into the ship. Abbacchio has Moody Blues attempt to follow where Narancia went but fails to successfully find where the enemy is. When he tries to bring his Stand back, Abbacchio is stunned to find that Moody Blues is not there despite him feeling its presence, leading him to ponder what's happening with the boat. Abbacchio, against Bucciarati's commands, forces Moody Blues to remain in a dark place. Feeling out the area, Abbacchio realizes at the last second how their enemy is attacking before Moody Blues is assaulted, causing Abbacchio to deflate and be abducted in turn. However, shortly before being taken away, he manages to convey to Bucciarati what he's figured out, using his blood and its trail to show how none of them were actually taken below the deck of the boat they're on. This allows Bucciarati to force their enemy, Mario Zucchero out into the open. Zucchero threatens to kill Abbacchio with his Soft Machine, but Bucciarati is quicker on the draw and defeats him. After kicking Zucchero's helpless body around with Fugo and Narancia, Abbacchio would still not allow Giorno to see his Stand's ability as he replays Zucchero's conversation over the radio, revealing that he had a partner that had gone ahead. When Giorno suggests that they send someone to go find the partner in Capri, Abbacchio dismisses the idea since they have no clue about the partner's appearance. However, Mista approves the idea. Giorno and Mista leave for Capri, where Mista is able to defeat Sale.

With their way secure, Bucciarati is able to lead his team to the treasure. The capo Pericolo appears to take the treasure and promotes Bucciarati. However, he then immediately presents Trish Una, the Boss' daughter, and tasks them to bodyguard her against a team of rogue assassins.

Protegendo Trish

The group takes in Trish Una in order to protect her from apparent traitors within the gang and hide her in a house in a vineyard. However, Narancia is sent on a supply run and encounters one of the hitmen, Formaggio. The mayhem Narancia causes is sure to attract the rest of the traitors in the area. Abbacchio reprimands Giorno for assuming that the Boss would send orders immediately, only to speak too soon as Mista confirms their next course of action just as quickly afterwards. The Boss thus tells the team to retrieve a key in Pompeii that will help them get Trish to him. Bucciarati thus sends in Abbacchio, Fugo and Giorno. They also learn that the traitors are known as La Squadra Esecuzioni.

Man in the Mirror

Abbacchio, along with Giorno & Fugo arrive in the ruins of Pompeii. It is there that Fugo is attacked by la Squadra member Illuso, dragging him into the mirror world with his Stand Man in the Mirror. Fugo then activates his Stand, Purple Haze, which was separated from its user through the mirror. Abbacchio alerts Giorno to get away since Purple Haze's power could instantly kill them both. Giorno wants to aid Fugo, but Abbacchio is adamant to leaving him since they have to obtain the key, regardless of their feelings to help Fugo. Abbacchio leaves to get the key as Giorno stays, as the two separate, Illuso attacks Abbacchio by pulling him into the mirror world, but to his surprise, Abbacchio substitutes himself with Moody Blues, whom proceeds to overpower and beat the enemy Stand.

Abbacchio é atacado pelo Man in the Mirror

Before he is completely defeated, Illuso pushes half of Moody Blues out and pulls half of Abbacchio in, preventing both him and his Stand from attacking. In a desperation move, Abbacchio grabs the key, cuts off his own hand, and uses Moody Blues to rewind its corresponding hand in the real world's movements back to where Giorno is. Though accepting that the mission had cost both his own and Fugo's lives, Abbacchio is soon taken aback when Illuso turns the corner only to see Giorno merely looking at the key instead of escaping with it. Illuso taunts Abbacchio with how incompetent the new member of Team Bucciarati is, causing Abbacchio to furiously scream at Giorno to get away. When Illuso attacks Giorno and pulls him into the mirror world, both Abbacchio and he are shocked to see that Giorno had purposefully infected himself with Purple Haze's virus and was waiting for Illuso to attack him in order to spread it. After Illuso is defeated by the joint efforts of Giorno and Fugo, Fugo openly salutes Giorno for his efforts. Giorno, however, tells Fugo to salute Abbacchio for his own efforts. Abbacchio, around the corner, overhears this and loses consciousness after realizing that Giorno's plan was the best course of action, promising himself to beat him up when he is able to use both of his hands again. Bucciarati later reattaches Abbacchio's hand using Sticky Fingers' zipper.

O Caminho Até Veneza

Usando Moody Blues, Abbacchio repete as últimas instruções de Pericolo

Abbacchio is present for a few more attacks from La Squadra Esecuzioni. When the group board a train to Florence, they hide inside of a turtle named Coco Jumbo which was left on the platform near the train for Bucciarati. However, they are followed by a duo of assassins. Prosciutto uses his The Grateful Dead to age everyone in the train and push the team into revealing themselves. Abbacchio is among the most severely hit by the aging effect because he hasn't had a fresh drink from the fridge in Coco Jumbo. He eventually wakes up and chastises Giorno for sleeping on the job, while he feels tired and decides to take a nap again, being unaware of the attack. The train was stopped when Bucciarati had to fight Prosciutto and Pesci, and thus the group is forced to take to the roads. In a rest area, the team eventually manage to steal a car while covering their tracks. During their way to Venice, the group receives new orders from the Boss, who tells Abbacchio to use Moody Blues. Moody Blues turns into Pericolo, who posthumously gives them the next instructions: retrieve a disc from a statue near Venice's train station. Giorno and Mista are sent to retrieve it while the rest of the group goes to Venice on a boat.

Traindo a Gangue

Abbacchio trai a gangue com Bucciarati

The group reaches the San Giorgio Maggiore church where one of the members must deliver Trish at the top of the basilica and the rest must stay in their boat. Giorno volunteers but Abbacchio shoots his proposition down, arguing that the head of the team should have the honor of completing this last part of the mission. When Bucciarati escorts Trish to the Boss, Abbacchio once more scolds Giorno for going against orders and running in after them. Abbacchio and the rest of the gang decide to follow where they find Giorno, Trish and a wounded Bucciarati. After they exit the church, Bucciarati declares that he has defected from Passione and is going against the Boss, making sure the group knows that continuing to follow him would mean becoming targeted by the gang. Abbacchio is the first to eagerly step on the boat and join Bucciarati's cause, telling him that through all of his endeavors, he only truly feels at peace when he is with Bucciarati. Everyone but Fugo then joins in shortly afterward.

O Caminho Até Sardenha

While still in Venice, the group discuss their next course and Trish reveals that she knows her mother met the Boss in Sardegna. Suddenly, Narancia claims he is being attacked by an enemy Stand, and Abbacchio follows his apparent instructions to use Moody Blues to reveal their attacker. However, Narancia's strange actions leave Abbacchio confused and somewhat angry. Outside of his awareness, Narancia and Giorno were indeed fighting two enemy Stand Users. Abbacchio's Moody Blues reveals itself unable to properly track the enemy Stand because of Clash's teleportation ability. The team is lured in the kitchen where they are manipulated into triggering an explosion. Abbacchio is wounded, but thankfully, Narancia tracks Tiziano and Squalo and kills both of them.

A equipe deve lutar contra Notorious B.I.G

The group then hijacks an airline craft, and Abbacchio uses Moody Blues to replay the last pilot's flight to Sardinia, allowing the group to get there without needing any skill or experience in flying. However, they are then attacked by Carne during the preparations. Carne is quickly killed but after the plane lifts off, the Stand Notorious B.I.G manifests itself, wounding Mista, Narancia and Giorno in such a way that Giorno loses his hands and the ability to heal the team. However, Trish awakens her own Stand Spice Girl and manages to retrieve a spare hand Giorno had created. The plane is destroyed but Trish turns the cockpit into a makeshift parachute, ensuring the team's safety. A piece of Notorious B.I.G. sticks itself to Abbacchio's hair but the team still manage to get rid of it.

Investigando o Passado do Chefe

O corpo de Abbacchio descansando após ser atacado

Abbacchio is ordered to look for the place where the Boss took a photo of Trish's mother, Donatella, in order to unveil his face. Upon attempting to use his Stand powers to replay said events, Abbacchio is left alone as the group is pulled towards some commotion (a fight between Vinegar Doppio and La Squadra leader Risotto Nero). Abbacchio, having been left vulnerable, is killed by the Boss in disguise as a boy playing a game of soccer. The Boss uses his Stand, King Crimson, and punches cleanly through Abbacchio's heart. Abbacchio can only glance at the Boss before he is left to die quietly, as Moody Blues promptly begins to crumble away.

File:Leone's death.jpg
Abbacchio at peace, free from his fate as a sleeping slave

Abbacchio finds himself at a restaurant, eating a meal, when he begins hearing some commotion coming from under his table. He checks to see a policeman, picking up and inspecting glass shards too many in number to count. When told it was for an investigation of a mugging where the victim was hit with the bottle, he questions the officer as to why he would continue to pursue the suspect, knowing that even if the right evidence was found, they would likely bail themselves out with ease. The officer replies that he's looking for the truth, rather than just results, as one whom never loses sight of the truth and reality can reach their destination. Abbacchio admits his envy for him, and that he used to have that same mentality but ultimately could not uphold it, calling himself worthless. The policeman reveals to Abbacchio that said mentality had never left him, making him somewhat anxious. He remembers what he was doing before and says he has to return to his team. Abbacchio begins walking towards a bus, only to be told by the officer that he was brought there by that same bus; It was his final stop. Upon looking at the officer once more, Abbacchio finally remembers the man as his former partner, and begins crying, dishearteningly telling him that his death on patrol was all because his partner accepted some bribe.


O legado final de Abbacchio - uma máscara mortal do rosto d'O Chefe deixado pelo Moody Blues.

Upon finding Abbacchio's corpse, the whole group is left horrified at how sudden his death was: Mista becomes quiet and refuses to look at it; Giorno is left in disbelief at his failure to be able to save him; Narancia cries and becomes desperate, begging Giorno to do something; Bucciarati, despite trying to act mature and commanding the gang to leave the area, subconsciously bites his lip hard enough to bleed. Giorno finds that Abbacchio held in his hand a conspicuous piece of stone, and uses his Gold Experience to return the piece to an imprint of the boss' face and fingerprints, left by Moody Blues as a sort of death mask before it crumbled. With that, they're able to make a mold of those features and continue their efforts to defeat The Boss.

Abbacchio is last seen as an apparition with his partner, watching over his friends from the sky. Before the two walk away, he is told that he's done a fine job and that his friends have sensed his will to seek out the truth.

Capítulos / Episódios

Book Icon.png Aparições no Mangá
Capítulos em ordem de aparição
TV Icon.png Aparições no Anime
Episódios em ordem de aparição


Quote.png Frases
  • Giorno, was it? You don't have to stay standing. Why don't you sit down and drink some tea...
    —Leone Abbacchio, Chapter 456: 5 Plus 1
  • I'll use my Stand to solve the mystery!
    —Leone Abbacchio, Chapter 459: The Mystery of Soft Machine, Part 2
  • I'm replaying all of the past memories! We'll be able to see every sweat drop, every pulse going through Narancia's body! My Stand will trace everything, unrelentingly.
    —Leone Abbacchio, Chapter 459: The Mystery of Soft Machine, Part 2
  • It looks like we've uncovered the enemy's ability... now all we have to do is to trace Narancia and the others and bring them back up, and beat the bastard in!
    —Leone Abbacchio, Chapter 460: Moody Blues Strikes Back, Part 1
  • Obtain the key and protect the Boss' daughter! Carrying that order is what truly matters!
    —Leone Abbacchio, Chapter 484: Man in the Mirror and Purple Haze, Part 6
  • I am also a man with no place to go and no place to call home. This country and its society have rejected me. Bucciarati, the only time I feel inner peace... is when I'm by your side.
    —Leone Abbacchio, Chapter 523: The Mystery of King Crimson, Part 6
  • There was a time when I wanted to be a policeman. Ever since I was a kid. I wanted to be a righteous policeman. There was a time when I had a will like yours... but I screwed it all up. I'm just that kinda guy.
    —Leone Abbacchio, Chapter 550: Beneath a Sky on the Verge of Falling
  • Abbacchio, you've done a fine job. And those who follow in your path sense your will to seek out the truth. This is what truly matters.
    —Abbacchio's partner to him, Chapter 550: Beneath a Sky on the Verge of Falling


GioGio's Bizarre Adventure (PS2)

Abbacchio debuts as a playable character in GioGio's Bizarre Adventure. He is voiced by Tetsu Inada.

Abbacchio himself can only attack with regular punches and kicks, as most of his special attacks involve his Stand. In Normal Mode, Abbacchio's Stand Shoot is unique in that Moody Blues briefly pauses before delivering the attack; in Stand Mode, Moody Blues's Stand Shoot causes it to mirror Abbacchio's movements, with the attack lasting longer if charged up beforehand. Moody Blues can also grab the enemy and, if the player performs enough button presses, perform a barrage of punches before letting go.

Moody Blues's special ability in Normal Mode allows it to record Abbacchio's movements over a period of ten seconds. During recording, Moody Blues will remain motionless and open to attack, and Abbacchio will be unable to use any moves that involve his Stand. The recording will be stopped if the move is used again, or if either Abbacchio or Moody Blues takes damage. Regardless of whether the recording is completed, using the same move in Stand Mode will cause Moody Blues to replay the recorded inputs, creating opportunities for combos. The recording will remain "saved" until either Abbacchio begins recording again or the fight ends. If the playback move is used before recording any input, Moody Blues will deliver a single kick before returning to Abbacchio.

Leone Abbacchio / Moody Blues
Normal Mode
Stand Mode
PS Square.png
Normal Combo (2x)
Stand Rush (3x)
PS Square.png (Heavy)
Heavy Punch
Heavy Kick (while moving)
Heavy Punch
PS Cross.png
Kiss the ground!
I'll grab you with my Stand!
PS Triangle.png
Start recording!
Replay, start!
PS R1.png
Moody Blues!
Trace my movements!

Available Stages: Chapter 4-2
  • Another Story Mode: Chapters 1-2, 2-1, 5-1, 5-2, 8-1, 8-2, 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 11-3

All Star Battle (PS3)

Abbacchio appears in the game as a menu explanatory character, being the player's guide during the BGM VIEW mode. The game depicts him using Moody Blues whenever the player wishes to listen to the game's audio and soundtrack. He is the only unplayable member of Team Bucciarati.

Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)

Although he is not playable, Abbacchio appears in a manga cutscene in Chapter 2 and is also seen fully-modeled in the ending of Story Mode.

In an interview with Hiroshi Matsuyama, it was stated that Abbacchio, and 119 other characters, were originally planned to be in the game. Apparently, Abbacchio made it into beta testing, but the team had trouble making Moody Blues' ability to replay his opponent's moves viable in-game.[12]

JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! (Android/iOS)

Start the ReplayTransform and Solve the MysteryAbsolute Trust
Start the Replay ver.
Skill: Moody Blues
Copies the panels on lower half to the upper half
Skill Lv 1
# of Copied Panels: 6
Cooldown: 120
Skill Lv 2
# of Copied Panels: 12
Cooldown: 120
Skill Lv 3
# of Copied Panels: 12
Cooldown: 100
Skill Lv 4
# of Copied Panels: 18
Cooldown: 100
Skill Lv 5
# of Copied Panels: 18
Cooldown: 80
Type: EX
Availability: Awakening
Date: August 26, 2020 - Present

Start the Replay ver.
Cost: 0
After 5% of time passes, replaces 2 random panels with enhanced box panels (once per battle).
Skill: Grazie!
Copies the panels on the left side to the right side. Enhances up to 9 copied Partner panels.
Skill Lv 1
# of Copied Panels: 6
Cooldown: 120
Skill Lv 2
# of Copied Panels: 12
Cooldown: 120
Skill Lv 3
# of Copied Panels: 12
Cooldown: 105
Skill Lv 4
# of Copied Panels: 18
Cooldown: 105
Skill Lv 5
# of Copied Panels: 18
Cooldown: 90
Skill: Replay the recording and track them
Replaces random panels with partner panels and moves all partner panels to the bottom. Copies the panels on the lower half to the upper half
Skill Lv 1
# of Replaced Panels: 1
Cooldown: 130
Skill Lv 2
# of Replaced Panels: 3
Cooldown: 130
Skill Lv 3
# of Replaced Panels: 3
Cooldown: 110
Skill Lv 4
# of Replaced Panels: 6
Cooldown: 110
Skill Lv 5
# of Replaced Panels: 6
Cooldown: 85
Bucciarati & Abbacchio
Type: EX
Availability: Awakening
Date: August 30, 2020 - Present

Absolute Trust ver.
Cost: 0
After making a 5x5 or bigger, replaces 4 random panels in Stand Up with intensified panels.


A informação abaixo é derivada de uma fonte que não foi escrita pelo Araki. Como tal, ela pode ou não ser considerada canônica.

In the light novel JORGE JOESTAR, an incarnation of Abbacchio lives in the 37th universe. Abbacchio has the same appearance as his original universe counterpart, but wields a different Stand named Videodrome. Videodrome has similar abilities to Moody Blues but is more limited. It is capable of materializing recent events that have happened to someone into a watchable, interactive hologram.

Videodrome (ヴィデオドローム)Link to this section
Chronological Rebroadcasting
Abbacchio and Videodrome

Abbacchio helps Giorno (Universe ?) and the others in Passione with tracking down their boss. He accompanies Detective Daibakusho Curry in their investigation.[13]

After they mysteriously find the bodies of Diavolo and Kosaku Kawajiri (Universe 37), who they assume is Yoshikage Kira at the time, Abbacchio uses Videodrome to investigate their deaths. Bucciarati (Universe 37) shares the holographic video recording to Jorge Joestar (Universe 37), who witnesses how the two suddenly die with their throats slit. Videodrome records everything that happens to someone for 24 hours after midnight and cuts off at the moment of their death, meaning that there are no records of Diavolo and Kira from midnight until 8 am. They just suddenly appeared in Arrow Cross House at 8 am, where they were killed in approximately one second, and nobody noticed their bodies.

Investigating the corpses

When the original universe George Joestar is brought to Arrow Cross House, Abbacchio describes their estimated time of death and replays the recordings so that George could notice any suspicious details. George points out a clue that Kira's sweat on his face was instantly drying before it reached his shirt, so Abbacchio and NYPD Blue also touch Kira's chest on Videodrome's recording so they can see for themselves. George moves on to checking Diavolo's chest, where he notices the same situation occurring.

George asks Rohan Kishibe (Universe 37) for a thermometer so that they could do autopsies. Abbacchio and NYPD Blue are reluctant to take rectal temperatures until George convinces them to by saying they shouldn't let an amateur handle it. Grossing Abbacchio out, Rohan describes how he used the thermometer on various wild animals such as birds, cats, and a boar, but he assures that the thermometer is well sterilized. The two officers take the temperatures and then examine the inside of Kira and Diavolo's mouths and eyes. Abbacchio asks if George figured out anything but George ignores him. Impatient, Abbacchio throws the thermometer at George but the latter dodges and the thermometer shatters, angering Rohan.

Later, NYPD Blue and Abbacchio notice that Diavolo's pages from Heaven's Door were not in order; his body only had odd pages, meaning that Diavolo had an alternate personality and someone else had the even pages. When Giorno betrays them by revealing that Diavolo was his alternate personality the whole time, Abbacchio attacks Giorno along with Fugo (Universe 37) and Mista (Universe 37) but their attacks do nothing.[14]




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