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< Toru
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SPOILER WARNING: Part 8 spoiler details may follow.
Yasuho-chan, [...] Sembra che ci siamo incontrati un momento perfetto.. Sembra che ci sia sempre qualcosa fra di noi...
Tooru (透龍(とおる), Tōru) è un major antagonist delle Bizzarre Avventure di JoJo, JoJolion, introdotto nell'arc Doctor Wu and Awaking 3 Leaves. Riveste un ruolo importante nell'arc Wonder of You (The Miracle Of Your Love)

Lui è l'ex fidanzato delle superiori di Yasuho Hirose ed un lavoratore part time all'Ospedale universitario del TG, esso è legato al direttore sanitario, Satoru Akefu.

Successivamente verrà rivelato come un Uomo Roccia ed uno Stand user, possessore di Wonder of U e mente dell'Organizzazione dei Rokakaka


Tooru appare come un ragazzo magro ed un po' basso, ma leggermente più alto di Yasuho. Ha i capelli ricci ed un po' afro con due piccoli vortici bianchi sui lati. Ha delle sopracciglia molto prosperose che porta sempre giù per mostrare indiferrenza o generale felicità. ( Solitamente vicino Yasuho Hirose )

Indossa una maglietta nera con sopra una felpa che finisce sul suo torso, lasciando così il suo addome esposto. Sulla parte destra del suo petto, vi si trova una "S" con un sole che la circonda. Una simile ma piccola "S" si trova sulla parte inferiore dei suoi pantaloni. Su entrambe le spalle vi si trovano degli orsacchiotti di peluche. I suoi pantaloni hanno un pattern floreale, mostrando così delle liane e foglie.


Come molti uomini roccia. Tooru è cresciuto sviluppando tendenze antisociali, proprio per questo vive i suoi primi 17 anni di vita solitariamente. Nonostante sia in grado di legare con le persone, la vera personalità di Tooru è cattiva fino alla radice. Questo è dimostrato meglio dal suo stand che è particolarmente pericoloso e basato sulla sfortuna, e dal suo menofreghismo verso la sofferenza di Yasuho, con la quale aveva interagito positivamente un'ora prima.

Tooru è estremamente ambizioso ed informato riguardo la tecnologia e la medicina. Tuttavia, ha anche una storia di fallimenti, che gli impediscono di vivere al suo massimo potenziale. Si può notare, come egli abbia proposto parecchie idee innovative ad alcune compagni informatiche semplicemente per essere poi rifiutato a causa della sua giovane età e possibile mancanza di esperienza. Come egli spiega a Yasuho, questo gli portò un periodo di frustrazione ed ansia che gli misero in testa l'idea che nella sua vita non avrebbe fatto nulla di buono [2]. Però non si ha la certezza se ciò possa essere vero o no. Il progetto principale portato avanti da Tooru è quello che riguarda la coltivazione dei Rokakaka e della creazione di medicine in grado di assicurare potere e ricchezza. Con l'organizzazione dei Rokakaka. Tooru creò uno schema redditizio guarendo i ricchi con il Rokakaka, creando o facendo creare a qualcuno la miracolosa medicina Rokakaka-6251 come prossimo passo del suo piano si incaricò per la creazione del nuovo Rokakaka, meditando sui ricchi e sul potere che poteva essere sfruttato grazie al nuovo potere dato dal frutto che è quello dello Scambio Equivalente.[3]

Tooru prova una strana affezione verso Yasuho. Viene mostrato come questo l'abbia conosciuta quando era una piccola bambina e lei involontariamente lo aiutò a trovare qualcuno da impersonificare. Tooru disse che si divertì a parlare con lei e sperava di incontrarla di nuovo.[3] Ad un certo punto della sua vita divenne il suo fidanzato e continua a conservare preziosamente tutti i ricordi che ha con lei. Dopo la sua introduzione, Tooru ha sempre desiderato che Yasuho tornasse insieme a lui.[4] Essendosi precedentemente separato da Yasuho a causa del suo stato psicologico del tempo, Tooru non è semplicemente amichevole con lei, ma anche provocante verso di lei. Per esempio, non si preoccupa di toccarla o avvicinarsi a lei[5]. E non è disturbato dal fatto che Yasuho spesso rifiuti le sue avance, poiché è sicuro che questa provi ancora sentimenti nei suoi confronti. Spesso le ricorda anche di tutto ciò che hanno passato insieme e di tutte le belle esperienze che li hanno accompagnati.[6]. L'affetto provato da Tooru diventa lentamente ciò che porterà Yasuho ad essere protetta dalle calamità, quando questa si ritrova a confrontarlo faccia a faccia. Tooru si prende il suo tempo per avvisarla di ciò che sta per accadere e la invita ad andarsene via sana e salva.[3]

Tooru sembra avere una strana affezione verso la musica dell'est, esso di fatti è stato visto ascoltare canzoni come Crazy Train di Ozzy Osbourne e The Wonder of You, la versione cantata da Elvis Presley.[7]



Main article: Wonder of U

Tooru is a Rock Human, as well as the user of the stand Wonder of U. Wonder of U is able to create illusions which can be sent after a specific target. It can disguise itself and take on the appearance of a human, allowing it to interact with non-stand users. It can also create projections of itself, which can travel quickly between locations by phasing into and appearing on transparent surfaces, such as windows or picture frames. Wonder of U's ability is automatic and can be activated on any person who has looked at its back in either an attempt to pursue it, or otherwise moves toward it.

Wonder of U (ワンダー・オブ・U(ユー))Link to this section

While Wonder of U's ability is active, targets will experience various instances of conflict which seemingly play out in the most devastating way imaginable. These calamities often involve an affected person repeatedly colliding with objects in their environment, resulting in far greater injury than is possible under normal circumstances. The ability's trigger is sensitive, as Mitsuba simply questioning the presence of Satoru Akefu at the Higashikata House was enough to activate it. The range of the ability is unknown, but it appears to be extremely large, as Josuke and Mamezuku were affected despite being nowhere near Satoru Akefu's supposed whereabouts.



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Tooru emerging as an adult

Tooru, like other Rock Humans, was abandoned by his mother as a newborn and left in the wilderness. He shortly after infiltrated a wasp nest to continue his physical development. Approximately 17 years later, he rapidly matured into his adult body, killing the wasp colony in the process. He then traveled to Morioh and entered society undetected. It is implied that he had a hand in killing Rai Mamezuku's father as Wonder of U's human form was briefly seen at Mamezuku's Father's funeral.[8]

Roughly ten years before the events of JoJolion, Tooru meets a young Yasuho Hirose, then a little girl. Noticing how she used her Stand Paisley Park to search through her mother's phone, Tooru impresses her by scraping two rocks together to make a fire while assuaging her doubts about him. Tooru asks for a favor and tells her to help him find someone, stating that he doesn't know their name but that he knows they are an elderly with a medical license and that they live alone and are isolated from their family. Yasuho finds him a suitable person for his Stand to impersonate, Satoru Akefu. Tooru gives Yasuho the rocks to impress the other children at Yasuho's summer camp and disappears into the trees, wishing to meet Yasuho again after she'll have forgotten about him.[3]

It can be inferred that he began impersonating Satoru Akefu with his Stand Wonder of U after that.

Tooru and Yasuho were revealed to have dated in High School, although it is unknown why Tooru decided to attend the institution. Apparently, Yasuho never looked up his last name.[9] He then became a part-time worker at TG University Hospital at an undisclosed date.[1]

The University Hospital

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Tooru meets Yasuho again in the hospital

Tooru encounters Yasuho during her confrontation with Wu Tomoki at TG University Hospital. He teases Yasuho about their previous relationship, but otherwise, the two are on good terms, as he is shown following through his promise to relay her message through to Josuke.

Afterward, Tooru repeatedly crosses paths with her as Yasuho follows Josuke and Rai across the hospital. Each time, he flirts with Yasuho and tries to remind her of their time together. He ultimately calls Yasuho and leaves a message declaring his love for her and says he wants to get together again. When Josuke gets into trouble after being accused of murdering a patient who died near him, Tooru reassures Yasuho as he promises to testify in favor of Josuke.

The Wonder of You (The Miracle of Your Love)

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Tooru mysteriously senses Josuke's plan

Tooru later meets Yasuho by the doorsteps of her house. After a speech about Tooru's aspirations and relationship regrets, Tooru asks her again to get back together but Yasuho is distracted by her investigation. Tooru offers his help and shows Yasuho a photograph of Satoru Akefu. Having seen the doctor's face, as well as confirming a link between him and Mitsuba, Yasuho decides to go to the Higashikata House.

Tooru doesn't accompany Yasuho but instead eats fast food for lunch. Yasuho calls him and asks him for help since she's injured at the Higashikata estate. Tooru says that he'll call an ambulance but Yasuho refuses, saying that she has a way to heal herself. Interested, Tooru departs for the Higashikata estate. Once there, Tooru ignores Yasuho's suffering and simply observes the estate from the surrounding forest while listening to music. When Satoru realizes Josuke's plan of "inviting" the head doctor to come to him, Tooru shows great intrigue at the sudden development.

Joshu comes out of the house with the Locacaca plant in his hands and Tooru retreats into the forest to remain unseen. Observing Joshu and Yasuho, Tooru decides to let Yasuho eat the fruit to confirm its power. Plus, he doesn't feel threatened by her. While hiding, Tooru makes some noise, and unwittingly allows Yasuho to realize that he's her enemy.

Yasuho confidently claims that he is the user of the calamity-causing Stand and a rock human. She dwells on their strange past together such as their first meeting when a young Yasuho was out with her troop. Tooru tells Yasuho that he appreciates her and has fond memories with her, warning her about the danger of her seeing him, since it would activate a calamity, killing her instantly. He then goes on explaining how the Higashikatas are already under this affect, as well as Rai and Josuke who he claims will die soon as well. Yasuho takes Joshu's phone and begins scrolling through the contacts. Tooru again warns her, asking for outsider assistance would count as a pursuit and lead her to be the first to die. Yasuho continues with her action and Tooru states that Yasuho has changed the order of death, meaning that she will die through calamity soon.

Endless Calamity

Tooru tells Yasuho that she is going to die next, but Yasuho doesn't listen to him and continues to talk with Kei Nijimura in order to find Josuke. Moments later, Tooru receives a wound to the head thanks to the combination of Soft & Wet's bubbles and Born This Way's wind power. Tooru realizes that there is indeed a hidden power in Soft & Wet's bubbles.



Quote.png Quotes
  • When you say the elevator's dirty, you pee yourself in there or something? Ya know you used to get pretty soaking wet from my fingers back in the day.
    —Tooru to Yasuho, JoJolion Chapter 81: Doctor Wu and Awaking 3 Leaves, Part 3
  • These hands of yours... they're really always from above, Yasuho... whenever I reach my hand out to you, you always instinctively put your hand on top of mine without saying a thing...
    —Tooru, JoJolion Chapter 83: The New Locacaca
  • Looks like we ran into each other at a good time. Seems like that's always the way with us...
    —Tooru, JoJolion Chapter 84: The Wonder of You, Part 1
  • To the direction of the Perseus constellation... to the relationship we had back when the moon and mercury were lined up... we were... happy.
    —Tooru, JoJolion Chapter 90: The Wonder of You, Part 7
  • It's Higashikata Josuke... Interesting. So he's not pursuing... He's inviting!
    —Tooru, JoJolion Chapter 97: The Wonder of You, Part 14
  • The right path... Even if walked on by a saint who makes no mistakes... It is unavoidable that bad things will sometime occur. That is "Calamity"
    —Tooru, JoJolion Chapter 98: The Wonder of You, Part 15
  • While I don't know their name, I do know... (1) That they're elderly, (2) That they once had a license to practice medicine, (3) That they're currently in a nursing home, (4) That they're not close with their family, so they rarely if ever get people visiting them.
    —Tooru, JoJolion Chapter 102: The Wonder of You, Part 19


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