Leone Abbacchio ★ Video Games

A summary of Leone Abbacchio's history and movesets in video games.

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All-Star Battle (PS3)

Abbacchio appears in the game as a menu explanatory character, being the player's guide during the BGM VIEW mode. The game depicts him using Moody Blues whenever the player wishes to listen to the game's audio and soundtrack. He is the only unplayable member of Team Bucciarati.

Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)

Although he is not playable, Abbacchio appears in a manga cutscene in Chapter 2 and is also seen fully-modeled in the ending of Story Mode.

In an interview with Hiroshi Matsuyama, it was stated that Abbacchio, and 119 other characters, were originally planned to be in the game. Apparently, Abbacchio made it into beta testing, but the team had trouble making Moody Blues's ability to replay his opponent's moves viable in-game.[1]

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  1. Ultra Jump 2016 Issue 1: Interview with Hiroshi Matsuyama